
51 lines
1.4 KiB

;ACME 0.95
!ifdef lib_cbm_kernal_a !eof
lib_cbm_kernal_a = 1
; Taken from the web.
; Sorry, I can't give credit because I don't have the URL anymore.
; There are alternative names for some calls.
!address {
k_cint = $ff81
k_ioinit = $ff84
k_ramtas = $ff87
k_restor = $ff8a
k_vector = $ff8d
k_setmsg = $ff90
k_secnd = $ff93
k_tksa = $ff96
k_memtop = $ff99
k_membot = $ff9c
k_key = $ff9f
k_settmo = $ffa2
k_iecin = $ffa5:k_acptr = $ffa5
k_iecout = $ffa8:k_ciout = $ffa8
k_untalk = $ffab:k_untlk = $ffab
k_unlisten = $ffae:k_unlsn = $ffae
k_listen = $ffb1:k_listn = $ffb1
k_talk = $ffb4
k_readss = $ffb7
k_setlfs = $ffba
k_setnam = $ffbd ; A is length, X is ptr-low, Y is ptr-high
k_open = $ffc0
k_close = $ffc3:k_close_A = $ffc3
k_chkin = $ffc6:k_chkin_X = $ffc6
k_chkout = $ffc9:k_chkout_X = $ffc9:k_ckout = $ffc9
k_clrchn = $ffcc:k_clrch = $ffcc
k_chrin = $ffcf:k_basin = $ffcf
k_chrout = $ffd2:k_basout = $ffd2:k_bsout = $ffd2
k_load = $ffd5:k_load_AXY = $ffd5 ; A means verify, YYXX is desired load address (if channel == 0), returns end+1 in YYXX
k_save = $ffd8:k_save_AXY = $ffd8 ; A is zp address of start ptr(!), YYXX is end address (+1)
k_settim = $ffdb
k_rdtim = $ffde
k_stop = $ffe1
k_getin = $ffe4:k_get = $ffe4
k_clall = $ffe7
k_udtim = $ffea
k_scrorg = $ffed
k_plot = $fff0 ; get/set cursor (to set, clear carry)
k_iobase = $fff3