;ACME 0.95 !ifdef lib_cbm_kernal_a !eof lib_cbm_kernal_a = 1 ; Taken from the web. ; Sorry, I can't give credit because I don't have the URL anymore. ; There are alternative names for some calls. !address { ; for additional c128 calls, see k_cint = $ff81 k_ioinit = $ff84 ; cbm-ii rom starts here: k_ramtas = $ff87 k_restor = $ff8a k_vector = $ff8d k_setmsg = $ff90 k_secnd = $ff93 k_tksa = $ff96 k_memtop = $ff99 k_membot = $ff9c k_key = $ff9f k_settmo = $ffa2 k_iecin = $ffa5:k_acptr = $ffa5 k_iecout = $ffa8:k_ciout = $ffa8 k_untalk = $ffab:k_untlk = $ffab k_unlisten = $ffae:k_unlsn = $ffae k_listen = $ffb1:k_listn = $ffb1 k_talk = $ffb4 k_readss = $ffb7 k_setlfs = $ffba ; set file parameters (A = logical file number, X = device, Y = secondary address) k_setnam = $ffbd ; set file name (A = length, YYXX = pointer) ; pet rom starts here: ; i/o calls: these may set C on error. in that case, A holds error code, see for the actual values. k_open = $ffc0 ; open channel/file (call setlfs/setnam before!) k_close = $ffc3:k_close_A = $ffc3 ; close channel/file (A = logical file number) k_chkin = $ffc6:k_chkin_X = $ffc6 ; set input channel (X = logical file number) k_chkout = $ffc9:k_chkout_X = $ffc9:k_ckout = $ffc9 ; set output channel (X = logical file number) k_clrchn = $ffcc:k_clrch = $ffcc ; restore default input/output channels k_chrin = $ffcf:k_basin = $ffcf ; read byte from current input channel (not the same as $ffe4, see note* below) ; A is result byte ; X is preserved ; Y gets clobbered by tape access (preserved by disk access) k_chrout = $ffd2:k_basout = $ffd2:k_bsout = $ffd2 ; send byte to current output channel ; A/X/Y are preserved k_load = $ffd5:k_load_AXY = $ffd5 ; load file to memory, or verify (call setlfs/setnam before!) ; A: zero means LOAD, nonzero means VERIFY ; YYXX is desired load address (only used if secondary address == 0), returns end address plus 1 k_save = $ffd8:k_save_AXY = $ffd8 ; save memory to file (call setlfs/setnam before!) ; A is zp address of start ptr(!) ; YYXX is end address plus 1 k_settim = $ffdb ; set time k_rdtim = $ffde ; read time k_stop = $ffe1 ; check STOP key k_getin = $ffe4:k_get = $ffe4 ; get input byte (not the same as $ffcf, see note* below) ; A is result byte ; X is preserved ; Y gets clobbered by tape access (preserved by disk access) k_clall = $ffe7 k_udtim = $ffea ; pet rom stops here!? k_scrorg = $ffed ; returns screen size (X = number of columns, Y = number of lines) ; CAUTION: the c128 uses a new format: ; c128: X/Y now return maximum values in current window (so 0..39/0..24 instead of 40/25). ; c128: A returns max column on current screen (39 or 79) k_plot = $fff0:k_plot_CXY = $fff0 ; get/set cursor (X is line, Y is column) ; C = 0: set cursor position. ; C = 1: read cursor position. k_iobase = $fff3 ; returns first i/o address (i.e. memory limit) in YYXX ; cbm-ii: $dc00 ; vic20: $9110 ; c64: $d000 ; 264: $fd00 ; c128: $d000 } ;note* ; the difference between CHRIN and GETIN depends on the current input device: ; input device 0 (keyboard): CHRIN reads from screen, GETIN reads from keyboard buffer ; (the same difference as between INPUT and GET in basic) ; input device 2 (rs232): CHRIN does some error handling, GETIN may just return zero on error. ; roughly speaking, CHRIN returns a "processed" byte while GETIN returns a "raw" byte. ; for devices on the IEC bus there should be no difference between the two calls. ; when reading from the console (keyboard/screen), a zero byte means "no data". ; do not expect a valid Z flag in this case! some devices may clobber the Z flag.