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synced 2025-02-16 19:32:16 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/acme-crossass/code-0/trunk@327 4df02467-bbd4-4a76-a152-e7ce94205b78
147 lines
4.6 KiB
147 lines
4.6 KiB
;ACME 0.97
!src <cbm/c64/reu.a> ; include REU/REC definitions
; define commands to use:
!src "misc/basicstub.a"
; basic stub jumps here
; start by printing "found " right away, that way we do not
; need to buffer the return values of the detection routine
; just to output a string.
ldy #<found
lda #>found
jsr print_string_AAYY
; now check REU capacity (see below for actual code)
jsr detect_reu_capacity
; now C and A hold number of banks.
; in theory all values from 0 up to and including 256 are
; possible, but here we're just checking the highest bit, so
; only the highest multiple of 2 is actually output:
ldx #8 ; offset to output "16 MiB" message
bcs @out
-- dex ; next message
bmi found_nothing ; no banks at all
asl ; highest bit set?
bcc --
@out ; now X says which message to output, so output it
ldy messages_low, x ; get correct low byte
lda #>messages ; get high byte (same for all messages)
jsr print_string_AAYY
; output common end (" of reu memory." + CR)
ldy #<end
lda #>end
jmp print_string_AAYY ; ...aaand we're done!
; all the strings to output:
found !pet "found ", 0
messages ; helper label for making sure everything is in one page of memory
msg_64K !pet "64kb", 0
msg_128K !pet "128kb", 0
msg_256K !pet "256kb", 0
msg_512K !pet "512kb", 0
msg_1M !pet "1mb", 0
msg_2M !pet "2mb", 0
msg_4M !pet "4mb", 0
msg_8M !pet "8mb", 0
msg_16M !pet "16mb", 0
; make sure all messages share the same high byte
!if >* != >messages { !error "messages span page border, fix code!" }
; other strings:
end !pet " of reu memory.", 13, 0
msg_nothing !pet "no reu memory at all.", 13, 0
; table of low bytes of message adresses
messages_low !by <msg_64K, <msg_128K, <msg_256K, <msg_512K
!by <msg_1M, <msg_2M, <msg_4M, <msg_8M, <msg_16M
; if no reu memory has been found, output a different message
found_nothing ldy #<msg_nothing
lda #>msg_nothing
jmp print_string_AAYY
; include code for string output
!src "misc/print_string.a"
; actual code to check for REU and find out RAM capacity:
detect_reu_capacity ; returns: C,A = number of RAM banks found in REU
; examples:
; C=0, A=0: 0 banks found (no REU)
; C=0, A=2: 2 banks found (128 KiB, CBM 1700)
; C=0, A=4: 4 banks found (256 KiB, CBM 1764)
; C=0, A=8: 8 banks found (512 KiB, CBM 1750)
; C=0, A=16: 16 banks found (1 MiB)
; C=0, A=32: 32 banks found (2 MiB)
; C=0, A=64: 64 banks found (4 MiB)
; C=0, A=128: 128 banks found (8 MiB)
; C=1, A=0: 256 banks found (16 MiB)
; bear in mind these are just example values. it is still possible someone has
; upgraded their REU to 1.5 MiB so you would get a A=24 result!
ldx #0 ; pre-init
; first write signatures to banks in *descending* order (banks 255..0):
---- dex
stx banknum
lda #<signature_start
ldx #>signature_start
jsr set_registers_AXY
; all banks written?
ldx banknum
bne ----
; now check signatures in *ascending* order:
; (checking signatures could be shortened by using the REC's "verify" command,
; but I'm reluctant to use this function in a "REU detect" routine: it could
; be buggy in modern FPGA implementations because it is so seldomly used)
; banknum just became zero so no need to init it
---- lda #<sig_candidate_start
ldx #>sig_candidate_start
jsr set_registers_AXY
; compare data
-- lda sig_candidate_start, x
cmp signature_start, x
bne @failed
bpl --
; bank has correct signature
inc banknum ; next bank (== number of banks already found)
bne ----
; there are actually 256 banks!
lda banknum ; A = 0, C = 1 -> 256 banks found
@failed clc
lda banknum ; A = number of banks found, C = 0
set_registers_AXY ; setup REU registers (used for both reading and writing)
; A/X: c64 address
; Y: REU command
sta rec_int_low ; c64 address
stx rec_int_high
ldx #0
stx rec_ext_low ; reu address
stx rec_ext_high
lda banknum
sta rec_ext_bank
sta rec_amount_low
stx rec_amount_high
sty rec_command
; signature we write to REU banks, first byte is bank number
banknum !tx 0, "bliblablub"
SIGNATURE_LENGTH_LOW = * - signature_start
; target buffer when reading signatures back from REU
!tx "XBLIBLABLUB" ; must be same length as signature above, obviously
SIGNATURE_LENGTH_LOW = * - sig_candidate_start