mirror of https://github.com/cc65/cc65.git synced 2024-09-27 04:54:54 +00:00

Remove dangling spaces and converts tabs to spaces

This commit is contained in:
Dave Plummer 2024-01-29 20:26:59 -08:00
parent 80ee84f136
commit f1e3ba848f

View File

@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ adp2:
adp2_lo: .res 1
adp2_hi: .res 1
scroll_src_lo: .res 1
scroll_src_hi: .res 1
scroll_src_hi: .res 1
scroll_dest_lo: .res 1
scroll_dest_hi: .res 1
@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ pixel: .res 1
xval: .res 2 ; These could move to zeropage for perf, but presume we
yval: .res 2 ; we want to minimize the amount we grow zero page use
err: .res 2
err: .res 2
temp: .res 2
tempa: .res 1
tempa: .res 1
tempx: .res 1
tempy: .res 1
temp2: .res 2
@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ tempstr: .res 2
; Based on MTU PIXADR code
; In: _x1cord (16-bit)
; _y1cord (16-bit)
; Out: adp1 (16-bit) Address of pixel to set
; _y1cord (16-bit)
; Out: adp1 (16-bit) Address of pixel to set
lda _x1cord ; compute bit address first
sta adp1 ; also transfer x1cord to adp1
and #$07 ; + which is simply the low 3 bits of x
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ _GetPixelAddress:
adc adp1+1
adc #>SCREEN ; add in vmorg*256
sta adp1+1 ; final result
rts ; return
rts ; return
; Mask tables for individual pixel subroutines
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ _Delay: pha
; SetPixel - Set a pixel in the video memory
; x - _x1cord (16-bit)
; y - _y1cord (16-bit)
; y - _y1cord (16-bit)
; Mask tables for individual pixel subroutines
@ -228,25 +228,25 @@ _Delay: pha
_SetPixel: jsr _GetPixelAddress
ldy btpt ; get bit number in y
lda msktb1,y ; get a byte with that bit =1, others =0
ldy #0
ldy #0
ora (adp1),y ; combine the bit with the addressed vm
sta (adp1),y ; byte
; ClearPixel - Clears a pixel in the video memory
; x - _x1cord (16-bit)
; y - _y1cord (16-bit)
; y - _y1cord (16-bit)
_ClearPixel: jsr _GetPixelAddress
ldy btpt ; get bit number in y
lda msktb2,y ; get a byte with that bit =0, others =1
ldy #0
ldy #0
and (adp1),y ; remove the bit from the addressed vm
sta (adp1),y ; byte
; ClearScreen - Clears the entire video memory (and thus the screen)
@ -262,21 +262,21 @@ _ClearScreen:
ldy #0
: sta (dest), y ; Loop unwound by a factor of 8, which means our iny before the branchh
iny ; will still work as it's on a page crossing boundary.
iny ; will still work as it's on a page crossing boundary.
sta (dest), y ; This will avoid most of the overhead of the branch.
sta (dest), y
sta (dest), y
sta (dest), y
sta (dest), y
sta (dest), y
sta (dest), y
bne :-
inc dest_hi
@ -319,8 +319,8 @@ _ScrollScreen:
lda (scroll_src),y ; I've unwound the loop to do 8 bytes at a time. Since we're doing full pages
sta (scroll_dest),y ; as long as we unwind the loop to do 8 bytes at a time, we know we'll still
iny ; do the final increment on a page boundary.
lda (scroll_src),y
iny ; do the final increment on a page boundary.
lda (scroll_src),y
sta (scroll_dest),y
lda (scroll_src),y
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ fullPageLoop:
sta (scroll_dest_lo),y
bne fullPageLoop
inc scroll_dest_hi
inc scroll_dest_hi
sta (scroll_dest_lo),y
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ partialPageLoop:
; DrawCircle - Draws a circle in video memory of a given radius at a given coord
; x - _x1cord (16-bit)
; y - _y1cord (16-bit)
; y - _y1cord (16-bit)
; radius - _y2cord (16-bit)
; Implements the midpoint circle algorithm without floating point or trig functions
@ -384,8 +384,8 @@ partialPageLoop:
; int x = radius;
; int y = 0;
; int err = 0;
; while (x >= y)
; while (x >= y)
; {
; SETPIXEL(x0 + x, y0 + y, val);
; SETPIXEL(x0 + y, y0 + x, val);
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ partialPageLoop:
; SETPIXEL(x0 - y, y0 - x, val);
; SETPIXEL(x0 + y, y0 - x, val);
; SETPIXEL(x0 + x, y0 - y, val);
; y++;
; err += 1 + 2 * y;
; if (2 * (err - x) + 1 > 0) {
@ -418,20 +418,20 @@ _DrawCircle: lda _x1cord ; x0 = _x1cord
sta xval
lda _y2cord+1
sta xval+1
lda #$0 ; yval = 0;
sta yval
sta yval+1
sta err ; err = 0;
sta err+1
sta err+1
lda xval+1 ; if (xval < yval) we're done;
cmp yval+1
bcc doneCircle ; if high byteof yval is greater, we can draw
bne doCircle ; it not greater and not equal, is less, so done
lda xval ; in other cases we need to compare the LSB next
cmp yval
cmp yval
bcs doCircle ; if it's less, but MSB was equal, we go draw
doneCircle: rts
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ doCircle: lda x0 ; Draw the first of 8 symmetric
sbc xval+1
sta _y1cord+1
jsr _SetPixel ; SETPIXEL(x0 + y, y0 - x, val);
lda x0
sbc yval
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ doCircle: lda x0 ; Draw the first of 8 symmetric
sbc xval+1
sta _y1cord+1
jsr _SetPixel ; SETPIXEL(x0 - y, y0 - x, val);
lda x0
sbc xval
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ doCircle: lda x0 ; Draw the first of 8 symmetric
sbc yval+1
sta _y1cord+1
jsr _SetPixel ; SETPIXEL(x0 - x, y0 - y, val);
lda x0
sbc xval
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ doCircle: lda x0 ; Draw the first of 8 symmetric
adc yval+1
sta _y1cord+1
jsr _SetPixel ; SETPIXEL(x0 - x, y0 + y, val);
lda x0
adc yval
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ doCircle: lda x0 ; Draw the first of 8 symmetric
adc xval+1
sta _y1cord+1
jsr _SetPixel ; SETPIXEL(x0 + y, y0 + x, val);
lda x0
adc xval
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ doCircle: lda x0 ; Draw the first of 8 symmetric
adc yval+1
sta _y1cord+1
jsr _SetPixel ; SETPIXEL(x0 + x, y0 + y, val);
lda x0
adc xval
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ doCircle: lda x0 ; Draw the first of 8 symmetric
sbc yval+1
sta _y1cord+1
jsr _SetPixel ; SETPIXEL(x0 + x, y0 - y, val);
lda x0
sbc yval
@ -572,12 +572,12 @@ doCircle: lda x0 ; Draw the first of 8 symmetric
sta temp
lda yval+1
sta temp+1
inc temp
bne :+
inc temp+1
lda err ; err += temp
adc temp
@ -586,20 +586,20 @@ doCircle: lda x0 ; Draw the first of 8 symmetric
adc temp+1
sta err+1
; if (2 * (err - xval) + 1 > 0) then dec xval
lda err ; temp = err-xval
lda err ; temp = err-xval
sbc xval
sta temp
lda err+1
sbc xval+1
sta temp+1
asl temp ; temp = 2*(err-xval)+1
rol temp+1
inc temp
inc temp
bne :+
inc temp+1
lda temp+1 ; if (temp > 0) we'll dec xval
bmi doneLoop ; less than zero, so no dec
bne decxval ; if not zero, go ahead and dec
@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ updateerr: lda xval ; temp = xval * 2
lda #0
sbc temp+1
sta temp2+1
lda err ; err += 1-(xval*2)
adc temp2
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ updateerr: lda xval ; temp = xval * 2
lda err+1
adc temp2+1
sta err+1
doneLoop: jmp circleloop
@ -659,8 +659,8 @@ ascToPetTable: .byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$14,$20,$0d,$11,$93,$0a,$0
.byte $f0,$f1,$f2,$f3,$f4,$f5,$f6,$f7,$f8,$f9,$fa,$fb,$fc,$fd,$fe,$ff
; PETSCI to Ascii lookup table - not current used, so commented out, but can be used to map fonts
petToAscTable: .byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$14,$09,$0d,$11,$93,$0a,$0e,$0f
.byte $10,$0b,$12,$13,$08,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$1a,$1b,$1c,$1d,$1e,$1f
.byte $20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$2a,$2b,$2c,$2d,$2e,$2f
@ -686,9 +686,9 @@ ascToPetTable: .byte $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$14,$20,$0d,$11,$93,$0a,$0
_AscToPet: tay
lda ascToPetTable, y
_PetToAsc: tay
_PetToAsc: tay
lda petToAscTable, Y
@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ ScreenLineAddresses:
_DrawChar: sty tempy
stx tempx
sta tempa
tya ; Get the address in screen memory where this
asl ; character X/Y cursor pos should be drawn
@ -773,20 +773,20 @@ _DrawChar: sty tempy
lda ScreenLineAddresses+1, y
adc #0
sta dest_hi
lda #0 ; Get the address in font memory where this
sta src_hi ; Petscii chracter lives (after conversion from
lda tempa ; ascii)
sty temp2
jsr _AscToPet
ldy temp2
rol src_hi
rol src_hi
rol src_hi
adc #<_font8x8_basic ; Add the base address of the font table to the offset
@ -794,23 +794,23 @@ _DrawChar: sty tempy
lda src_hi
adc #>_font8x8_basic
sta src_hi
ldy #0 ; opy the character def to the screen, one byte at a time
ldx #0
: lda (src), y ; Copy this byte from the character def to the screen target
sta (dest, x)
lda dest_lo ; Advance to the next "scanline", or pixel row, down
sta dest_lo
lda dest_hi
sta dest_hi
cpy #8
bne :-
ldy tempy
ldx tempx
lda tempa
@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ CursorOff: ldx _cursorX
lda #' '
jsr _DrawChar
; DrawText - Draws an ASCII char in A at the current cursor pos, saves all regs
@ -841,13 +841,13 @@ _CharOut: sta temp
sta temp+1
ldx #<temp
ldy #>temp
jsr _DrawText
jsr _DrawText
@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ Backspace: lda _cursorX
dec _cursorX
jsr CursorOn
colzero: rts
; DrawText - Draws an ASCII string at the current cursor position
@ -875,34 +875,34 @@ colzero: rts
_DrawText: stx adp1_lo
sty adp1_hi
jsr CursorOff
ldy #0
checkHWrap: lda _cursorX
bcc checkVWrap
lda #0
sta _cursorX
inc _cursorY
inc _cursorY
checkVWrap: lda _cursorY
bcc loadChar
jsr _ScrollScreen
sta _cursorY
loadChar: lda (adp1), y
beq doneText
cmp #$0a
bne :+
lda #0 ; Back to the left edge
sta _cursorX
inc _cursorY ; Advance to the next line
bne checkHWrap
: sty temp
ldx _cursorX
ldy _cursorY
@ -911,14 +911,14 @@ loadChar: lda (adp1), y
inc _cursorX
bne checkHWrap
doneText: jsr CursorOn
demoText1: .byte " *** COMMODORE KIM-1 SHELL V0.1 ***", $0A, $0A
.byte " 60K RAM SYSTEM. 49152 BYTES FREE.", $0A, $0A, $00
readyText: .byte $0A,"READY.", $0A, 00
_Demo: jsr _ClearScreen
lda #0
sta _cursorX
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ _Demo: jsr _ClearScreen
ldy #>demoText1
jsr _DrawText
_Ready: ldx #<readyText
ldy #>readyText
jsr _DrawText
@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ _Ready: ldx #<readyText
; DrawLine - Draws a line between two points
; _x1cord (16-bit)
; _y1cord ( 8-bit)
; _y1cord ( 8-bit)
; _x2cord (16-bit)
; _y2cord ( 8-bit)
@ -949,16 +949,16 @@ _Ready: ldx #<readyText
; int dx = abs(_x2cord - _x1cord), sx = _x1cord < _x2cord ? 1 : -1;
; int dy = abs(_y2cord - _y1cord), sy = _y1cord < _y2cord ? 1 : -1;
; int err = (dx > dy ? dx : -dy) / 2, e2;
; while (1)
; {
; SETPIXEL(_x1cord, _y1cord, val);
; if (_x1cord == _x2cord && _y1cord == _y2cord)
; break;
; e2 = err;
; if (e2 > -dx)
; {
; err -= dy;
@ -974,12 +974,12 @@ _Ready: ldx #<readyText
_DrawLine: sta pixel
ldx #$01 ; positive x-step for now
stx sx
; Calculate dx = (x2cord - X1cord) and see if its positive or not
lda _x2cord ; Calculate dx = (x2cord - X1cord)
sbc _x1cord
@ -988,10 +988,10 @@ _DrawLine: sta pixel
sbc _x1cord+1
sta dx+1
bpl calcdy ; dx is positive (dx >= 0), so we're good
; dx was negative (dx < 0), so we set sx to -1 and get the absolute
; value by subtracting the other direction
ldx #$FF ; negative x-step
stx sx
lda _x1cord ; Calculate dx = (x2cord - X1cord)
@ -1001,9 +1001,9 @@ _DrawLine: sta pixel
lda _x1cord+1
sbc _x2cord+1
sta dx+1
; Calculate dy = (y2cord - y1cord) and see if its positive or not
calcdy: ldx #$01 ; positive y-step for now
stx sy
lda _y2cord
@ -1011,25 +1011,25 @@ calcdy: ldx #$01 ; positive y-step for now
sbc _y1cord
sta dy
bcs positivedy ; If y2cord > y1cord, then dy is positive and we're good
; dy was negative (dy < 0), so we set sy to -1 and get the absolute value
ldx #$FF ; negative y-step
stx sy
lda _y1cord
sbc _y2cord
sta dy
; Now we have dx and dy, so we can calculate err, but first we need
; to see if dx > dy or not
positivedy: lda dx+1 ; Check if dx > dy (both are always positive now)
bne dxgt ; If MSB of dx is greater than zero, then dx > dy since dy is 8-bits
lda dy
cmp dx
bcs dygte
dxgt: lda dx ; We found dx>dy so set err = dx / 2
sta err
lda dx+1
@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@ dxgt: lda dx ; We found dx>dy so set err = dx / 2
sta err+1 ; err = dx/2
ror err
jmp loop
dygte: lda #0 ; we found dx <= dy so set err = -dy / 2
sbc dy ; else err = -dy / 2
@ -1046,15 +1046,15 @@ dygte: lda #0 ; we found dx <= dy so set err = -dy / 2
sta err
lda #$FF
sta err+1
; Now we have dx, dy, and err, so we can start drawing pixels
loop: lda pixel
beq clearpixel
jsr _SetPixel ; Plot the current _x1cord, _y1cord
jmp next
clearpixel: jsr _ClearPixel ; Clear the current _x1cord, _y1cord
next: lda _x1cord ; if (_x1cord == _x2cord && _y1cord == _y2cord) then we rts
cmp _x2cord
bne noteq
@ -1064,16 +1064,16 @@ next: lda _x1cord ; if (_x1cord == _x2cord && _y1cord == _
lda _x1cord+1
cmp _x2cord+1
bne noteq
noteq: lda err ; e2 = err
sta e2
lda err+1
sta e2+1
; Check the two update conditions for x and y, and update if needed
lda e2 ; if (e2 > -dx) is the same as if (e2 + dx > 0), so we test that because its easier
clc ; If its true then we dec err and inc _x1cord
adc dx
@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ incxval: inc _x1cord ; _x1cord += 1 because sx == 1
bne updatexerr
inc _x1cord+1
jmp updatexerr
decx: lda _x1cord ; _x1cord += 1 because sx == 1
sbc #1
@ -1099,37 +1099,37 @@ decx: lda _x1cord ; _x1cord += 1 because sx == 1
lda _x1cord+1
sbc #0
sta _x1cord+1
updatexerr: lda err ; err -= dy
updatexerr: lda err ; err -= dy
sbc dy
sta err
lda err+1
sbc #0
sta err+1
doneupdatex: lda e2+1 ; if (e2 < dy) then we inc err and inc _y1cord
doneupdatex: lda e2+1 ; if (e2 < dy) then we inc err and inc _y1cord
bmi updateerry ; If MSB is negative, then e2 < dy, so we inc err and inc _y1cord
bne noupdatey ; If the MSB of e2 is set and positive, then we know e2 > dy, so we don't inc err or inc _y1cord
lda e2
lda e2
sbc dy
sbc dy
beq noupdatey ; e2 - dy == 0 so we don't inc err or inc _y1cord
bcs noupdatey ; if e2 was large enough that carry never cleared, then e2 > dy do no update
updateerry: lda err ; err += dx
updateerry: lda err ; err += dx
adc dx
sta err
lda err+1
adc dx+1
sta err+1
stepy: lda _y1cord
adc sy
sta _y1cord
noupdatey: jmp loop
_getch: jsr $1E5A ; Get character using Monitor ROM call