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synced 2025-02-18 02:30:50 +00:00
added library file for 6502 opcode values (for self-modifying code), also slightly reformatted 6502/std.a
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/acme-crossass/code-0/trunk@13 4df02467-bbd4-4a76-a152-e7ce94205b78
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
;ACME 0.94.4
!ifdef lib_6502_opcodes_a !eof
lib_6502_opcodes_a = 1
; if your self-modifying code not only changes its arguments, but even its opcodes, use these constants.
; unused slots in this table indicate "illegal" instructions.
; addressing mode modifiers:
; <nothing> for implied addressing (BRK/CLC/NOP/TAX/...) and branches
; _A for "accumulator addressing" (ASL/ROL/LSR/ROR without argument)
; (...using "_A" instead of nothing so user does not forget to specify addressing mode)
; _IMM 8-bit constant (immediate addressing)
; _8 8-bit address (zero page addressing)
; _8X, _8Y 8-bit address with X/Y indexing
; _8XI, _8IY 8-bit address, indirect: TLA ($12, x) and TLA ($12), y
; _16 16-bit address (absolute addressing)
; _16X, _16Y 16-bit address with X/Y indexing
; _16I 16-bit address, indirect: JMP ($1234)
;pattern %......00 pattern %......01 pattern %......10 pattern %......11 (all illegal)
opcode_BRK = 0x00: opcode_ORA_8XI = 0x01
opcode_ORA_8 = 0x05: opcode_ASL_8 = 0x06
opcode_PHP = 0x08: opcode_ORA_IMM = 0x09: opcode_ASL_A = 0x0a
opcode_ORA_16 = 0x0d: opcode_ASL_16 = 0x0e
opcode_BPL = 0x10: opcode_ORA_8IY = 0x11
opcode_ORA_8X = 0x15: opcode_ASL_8X = 0x16
opcode_CLC = 0x18: opcode_ORA_16Y = 0x19
opcode_ORA_16X = 0x1d: opcode_ASL_16X = 0x1e
opcode_JSR_16 = 0x20: opcode_AND_8XI = 0x21
opcode_BIT_8 = 0x24: opcode_AND_8 = 0x25: opcode_ROL_8 = 0x26
opcode_PLP = 0x28: opcode_AND_IMM = 0x29: opcode_ROL_A = 0x2a
opcode_BIT_16 = 0x2c: opcode_AND_16 = 0x2d: opcode_ROL_16 = 0x2e
opcode_BMI = 0x30: opcode_AND_8IY = 0x31
opcode_AND_8X = 0x35: opcode_ROL_8X = 0x36
opcode_SEC = 0x38: opcode_AND_16Y = 0x39
opcode_AND_16X = 0x3d: opcode_ROL_16X = 0x3e
opcode_RTI = 0x40: opcode_EOR_8XI = 0x41
opcode_EOR_8 = 0x45: opcode_LSR_8 = 0x46
opcode_PHA = 0x48: opcode_EOR_IMM = 0x49: opcode_LSR_A = 0x4a
opcode_JMP_16 = 0x4c: opcode_EOR_16 = 0x4d: opcode_LSR_16 = 0x4e
opcode_BVC = 0x50: opcode_EOR_8IY = 0x51
opcode_EOR_8X = 0x55: opcode_LSR_8X = 0x56
opcode_CLI = 0x58: opcode_EOR_16Y = 0x59
opcode_EOR_16X = 0x5d: opcode_LSR_16X = 0x5e
opcode_RTS = 0x60: opcode_ADC_8XI = 0x61
opcode_ADC_8 = 0x65: opcode_ROR_8 = 0x66
opcode_PLA = 0x68: opcode_ADC_IMM = 0x69: opcode_ROR_A = 0x6a
opcode_JMP_16I = 0x6c: opcode_ADC_16 = 0x6d: opcode_ROR_16 = 0x6e
opcode_BVS = 0x70: opcode_ADC_8IY = 0x71
opcode_ADC_8X = 0x75: opcode_ROR_8X = 0x76
opcode_SEI = 0x78: opcode_ADC_16Y = 0x79
opcode_ADC_16X = 0x7d: opcode_ROR_16X = 0x7e
opcode_STA_8XI = 0x81
opcode_STY_8 = 0x84: opcode_STA_8 = 0x85: opcode_STX_8 = 0x86
opcode_DEY = 0x88: opcode_TXA = 0x8a
opcode_STY_16 = 0x8c: opcode_STA_16 = 0x8d: opcode_STX_16 = 0x8e
opcode_BCC = 0x90: opcode_STA_8IY = 0x91
opcode_STY_8X = 0x94: opcode_STA_8X = 0x95: opcode_STX_8Y = 0x96
opcode_TYA = 0x98: opcode_STA_16Y = 0x99: opcode_TXS = 0x9a
opcode_STA_16X = 0x9d
opcode_LDY_IMM = 0xa0: opcode_LDA_8XI = 0xa1: opcode_LDX_IMM = 0xa2
opcode_LDY_8 = 0xa4: opcode_LDA_8 = 0xa5: opcode_LDX_8 = 0xa6
opcode_TAY = 0xa8: opcode_LDA_IMM = 0xa9: opcode_TAX = 0xaa
opcode_LDY_16 = 0xac: opcode_LDA_16 = 0xad: opcode_LDX_16 = 0xae
opcode_BCS = 0xb0: opcode_LDA_8IY = 0xb1
opcode_LDY_8X = 0xb4: opcode_LDA_8X = 0xb5: opcode_LDX_8Y = 0xb6
opcode_CLV = 0xb8: opcode_LDA_16Y = 0xb9: opcode_TSX = 0xba
opcode_LDY_16X = 0xbc: opcode_LDA_16X = 0xbd: opcode_LDX_16Y = 0xbe
opcode_CPY_IMM = 0xc0: opcode_CMP_8XI = 0xc1
opcode_CPY_8 = 0xc4: opcode_CMP_8 = 0xc5: opcode_DEC_8 = 0xc6
opcode_INY = 0xc8: opcode_CMP_IMM = 0xc9: opcode_DEX = 0xca
opcode_CPY_16 = 0xcc: opcode_CMP_16 = 0xcd: opcode_DEC_16 = 0xce
opcode_BNE = 0xd0: opcode_CMP_8IY = 0xd1
opcode_CMP_8X = 0xd5: opcode_DEC_8X = 0xd6
opcode_CLD = 0xd8: opcode_CMP_16Y = 0xd9
opcode_CMP_16X = 0xdd: opcode_DEC_16X = 0xde
opcode_CPX_IMM = 0xe0: opcode_SBC_8XI = 0xe1
opcode_CPX_8 = 0xe4: opcode_SBC_8 = 0xe5: opcode_INC_8 = 0xe6
opcode_INX = 0xe8: opcode_SBC_IMM = 0xe9: opcode_NOP = 0xea
opcode_CPX_16 = 0xec: opcode_SBC_16 = 0xed: opcode_INC_16 = 0xee
opcode_BEQ = 0xf0: opcode_SBC_8IY = 0xf1
opcode_SBC_8X = 0xf5: opcode_INC_8X = 0xf6
opcode_SED = 0xf8: opcode_SBC_16Y = 0xf9
opcode_SBC_16X = 0xfd: opcode_INC_16X = 0xfe
@ -1,73 +1,76 @@
;ACME 0.07
;ACME 0.94.4
!ifdef Lib_6502_std_a !eof
Lib_6502_std_a = 1
!ifdef lib_6502_std_a !eof
lib_6502_std_a = 1
; Labels and macros for plain 6502 processor
; labels and macros for plain 6502 processor
cpu_nmi = $fffa
cpu_reset = $fffc
cpu_irq = $fffe
cpu_nmi = $fffa
cpu_reset = $fffc
cpu_irq = $fffe
; skip byte
!macro bit8 {
!byte $24; opcode of BIT $.. command
!byte $24 ; opcode of BIT $.. command
; skip word
!macro bit16 {
!byte $2c; opcode of BIT $.... command
!byte $2c ; opcode of BIT $.... command
; increase 16-bit counter
!macro inc16 .t {
inc .t
bne .j; "*" syntax not used here because size of ".t" is unknown
inc .t + 1
inc .t
bne +
inc .t + 1
; far branches
!macro bcc .t {
bcs * + 5
jmp .t
bcs +
jmp .t
!macro bcs .t {
bcc * + 5
jmp .t
bcc +
jmp .t
!macro beq .t {
bne * + 5
jmp .t
bne +
jmp .t
!macro bne .t {
beq * + 5
jmp .t
beq +
jmp .t
!macro bmi .t {
bpl * + 5
jmp .t
bpl +
jmp .t
!macro bpl .t {
bmi * + 5
jmp .t
bmi +
jmp .t
!macro bvc .t {
bvs * + 5
jmp .t
bvs +
jmp .t
!macro bvs .t {
bvc * + 5
jmp .t
bvc +
jmp .t
Reference in New Issue
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