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synced 2025-02-16 19:32:16 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/acme-crossass/code-0/trunk@285 4df02467-bbd4-4a76-a152-e7ce94205b78
119 lines
2.4 KiB
119 lines
2.4 KiB
;ACME 0.97
!cpu 65816
!to "out-65816.o", plain
!src "include-6502.a"
!src "include-65c02.a"
; !src "include-bitmanips.a" 65816 does not support these
; new instructions of 65816:
cop $02 ; 02
ora $03, s ; 03
ora [$07] ; 07
phd ; 0b
ora $0f0f0f ; 0f
ora ($13, s), y ; 13
ora [$17], y ; 17
tcs ; 1b
ora $1f1f1f, x ; 1f
jsr $0f0f0f ; 22
and $03, s ; 23
and [$07] ; 27
pld ; 2b
and $0f0f0f ; 2f
and ($13, s), y ; 33
and [$17], y ; 37
tsc ; 3b
and $1f1f1f, x ; 3f
wdm ; 42
eor $03, s ; 43
mvp $44, $54 ; 44
eor [$07] ; 47
phk ; 4b
eor $0f0f0f ; 4f
eor ($13, s), y ; 53
mvn $44, $54 ; 54
eor [$17], y ; 57
tcd ; 5b
jmp $0f0f0f ; 5c
eor $1f1f1f, x ; 5f
per * + 3 ; 62
adc $03, s ; 63
adc [$07] ; 67
rtl ; 6b
adc $0f0f0f ; 6f
adc ($13, s), y ; 73
adc [$17], y ; 77
tdc ; 7b
adc $1f1f1f, x ; 7f
brl * + 3 ; 82
sta $03, s ; 83
sta [$07] ; 87
phb ; 8b
sta $0f0f0f ; 8f
sta ($13, s), y ; 93
sta [$17], y ; 97
txy ; 9b
sta $1f1f1f, x ; 9f
lda $03, s ; a3
lda [$07] ; a7
plb ; ab
lda $0f0f0f ; af
lda ($13, s), y ; b3
lda [$17], y ; b7
tyx ; bb
lda $1f1f1f, x ; bf
rep #$c2 ; c2, see below
cmp $03, s ; c3
cmp [$07] ; c7
wai ; cb
cmp $0f0f0f ; cf
cmp ($13, s), y ; d3
pei ($d4) ; d4
cmp [$17], y ; d7
stp ; db
jmp [$dcdc] ; dc
cmp $1f1f1f, x ; df
sep #$e2 ; e2, see below
sbc $03, s ; e3
sbc [$07] ; e7
xba ; eb
sbc $0f0f0f ; ef
sbc ($13, s), y ; f3
pea $f4f4 ; f4
sbc [$17], y ; f7
xce ; fb
jsr ($fcfc, x) ; fc
sbc $1f1f1f, x ; ff
; check sizes of immediate arguments:
!macro immediates {
; arg size depends on:
; from 6502:
ora #$09 ; 09 accumulator size
and #$09 ; 29 accumulator size
eor #$09 ; 49 accumulator size
adc #$09 ; 69 accumulator size
ldy #$09 ; a0 index register size
ldx #$09 ; a2 index register size
lda #$09 ; a9 accumulator size
cpy #$09 ; c0 index register size
cmp #$09 ; c9 accumulator size
cpx #$09 ; e0 index register size
sbc #$09 ; e9 accumulator size
; from 65c02:
bit #$89 ; 89 accumulator size
; from 65816:
rep #$c2 ; c2 always 8 bits
sep #$e2 ; e2 always 8 bits
; before this, all sizes were 8 bits
+immediates ; now repeat immediates with long accumulator
+immediates ; repeat immediates with short A and long index regs
+immediates ; repeat immediates with long A and long index regs