; Sample using ATARI file format, by "atari-xex.cfg" linker configuration. ; ; This is a very simple example, shows a message to the screen, waits and ; returns to DOS. ; ; Compile with: ; cl65 -tatari -Catari-xex.cfg asm-xex.s -o prog.xex .include "atari.inc" ; Default RUNAD is "start", export that: .export start ; Write string to screen .proc puts sta ICBAL stx ICBAH lda #PUTREC sta ICCOM ldx #$FF stx ICBLL inx stx ICBLH jsr CIOV rts .endproc ; Write a message and exit .proc start lda #msg jsr puts ; Delay before returning to DOS lda #0 tax loop: inx cpx #$FF adc #0 bcc loop rts .endproc msg: .byte "Hello world", ATEOL