ACME_Lib: reformatted ted.a and add 264/petscii.a

git-svn-id: 4df02467-bbd4-4a76-a152-e7ce94205b78
This commit is contained in:
marcobaye 2019-08-05 23:39:15 +00:00
parent c68cefcab0
commit 07a7a00b1a
2 changed files with 202 additions and 121 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
;ACME 0.96.4
!ifdef lib_cbm_264_petscii_a !eof
lib_cbm_264_petscii_a = 1
!source <cbm/petscii.a>
; the sixteen predefined color/luma combinations available via petscii:
petscii_BLACK = 144 ; $00 here's the actual bits given to TED
petscii_WHITE = 5 ; $71 (first digit is luma bits,
petscii_RED = 28 ; $32 second digit is color nibble)
petscii_CYAN = 159 ; $63
petscii_PURPLE = 156 ; $44
petscii_GREEN = 30 ; $35
petscii_BLUE = 31 ; $46
petscii_YELLOW = 158 ; $77
petscii_ORANGE = 129 ; $48
petscii_BROWN = 149 ; $29
petscii_YELLOWGREEN = 150 ; $5a
petscii_PINK = 151 ; $6b
petscii_BLUEGREEN = 152 ; $5c
petscii_LIGHTBLUE = 153 ; $6d
petscii_DARKBLUE = 154 ; $2e
petscii_LIGHTGREEN = 155 ; $5f
; switching character set (same as C64)
petscii_LOCK = 8 ; forbid CBM-shift (C128 uses 11 instead)
petscii_UNLOCK = 9 ; allow CBM-shift (C128 uses 12 instead)
petscii_LOWERCASE = 14 ; switch to lowercase/uppercase character set
petscii_UPPERCASE = 142 ; switch to uppercase/graphics character set
; 264-specific stuff
petscii_FLASHON = 130 ; (C128 uses 15 instead)
petscii_FLASHOFF = 131 ; (C128 uses 143 instead)
; function keys
petscii_F1 = 133
petscii_F3 = 134
petscii_F5 = 135
petscii_F7 = 136
petscii_F2 = 137
petscii_F4 = 138
petscii_F6 = 139
petscii_HELP = 140 ; (C128 uses 132 instead)
petscii_ESCAPE = 27

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@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ lib_cbm_264_ted_a = 1
; Definitions:
; HiRes: High resolution (320x200 pixels, two colors per 8x8 block)
; MCM: Multi-color mode (160x200 pixels, four colors per 4x8 block)
; Text mode: Pixel data is taken from charset, index/color/luminance is taken from video ram.
; Bitmap mode: Pixel data is taken from 8 KiB bitmap, color/luminance is taken from video ram.
; Text mode: Pixel data is taken from charset, index/color/luminance is
; taken from video ram.
; Bitmap mode: Pixel data is taken from 8 KiB bitmap, color/luminance is taken
; from video ram.
; ECM: Extended color mode. Like HiRes text mode, but instead of 256
; different characters on a shared background color, 64 different
; characters on four different background colors are displayed.
@ -29,11 +31,15 @@ lib_cbm_264_ted_a = 1
; %.....210 MCM: color
; %....3210 HiRes and ECM: color
; second $0400 bytes hold screen codes:
; %76543210 HiRes and MCM: screen code (in HiRes, bit 7 can be configured to be "hardware reverse", see register $ff07)
; %76...... ECM: background color index (see registers $ff15..$ff18)
; %76543210 HiRes and MCM: screen code (in HiRes, bit 7 can
; be configured to be "hardware reverse",
; see register $ff07)
; %76...... ECM: background color index (see registers
; $ff15..$ff18)
; %..543210 ECM: screen code
; in bitmap mode:
; CAUTION! low nibble of luma corresponds to high nibble of color and vice versa!
; LOW nibble of luma corresponds to HIGH nibble of color and vice versa!
; first $0400 bytes is luminance info:
; %7....... unused
; %.654.... luminance of %0 HiRes pixels or %01 MC pixels
@ -43,138 +49,167 @@ lib_cbm_264_ted_a = 1
; %7654.... color of %1 pixels or %10 MC pixels
; %....3210 color of %0 pixels or %01 MC pixels
; color codes:
tedcolor_BLACK = $0 ; (all luminances the same)
tedcolor_GRAY = $1 ; white for max luminance
tedcolor_RED = $2
tedcolor_CYAN = $3
tedcolor_PURPLE = $4
tedcolor_GREEN1 = $5
tedcolor_BLUE1 = $6
tedcolor_YELLOW = $7
tedcolor_ORANGE = $8
tedcolor_BROWN = $9
tedcolor_GREEN2 = $a ; yellow-ish when bright
tedcolor_VIOLET = $b ; or maybe pink?
tedcolor_GREEN3 = $c ; cyan-ish when bright
tedcolor_BLUE2 = $d
tedcolor_BLUE3 = $e ; purple-ish when bright
tedcolor_GREEN4 = $f
; colors:
tedcolor_BLACK = $0 ; ignores luminance, black is always black!
tedcolor_WHITE = $1 ; actually gray, only max luminance gives white
tedcolor_RED = $2
tedcolor_CYAN = $3
tedcolor_PURPLE = $4
tedcolor_GREEN = $5
tedcolor_BLUE = $6
tedcolor_YELLOW = $7 ; needs high luminance to look yellow...
; these cannot be used as main color in MCM:
tedcolor_ORANGE = $8
tedcolor_BROWN = $9
tedcolor_YELLOWGREEN = $a
tedcolor_PINK = $b
tedcolor_BLUEGREEN = $c
tedcolor_LIGHTBLUE = $d
tedcolor_DARKBLUE = $e
tedcolor_LIGHTGREEN = $f
; the color names are somewhat useless, because they refer not to the sixteen
; base colors, but to the sixteen pre-defined luminance/color combinations
; available by pressing the ctrl or cbm key with a digit key (see the ROM table
; at $e143 for these combined values).
; for a "nice" color display, use this order: 2,8,9,7,a,f,5,c,3,d,6,e,4,b,
; that will give a red/yellow/green/blue/purple spectrum.
; to display the whole palette, try this program:
; 10 for i = 0 to 15:color 1, 1
; 20 read c$:print " " c$ " ";
; 30 poke 194, 128:for lu = 0 to 7
; 40 color 1, dec(c$) + 1, lu
; 50 print " ";
; 60 next:print:next:color 1, 1
; 70 data 0,1,2,8,9,7,a,f
; 80 data 5,c,3,d,6,e,4,b
; TED registers
!addr ted_base = $ff00
; timers
ted_timer1_lo = ted_base + $00 ; decrements from the last value written into it
ted_timer1_hi = ted_base + $01
ted_timer2_lo = ted_base + $02 ; runs freely from $ffff
ted_timer2_hi = ted_base + $03
ted_timer3_lo = ted_base + $04 ; runs freely from $ffff
ted_timer3_hi = ted_base + $05
; timers
ted_timer1_lo = ted_base + $00 ; decrements from the last value written into it
ted_timer1_hi = ted_base + $01
ted_timer2_lo = ted_base + $02 ; runs freely from $ffff
ted_timer2_hi = ted_base + $03
ted_timer3_lo = ted_base + $04 ; runs freely from $ffff
ted_timer3_hi = ted_base + $05
; mode bits
ted_vertctrl = ted_base + $06 ; mostly the same as VIC's $d011
tedvert_TEST = %#....... ; internal test, it should be 0
tedvert_EBCM = %.#...... ; extended background color mode
tedvert_BITMAP = %..#..... ; bitmap mode
tedvert_ENABLE = %...#.... ; display enable (0: blank screen)
tedvert_25ROWS = %....#... ; 0: 24 rows, 1: 25 rows
tedvert_SMOOTH = %.....### ; vertical smooth scroll (std: %011, higher values move text down)
ted_horzctrl = ted_base + $07 ; most similar VIC-reg is $d016
tedhorz_256CHRS = %#....... ; 0: 128 characters and hardware reverse, 1: 256 characters
tedhorz_NTSC = %.#...... ; 0: PAL, 1: NTSC
tedhorz_FREEZE = %..#..... ; if set, TED stops its counters and screen-generating, only single clock and refresh cycles remain.
tedhorz_MULTI = %...#.... ; multicolor mode
tedhorz_40COLS = %....#... ; 0: 38 columns, 1: 40 columns
tedhorz_SMOOTH = %.....### ; horizontal smooth scroll (std: %000, higher values move text right)
; mode bits
ted_vertctrl = ted_base + $06 ; mostly the same as VIC's $d011
tedvert_TEST = %#....... ; internal test, it should be 0
tedvert_EBCM = %.#...... ; extended background color mode
tedvert_BITMAP = %..#..... ; bitmap mode
tedvert_ENABLE = %...#.... ; display enable (0: blank screen)
tedvert_25ROWS = %....#... ; 0: 24 rows, 1: 25 rows
tedvert_SMOOTH = %.....### ; vertical smooth scroll (std: %011, higher values move text down)
; i/o
ted_keyboard = ted_base + $08 ; keyboard input latch (write to trigger sampling, then read input byte)
; to scan keyboard, write output byte to $fd30, then write $ff here (to disable joysticks) and read input byte.
; to scan joysticks, write $ff to $fd30 (to disable keyboard), then write SELECT value here and read input byte.
tedjoy1_SELECT = %#####.## ; d2 low selects joy #1
tedjoy2_SELECT = %######.# ; d1 low selects joy #2
; CAUTION, the joystick bits are low-active, so invert input byte before using these:
tedjoy2_FIRE = %#.......
tedjoy1_FIRE = %.#......
tedjoy_RIGHT = %....#...
tedjoy_LEFT = %.....#..
tedjoy_DOWN = %......#.
tedjoy_UP = %.......#
ted_horzctrl = ted_base + $07 ; most similar VIC-reg is $d016
tedhorz_256CHRS = %#....... ; 0: 128 characters and hardware reverse, 1: 256 characters
tedhorz_NTSC = %.#...... ; 0: PAL, 1: NTSC
tedhorz_FREEZE = %..#..... ; if set, TED stops its counters and screen-generating, only single clock and refresh cycles remain.
tedhorz_MULTI = %...#.... ; multicolor mode
tedhorz_40COLS = %....#... ; 0: 38 columns, 1: 40 columns
tedhorz_SMOOTH = %.....### ; horizontal smooth scroll (std: %000, higher values move text right)
; interrupts
ted_irq = ted_base + $09 ; interrupt request register (write back its value to acknowledge interrupt)
tedirq_ACTIVE = %#....... ; this bit indicates TED has actually pulled the interrupt line low.
tedirq_COUNTER3 = %.#...... ; counter #3
; = %..#..... ; unused
tedirq_COUNTER2 = %...#.... ; counter #2
tedirq_COUNTER1 = %....#... ; counter #1
; = %.....#.. ; light pen (not implemented)
tedirq_RASTER = %......#. ; raster line
; = %.......# ; unused
ted_irqmask = ted_base + $0a ; interrupt mask register (enables/disables interrupts)
; = %#....... ; unused
; = %.######. ; same as tedirq_* constants above
tedirq_LINEBIT8 = %.......# ; bit 8 of raster line register $ff0b (see below)
ted_line = ted_base + $0b ; raster line register. bit 8 is in bit 0 of $ff0a (see above)
; i/o
ted_keyboard = ted_base + $08 ; keyboard input latch (write to trigger sampling, then read input byte)
; to scan keyboard, write output byte to $fd30, then write $ff here (to disable joysticks) and read input byte.
; to scan joysticks, write $ff to $fd30 (to disable keyboard), then write SELECT value here and read input byte.
tedjoy1_SELECT = %#####.## ; d2 low selects joy #1
tedjoy2_SELECT = %######.# ; d1 low selects joy #2
; CAUTION, the joystick bits are low-active, so invert input byte before using these:
tedjoy2_FIRE = %#.......
tedjoy1_FIRE = %.#......
tedjoy_RIGHT = %....#...
tedjoy_LEFT = %.....#..
tedjoy_DOWN = %......#.
tedjoy_UP = %.......#
; hardware cursor, given as screen offset (0...999). use 1000 or greater to hide.
ted_hwcursor_hi = ted_base + $0c ; %765432.. are unused, %......10 are MSBs of hw cursor offset
ted_hwcursor_lo = ted_base + $0d ; hardware cursor offset (low byte)
; interrupts
ted_irq = ted_base + $09 ; interrupt request register
; if bit is set, interrupt has occurred.
; to acknowledge interrupts, write back the value read from this register
; (setting bits clears them, i.e. writing $82 clears ACTIVE and RASTER
; but does not change the COUNTER bits)
tedirq_ACTIVE = %#....... ; 1: TED is signalling interrupt to cpu
tedirq_COUNTER3 = %.#...... ; 1: counter #3 underflow
; %..#..... ; always 1 (unused)
tedirq_COUNTER2 = %...#.... ; 1: counter #2 underflow
tedirq_COUNTER1 = %....#... ; 1: counter #1 underflow
; %.....#.. ; always 1 (light pen, not implemented)
tedirq_RASTER = %......#. ; 1: raster line reached
; %.......# ; always 1 (unused)
; sound
; to calculate the register values:
; NTSC: reg = 1024 - (111860.781 / frequency_in_Hz)
; PAL: reg = 1024 - (111840.45 / frequency_in_Hz)
ted_sound1_low = ted_base + $0e ; low 8 bits of voice #1 frequency
ted_sound2_low = ted_base + $0f ; low 8 bits of voice #2 frequency
ted_sound2_hi = ted_base + $10 ; bits 7..2 are unused, bits 1..0 are the highmost 2 bits of voice #2 frequency
ted_sound_ctrl = ted_base + $11 ; sound control register
tedsound_DA = %#....... ; D/A mode (sound reload)
tedsound_NOISE2 = %.#...... ; voice #2 noise on/off
tedsound_SQUARE2= %..#..... ; voice #2 square wave on/off (if you set both, the square will sound)
tedsound_ONOFF1 = %...#.... ; voice #1 on/off
tedsound_VOLUME = %....#### ; volume, maximum value is 8
ted_mask = ted_base + $0a ; interrupt mask register (enable/disable)
; if bit is set, interrupt is enabled.
; use the tedirq_* constants from above.
; %#....... ; always 1 (unused)
;COUNTER3 = %.#...... ; 1: enable counter #3 underflow interrupt
; = %..#..... ; always 1 (unused)
;COUNTER2 = %...#.... ; 1: enable counter #2 underflow interrupt
;COUNTER1 = %....#... ; 1: enable counter #1 underflow interrupt
; = %.....#.. ; always 1 (light pen, not implemented)
;RASTER = %......#. ; 1: enable raster line interrupt
tedmask_LINEBIT8= %.......# ; bit 8 of raster line register $ff0b (see below)
ted_misc = ted_base + $12 ; some memory and some sound bits:
; = %##...... ; unused
tedmisc_BITMAP = %..###... ; a15/a14/a13 of bitmap in memory
tedmisc_ROMCHAR = %.....#.. ; 0: charset is in RAM, 1: charset is in ROM
tedmisc_SOUNDMSB= %......## ; highmost bits of voice #1 frequency
ted_line = ted_base + $0b ; raster line to trigger interrupt. bit 8 is in bit 0 of $ff0a (see above)
ted_mem = ted_base + $13 ;
tedmem_CHARGEN = %######.. ; high address bits of character generator
tedmem_SCLOCK = %......#. ; force single clock mode
tedmem_ROM = %.......# ; read-only: ROM is active over $8000
ted_videoram = ted_base + $14 ; bits 7..3 are the high address bits of video ram
; hardware cursor, given as screen offset (0...999). use 1000 or greater to hide.
ted_hwcursor_hi = ted_base + $0c ; %765432.. are unused, %......10 are MSBs of hw cursor offset
ted_hwcursor_lo = ted_base + $0d ; hardware cursor offset (low byte)
; color registers
; %7....... unused
; %.654.... luminance
; %....3210 color
ted_background = ted_base + $15 ; color for %00 pixels (or %0 in HiRes)
ted_color1 = ted_base + $16 ; color for %01 pixels (MCM and ECM)
ted_color2 = ted_base + $17 ; color for %10 pixels (MCM and ECM)
ted_color3 = ted_base + $18 ; color for %11 pixels (MCM graphics and ECM)
ted_border = ted_base + $19
; sound
; to calculate the register values:
; NTSC: reg = 1024 - (111860.781 / frequency_in_Hz)
; PAL: reg = 1024 - (111840.45 / frequency_in_Hz)
ted_sound1_low = ted_base + $0e ; low 8 bits of voice #1 frequency
ted_sound2_low = ted_base + $0f ; low 8 bits of voice #2 frequency
ted_sound2_hi = ted_base + $10 ; bits 7..2 are unused, bits 1..0 are the highmost 2 bits of voice #2 frequency
ted_sound_ctrl = ted_base + $11 ; sound control register
tedsound_DA = %#....... ; D/A mode (sound reload)
tedsound_NOISE2 = %.#...... ; voice #2 noise on/off
tedsound_SQUARE2= %..#..... ; voice #2 square wave on/off (if you set both, the square will sound)
tedsound_ONOFF1 = %...#.... ; voice #1 on/off
tedsound_VOLUME = %....#### ; volume, maximum value is 8
; current character position
ted_charpos_hi = ted_base + $1a ; bits 1..0 are highmost bits
ted_charpos_lo = ted_base + $1b ; low bits of actual character position
ted_misc = ted_base + $12 ; some memory and some sound bits:
; = %##...... ; unused
tedmisc_BITMAP = %..###... ; a15/a14/a13 of bitmap in memory
tedmisc_ROMCHAR = %.....#.. ; 0: charset is in RAM, 1: charset is in ROM
tedmisc_SOUNDMSB= %......## ; highmost bits of voice #1 frequency
; current raster position (writable!)
ted_vertical_hi = ted_base + $1c ; bit 0 is msb of raster line
ted_vertical_lo = ted_base + $1d ; low 8 bits of raster line
ted_horizontal = ted_base + $1e ; horizontal position (given in double pixels)
ted_mem = ted_base + $13 ;
tedmem_CHARGEN = %######.. ; high address bits of character generator
tedmem_SCLOCK = %......#. ; 1: force single clock mode
tedmem_ROM = %.......# ; read-only: ROM is active over $8000
ted_count = ted_base + $1f
; = %#....... ; unused
tedcount_FLASH = %.####... ; flashing counter
tedcount_CHAR = %.....### ; raster line in character row
ted_videoram = ted_base + $14 ; bits 7..3 are the high address bits of video ram
; color registers
; %7....... unused
; %.654.... luminance
; %....3210 color
ted_background = ted_base + $15 ; color for %00 pixels (or %0 in HiRes)
ted_color1 = ted_base + $16 ; color for %01 pixels (MCM and ECM)
ted_color2 = ted_base + $17 ; color for %10 pixels (MCM and ECM)
ted_color3 = ted_base + $18 ; color for %11 pixels (MCM graphics and ECM)
ted_border = ted_base + $19
; current character position
ted_charpos_hi = ted_base + $1a ; bits 1..0 are highmost bits
ted_charpos_lo = ted_base + $1b ; low bits of actual character position
; current raster position (writable!)
ted_vertical_hi = ted_base + $1c ; bit 0 is msb of raster line
ted_vertical_lo = ted_base + $1d ; low 8 bits of raster line
ted_horizontal = ted_base + $1e ; horizontal position (given in double pixels)
ted_count = ted_base + $1f
; = %#....... ; always 1 (unused)
tedcount_FLASH = %.####... ; flashing counter
tedcount_CHAR = %.....### ; raster line in character row (r/w!)
; pseudo registers
; these are not really registers inside TED, but here they are, anyway:
!addr ted_enable_roms = $ff3e ; any write here enables ROMs above $8000
!addr ted_enable_rams = $ff4f ; any write here enables RAM above $8000
!addr ted_enable_rams = $ff3f ; any write here enables RAM above $8000