; ; This file, instead of "common/memset.s", will be assembled for the pce ; target. This version is smaller and faster because it uses a HuC6280 ; block-copy instruction. ; ; 1998-05-29, Ullrich von Bassewitz ; 2015-11-06, Greg King ; ; void* __fastcall__ __bzero (void* ptr, size_t n); ; void __fastcall__ bzero (void* ptr, size_t n); ; void* __fastcall__ memset (void* ptr, int c, size_t n); ; ; NOTE: bzero() will return its first argument, as memset() does. It is no ; problem to declare the return value as void, because it can be ignored. ; __bzero() (note the leading underscores) is declared with the proper ; return type because the compiler will replace memset() by __bzero() if ; the fill value is zero; and, the optimizer looks at the return type ; to see if the value in .XA is of any use. ; ; NOTE: This function uses entry points from "pce/memcpy.s"! ; .export ___bzero, _bzero, _memset .import memcpy_getparams, memcpy_increment .import pushax, popax .importzp ptr1, ptr2, ptr3 .macpack longbranch ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ___bzero: _bzero: pha cla ; fill with zeros jsr pushax ; (high byte isn't important) pla _memset: jsr memcpy_getparams ; The fill byte is put at the beginning of the buffer; then, the buffer is ; copied to a second buffer that starts one byte above the start of the first ; buffer. Normally, we would use memmove() to avoid trouble; but here, we ; exploit that overlap, by using memcpy(). Therefore, the fill value is copied ; from each byte to the next byte, all the way to the end of the buffer. lda ptr1 ; get fill value sta (ptr2) lda ptr3 ; count first byte bne @L3 dec ptr3+1 @L3: dec a sta ptr3 ora ptr3+1 jeq popax ; return ptr. if no more bytes lda ptr2 ; point to first buffer ldx ptr2+1 sta ptr1 stx ptr1+1 inc ptr2 ; point to second buffer bne @L2 inc ptr2+1 @L2: jmp memcpy_increment