diff --git a/doc/grc65.sgml b/doc/grc65.sgml
index 39ba27be3..1e7b4ea09 100644
--- a/doc/grc65.sgml
+++ b/doc/grc65.sgml
@@ -1,384 +1,384 @@
-grc65 -- GEOS Resource Compiler
-VII 2000; VI,VII 2002; 2005-8-3
-This document describes a compiler that can create GEOS headers and menues for
-cc65-compiled programs.
grc65 accepts the following options:
-Usage: grc65 [options] file
-Short options:
- -V Print the version number
- -h Help (this text)
- -o name Name the C output file
- -s name Name the asm output file
- -t sys Set the target system
-Long options:
- --help Help (this text)
- --target sys Set the target system
- --version Print the version number
-Default output names are made from input names with extensions replaced by
-Resource file format
A resource file has the name extension for a
-better view of the situation.
-Menu definition
-MENU menuName leftx,topy {
- "item name 1" pointer
- ...
- "item name x" pointer
-The definition starts with the keyword for descriptions of
-them). You can use C logical operators in expressions, but you have to do it
-without spaces. So a dynamically created submenu will be something like:
-"dynamic" SUB_MENU|DYN_SUB_MENU create_dynamic
-The last part of the item definition is a pointer which can be any name that is
-present in the C source code that includes the generated header. It can point
-to a function or to another menu definition.
-If you are doing sub(sub)menu definitions, remember to place the lowest level
-definition first, and the top-level menu as the last one. That way the C
-compiler won't complain about unknown names.
-Header definition
-HEADER "dosname" "classname" "version" {
- author "Joe Schmoe"
- info "This is my killer-app!"
- date yy mm dd hh ss
- dostype SEQ
- mode any
- structure SEQ
- icon "sprite.raw"
-The header definition describes the GEOS header sector which is unique to
-each file. The definition starts with the keyword Memory definition
- stacksize 0x0800
- overlaysize 0x2000
- overlaynums 0 1 2 4 5
-The memory definition is unique to each file and describes several attributes related
-to the memory layout. It consists of the keyword for details.
-Building a GEOS sequential application
+grc65 -- GEOS Resource Compiler
+VII 2000; VI,VII 2002; 2005-8-3
+This document describes a compiler that can create GEOS headers and menues for
+cc65-compiled programs.
grc65 accepts the following options:
+Usage: grc65 [options] file
+Short options:
+ -V Print the version number
+ -h Help (this text)
+ -o name Name the C output file
+ -s name Name the asm output file
+ -t sys Set the target system
+Long options:
+ --help Help (this text)
+ --target sys Set the target system
+ --version Print the version number
+Default output names are made from input names with extensions replaced by
+Resource file format
A resource file has the name extension for a
+better view of the situation.
+Menu definition
+MENU menuName leftx,topy {
+ "item name 1" pointer
+ ...
+ "item name x" pointer
+The definition starts with the keyword for descriptions of
+them). You can use C logical operators in expressions, but you have to do it
+without spaces. So a dynamically created submenu will be something like:
+"dynamic" SUB_MENU|DYN_SUB_MENU create_dynamic
+The last part of the item definition is a pointer which can be any name that is
+present in the C source code that includes the generated header. It can point
+to a function or to another menu definition.
+If you are doing sub(sub)menu definitions, remember to place the lowest level
+definition first, and the top-level menu as the last one. That way the C
+compiler won't complain about unknown names.
+Header definition
+HEADER "dosname" "classname" "version" {
+ author "Joe Schmoe"
+ info "This is my killer-app!"
+ date yy mm dd hh ss
+ dostype SEQ
+ mode any
+ structure SEQ
+ icon "sprite.raw"
+The header definition describes the GEOS header sector which is unique to
+each file. The definition starts with the keyword Memory definition
+ stacksize 0x0800
+ overlaysize 0x2000
+ overlaynums 0 1 2 4 5
+The memory definition is unique to each file and describes several attributes related
+to the memory layout. It consists of the keyword for details.
+Building a GEOS sequential application
Before proceeding, please read the ,
+, and
+documentation, and find the appropriate sections about building programs, in
+GEOS support in cc65 is based on the .
+Each project consists of four parts, two are provided by cc65. Those parts
+application header
+start-up object
+application objects
+system library
+#include "testres.h"
+There are no other includes.
+Building the GEOS application using cl65
This is a simple one step process:
+cl65 -t geos-cbm -O -o test.cvt testres.grc test.c
+Always place the Building the GEOS application without cl65
+First step -- compiling the resources
+grc65 -t geos-cbm testres.grc
+will produce two output files: &dquot;Second step -- assembling the application header
+ca65 -t geos-cbm testres.s
+And, voilá -- &dquot;Third step -- compiling the code
+cc65 -t geos-cbm -O test.c
+ca65 -t geos-cbm test.s
+That way, you have a &dquot;Fourth and last step -- linking it together
+ld65 -t geos-cbm -o test.cvt testres.o test.o geos.lib
+The last file is the GEOS system library.
+The resulting file &dquot;Building a GEOS VLIR overlay application
Large GEOS applications typically don't fit in one piece in their designated
+memory area. They are therefore split into overlays which are loaded into memory
+on demand. The individual overlays are stored as records of a VLIR (Variable
+Length Index Record) file. When GEOS starts a VLIR overlay appliation it loads
+record number 0 which is supposed to contain the main program. The record numbers
+starting with 1 are to be used for the actual overlays.
+In "cc65/samples/geos" there's a VLIR overlay demo application consisting
+of the files "Building the GEOS application using cl65
This is a simple one step process:
+cl65 -t geos-cbm -O -o overlay-demo.cvt -m overlay-demo.map overlay-demores.grc overlay-demo.c
+Always place the Building the GEOS application without cl65
+First step -- compiling the resources
+grc65 -t geos-cbm overlay-demores.grc
+Second step -- assembling the application header
+ca65 -t geos-cbm overlay-demores.s
+Third step -- compiling the code
+cc65 -t geos-cbm -O overlay-demo.c
+ca65 -t geos-cbm overlay-demo.s
+Fourth and last step -- linking it together
+ld65 -t geos-cbm -o overlay-demo.cvt -m overlay-demo.map overlay-demores.o overlay-demo.o geos.lib
+Bugs and feedback
+; Note that MENU can define both menues and submenues.
+; If you want to use any C operators (such as "|", "&", etc.), do it WITHOUT
+; any spaces between the arguments (the parser is simple and weak).
+MENU subMenu1 15,0 VERTICAL
+; This is a vertical menu, placed at (15,0).
+; There are three items, all of them will call functions.
+; The first and third ones are normal functions, see GEOSLib documentation for
+; information about what the second function should return (it's a dynamic one).
+ "subitem1" MENU_ACTION smenu1
+ "subitem2" MENU_ACTION|DYN_SUB_MENU smenu2
+ "subitem3" MENU_ACTION smenu3
+;; Format: MENU "name" left,top ALIGN { "itemname" TYPE pointer ... }
+; Here, we have our main menu, placed at (0,0), and it is a horizontal menu.
+; Because it is a top-level menu, you would register it in your C source by
+; using: DoMenu(&ero;mainMenu);
+; There are two items -- a submenu and an action.
+; This calls a submenu named subMenu1 (see previous definition).
+ "first sub-menu" SUB_MENU subMenu1
+; This will work the same as an EnterDeskTop() call in C source code.
+ "quit" MENU_ACTION EnterDeskTop
+;; Format: HEADER "dosname" "classname" "version"
+HEADER APPLICATION "MyFirstApp" "Class Name" "V1.0"
+; This is a header for an APPLICATION which will be seen in the directory as a
+; file named MyFirstApp with the Class-string "Class Name V1.0"
+; Not all fields are required, default and current values will be used.
+ author "Maciej Witkowiak" ; always in quotes!
+ info "Information text" ; always in quotes!
+; date yy mm dd hh ss ; always 5 fields!
+; dostype seq ; can be: PRG, SEQ, USR (only all UPPER- or lower-case)
+; structure seq ; can be: SEQ, VLIR (only UPPER- or lower-case)
+ mode c64only ; can be: any, 40only, 80only, c64only