/* !!DESCRIPTION!! Signed comparisons of the form: (variable #include /* This regression test exercises all of the boundary conditions in literal less than comparisons. There are numerous opportunities to optimize these comparison and each one has an astonishing capability of failing a boundary condition. */ unsigned char success = 0; unsigned char failures = 0; unsigned char dummy = 0; unsigned char result = 0; #ifdef SUPPORT_BIT_TYPES bit bit0 = 0; #endif int int0 = 0; int int1 = 0; signed char char0 = 0; signed char char1 = 0; char long0 = 0; char long1 = 0; /* *** NOTE *** This particular test takes quite a while to run * ~ 10,000,000 instruction cycles. (2.5 seconds on a 20Mhz PIC). * The WDT will reset the CPU if it's enabled. So disable it... */ void done () { dummy++; } void c_char_lt_lit1(unsigned char expected_result) { result = 0; if(char0 < -0x7f) result |= 1; if(char0 < -1) result |= 2; if(char0 < 0) result |= 4; if(char0 < 1) result |= 8; if(char0 < 0x7f) result |= 0x10; if(result != expected_result) failures++; } void char_compare(void) { char0 = 0x7f; c_char_lt_lit1(0); /* return; */ char0 = 0x7e; c_char_lt_lit1(0x10); char0 = 0x40; c_char_lt_lit1(0x10); char0 = 0x2; c_char_lt_lit1(0x10); char0 = 0x1; c_char_lt_lit1(0x10); char0 = 0; c_char_lt_lit1(0x18); char0 = -1; c_char_lt_lit1(0x1c); char0 = -2; c_char_lt_lit1(0x1e); char0 = -0x40; c_char_lt_lit1(0x1e); char0 = -0x7e; c_char_lt_lit1(0x1e); char0 = -0x7f; c_char_lt_lit1(0x1e); char0 = 0x80; c_char_lt_lit1(0x1f); /* Now test entire range */ for(char0=1; char0 != 0x7f; char0++) c_char_lt_lit1(0x10); for(char0=-0x7f; char0 != -1; char0++) c_char_lt_lit1(0x1e); } void c_int_lt_lit1(unsigned char expected_result) { result = 0; if(int0 < 0) result |= 1; if(int0 < 1) result |= 2; if(int0 < 0xff) result |= 4; if(int0 < 0x100) result |= 8; if(int0 < 0x0101) result |= 0x10; if(int0 < 0x01ff) result |= 0x20; if(int0 < 0x0200) result |= 0x40; if(int0 < 0x0201) result |= 0x80; if(result != expected_result) failures=1; } void int_compare1(void) { int0 = -1; c_int_lt_lit1(0xff); int0 = 0; c_int_lt_lit1(0xfe); int0 = 1; c_int_lt_lit1(0xfc); int0 = 2; c_int_lt_lit1(0xfc); int0 = 0xfe; c_int_lt_lit1(0xfc); int0 = 0xff; c_int_lt_lit1(0xf8); int0 = 0x100; c_int_lt_lit1(0xf0); int0 = 0x101; c_int_lt_lit1(0xe0); int0 = 0x1fe; c_int_lt_lit1(0xe0); int0 = 0x1ff; c_int_lt_lit1(0xc0); int0 = 0x200; c_int_lt_lit1(0x80); int0 = 0x201; c_int_lt_lit1(0x0); int0 = 0x7f00; c_int_lt_lit1(0x0); /* now check contiguous ranges */ for(int0 = -0x7fff; int0 != -1; int0++) c_int_lt_lit1(0xff); for(int0 = 1; int0 != 0xff; int0++) c_int_lt_lit1(0xfc); for(int0 = 0x201; int0 != 0x7fff; int0++) c_int_lt_lit1(0); } void c_int_lt_lit2(unsigned char expected_result) { result = 0; if(int0 < -0x7fff) result |= 1; if(int0 < -0x7f00) result |= 2; if(int0 < -0x7eff) result |= 4; if(int0 < -0x7e00) result |= 8; if(int0 < -0x0101) result |= 0x10; if(int0 < -0x0100) result |= 0x20; if(int0 < -0xff) result |= 0x40; if(int0 < -1) result |= 0x80; if(result != expected_result) failures=1; } void int_compare2(void) { int0 = -0x7fff; c_int_lt_lit2(0xfe); int0 = -0x7f00; c_int_lt_lit2(0xfc); int0 = -0x7eff; c_int_lt_lit2(0xf8); int0 = -0x7e00; c_int_lt_lit2(0xf0); int0 = -0x4567; c_int_lt_lit2(0xf0); int0 = -0x200; c_int_lt_lit2(0xf0); int0 = -0x102; c_int_lt_lit2(0xf0); int0 = -0x101; c_int_lt_lit2(0xe0); int0 = -0x100; c_int_lt_lit2(0xc0); int0 = -0xff; c_int_lt_lit2(0x80); int0 = -0x02; c_int_lt_lit2(0x80); int0 = -0x01; c_int_lt_lit2(0x00); int0 = 0; c_int_lt_lit2(0x00); int0 = 1; c_int_lt_lit2(0x00); int0 = 0x7fff; c_int_lt_lit2(0x00); /* now check contiguous ranges */ int0 = -0x7f01; c_int_lt_lit2(0xfe); for(int0 = -0x7ffe; int0 != -0x7f01; int0++) c_int_lt_lit2(0xfe); for(int0 = -0x7e00; int0 != -0x101; int0++) c_int_lt_lit2(0xf0); for(int0 = -1; int0 != 0x7fff; int0++) c_int_lt_lit2(0); } int main (void) { char_compare(); printf("failures: %d\n",failures); int_compare1(); printf("failures: %d\n",failures); int_compare2(); success = failures; done (); printf("failures: %d\n",failures); return failures; }