mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 02:29:12 +00:00
now including a converter for "VisAss". git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/acme-crossass/code-0/trunk@60 4df02467-bbd4-4a76-a152-e7ce94205b78
266 lines
7.8 KiB
266 lines
7.8 KiB
// ToACME - converts other source codes to ACME format.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2015 Marco Baye
// Have a look at "main.c" for further info
// Flash8-AssBlaster stuff
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "ab.h"
#include "acme.h"
#include "mnemo.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "scr2iso.h"
// constants
#define F8AB_ADDRESSING_MODES 23 // (FIXME - check back later!)
// mnemonic table in Flash8-AssBlaster order (without: JML, WDM)
static const char *mnemonic_table[] = {
MnemonicADC, // $80 6502
MnemonicAND, // $81 6502
MnemonicASL, // $82 6502
MnemonicBCC, // $83 6502
MnemonicBCS, // $84 6502
MnemonicBEQ, // $85 6502
MnemonicBIT, // $86 6502
MnemonicBMI, // $87 6502
MnemonicBNE, // $88 6502
MnemonicBPL, // $89 6502
MnemonicBRA, // $8a 65c02
MnemonicBRK, // $8b 6502
MnemonicBRL, // $8c 65816
MnemonicBVC, // $8d 6502
MnemonicBVS, // $8e 6502
MnemonicCLC, // $8f 6502
MnemonicCLD, // $90 6502
MnemonicCLI, // $91 6502
MnemonicCLV, // $92 6502
MnemonicCMP, // $93 6502
MnemonicCOP, // $94 65816
MnemonicCPX, // $95 6502
MnemonicCPY, // $96 6502
MnemonicDEC, // $97 F8AB uses DEA as the 65816's "DEC implied"
MnemonicDEC, // $98 6502
MnemonicDEX, // $99 6502
MnemonicDEY, // $9a 6502
MnemonicEOR, // $9b 6502
MnemonicINC, // $9c F8AB uses INA as the 65816's "INC implied"
MnemonicINC, // $9d 6502
MnemonicINX, // $9e 6502
MnemonicINY, // $9f 6502
// MnemonicJML (65816) seems to be unknown to F8AB ...
MnemonicJMP, // $a0 6502
MnemonicJSL, // $a1 65816 ...but it *does* know JSL? Strange.
MnemonicJSR, // $a2 6502
MnemonicLDA, // $a3 6502
MnemonicLDX, // $a4 6502
MnemonicLDY, // $a5 6502
MnemonicLSR, // $a6 6502
"+F8AB_BROKEN_MVN", // $a7 65816 F8AB uses non-standard argument
"+F8AB_BROKEN_MVP", // $a8 65816 ordering with MVP/MVN
MnemonicNOP, // $a9 6502
MnemonicORA, // $aa 6502
MnemonicPEA, // $ab 65816
MnemonicPEI, // $ac 65816
MnemonicPER, // $ad 65816
MnemonicPHA, // $ae 6502
MnemonicPHB, // $af 65816
MnemonicPHD, // $b0 65816
MnemonicPHK, // $b1 65816
MnemonicPHP, // $b2 6502
MnemonicPHX, // $b3 65c02
MnemonicPHY, // $b4 65c02
MnemonicPLA, // $b5 6502
MnemonicPLB, // $b6 65816
MnemonicPLD, // $b7 65816
MnemonicPLP, // $b8 6502
MnemonicPLX, // $b9 65c02
MnemonicPLY, // $ba 65c02
MnemonicREP, // $bb 65816
MnemonicROL, // $bc 6502
MnemonicROR, // $bd 6502
MnemonicRTI, // $be 6502
MnemonicRTL, // $bf 65816
MnemonicRTS, // $c0 6502
MnemonicSBC, // $c1 6502
MnemonicSED, // $c2 6502 strange order - SED before SEC?
MnemonicSEC, // $c3 6502
MnemonicSEI, // $c4 6502
MnemonicSEP, // $c5 65816
MnemonicSTA, // $c6 6502
MnemonicSTP, // $c7 65816
MnemonicSTX, // $c8 6502
MnemonicSTY, // $c9 6502
MnemonicSTZ, // $ca 65c02
MnemonicTAX, // $cb 6502
MnemonicTAY, // $cc 6502
MnemonicTCD, // $cd 65816
MnemonicTCS, // $ce 65816
MnemonicTDC, // $cf 65816
MnemonicTRB, // $d0 65c02
MnemonicTSB, // $d1 65c02
MnemonicTSC, // $d2 65816
MnemonicTSX, // $d3 6502
MnemonicTXA, // $d4 6502
MnemonicTXS, // $d5 6502
MnemonicTXY, // $d6 65816
MnemonicTYA, // $d7 6502
MnemonicTYX, // $d8 65816
MnemonicWAI, // $d9 65816
// MnemonicWDM (65816) seems to be unknown to F8AB.
MnemonicXBA, // $da 65816
MnemonicXCE, // $db 65816
// PseudoOpcode table in Flash8-AssBlaster order
static const char *pseudo_opcode_table[] = {
NULL, // (la) $dc // NULL because ACME does not need a pseudo opcode for label defs
ACME_set_pc, // (ba) $dd
ACME_po_byte, // (by) $de
ACME_po_fill, // (br) $df
ACME_po_pet, // (tx) $e0
ACME_po_macro, // (md) $e1 (see AB_PSEUDOOFFSET_MACRODEF)
ACME_endmacro, // (de) $e2
ACME_macro_call, // (ma) $e3 (see AB_PSEUDOOFFSET_MACROCALL)
ACME_po_eof, // (st) $e4
// ACME_po_scr is not available in F8AB. Huh?!
"; ToACME: Cannot convert \\wa.\n", // (wa) $e5
ACME_po_to, // (on) $e6 (see AB_PSEUDOOFFSET_OUTFILE)
ACME_po_word, // (wo) $e7
"; ToACME: Cannot convert \\kc.\n", // (kc) $e8
ACME_po_rl, // (rl) $e9
ACME_po_rs, // (rs) $ea
ACME_po_al, // (al) $eb
ACME_po_as, // (as) $ec
// 0xed-0xfe are unused in F8AB
// (FIXME - true? I only checked 0xed)
// parse AssBlaster's packed number format. returns error bits.
//#define AB_NUMVAL_FLAGBIT 0x80 // 10000000 indicates packed number
#define F8AB_NUMVAL_ADD_65536 0x40 // 01000000
#define F8AB_NUMVAL_ADD_256 0x20 // 00100000
#define F8AB_NUMVAL_ADD_1 0x10 // 00010000
#define F8AB_NUMVAL_FORMATMASK 0x0c // 00001100
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__FORMAT_BIN 0x00 // 00000000
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__FORMAT_DEC 0x04 // 00000100
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__FORMAT_HEX 0x08 // 00001000
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__FORMAT_ILL 0x0c // 00001100 never used by F8AB
#define F8AB_NUMVAL_SIZEMASK 0x03 // 00000011
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_0 0x00 // 00000000
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_1 0x01 // 00000001
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_2 0x02 // 00000010
#define F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_3 0x03 // 00000011
static int parse_number(void) // now GotByte = first byte of packed number
int flags = GotByte,
err_bits = 0;
unsigned long int value = 0,
add = 0;
// decode value
if (flags & F8AB_NUMVAL_ADD_65536)
add += 65536;
if (flags & F8AB_NUMVAL_ADD_256)
add += 256;
if (flags & F8AB_NUMVAL_ADD_1)
add += 1;
switch (flags & F8AB_NUMVAL_SIZEMASK) {
case F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_0: // no bytes follow (0, 1, 256, 257)
value = add;
case F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_1: // one byte follows (2 to 511)
value = add + IO_get_byte();
case F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_2: // two bytes follow (512 to 65535)
value = add + IO_get_le16();
case F8AB_NUMVAL__SIZE_3: // three bytes follow (anything else)
value = add + IO_get_le24();
// continue parsing on next byte
// decode output format
switch (flags & F8AB_NUMVAL_FORMATMASK) {
fprintf(global_output_stream, "%lu", value);
hex_fallback: IO_put_byte('$');
default: // unknown output format
// remember to warn
goto hex_fallback;
return err_bits;
// config struct for shared ab code
struct vab f8ab_conf = {
// meaning of input bytes (0x80-0xec differ between AB3 and F8AB)
0x80, // first mnemonic
92, // count
0xdc, // first pseudo opcode
17, // count
0xed, // first unused value
18 // count
// main
void f8ab_main(void) {
const char *header_message;
header_message = "Input does not have any known F8AB header.\n";
"; ToACME: Adding pseudo opcode to enable 65816 opcodes:\n"
"\t!cpu 65816\n"
"; ToACME: Adding two macros to fix F8AB's non-standard argument order\n"
"; ToACME: concerning MVP/MVN. While the commands are assembled with\n"
"; ToACME: the destination bank byte first, the WDC docs say that in\n"
"; ToACME: source codes, the source bank byte is given first.\n"
"; ToACME: In other words: The macros make sure that assembling this\n"
"; ToACME: source with ACME will produce the same binary F8AB produced.\n"
"\t!macro F8AB_BROKEN_MVP .dest, .source {mvp .source, .dest}\n"
"\t!macro F8AB_BROKEN_MVN .dest, .source {mvn .source, .dest}\n"
// most AB files have this format:
// load_address_low, load_address_high, AB_ENDOFLINE, actual content
// newer versions of F8AB seem to use this:
// $ff, $00, $00, $03, AB_ENDOFLINE, actual content
if (IO_get_byte() == AB_ENDOFLINE) {
IO_get_byte(); // skip it and pre-read first valid byte
header_message = "Input has F8AB 1.0 header.\n";
} else {
if ((GotByte == 0)
&& (IO_get_byte() == 3)
&& (IO_get_byte() == AB_ENDOFLINE)) {
IO_get_byte();// skip and pre-read first valid byte
header_message = "Input has F8AB 1.2 header.\n";
fputs(header_message, stderr);