; ; Graphics driver for the 40x48x16 mode on the Apple II ; ; Stefan Haubenthal ; Oliver Schmidt ; .include "zeropage.inc" .include "tgi-kernel.inc" .include "tgi-mode.inc" .include "tgi-error.inc" .include "apple2.inc" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Zero page stuff H2 := $2C COLOR := $30 ; ROM entry points TEXT := $F399 PLOT := $F800 HLINE := $F819 CLRSC2 := $F838 SETCOL := $F864 SCRN := $F871 SETGR := $FB40 HOME := $FC58 ; Used for passing parameters to the driver X1 := ptr1 Y1 := ptr2 X2 := ptr3 Y2 := ptr4 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .segment "JUMPTABLE" ; Header. Includes jump table and constants. ; First part of the header is a structure that has a magic and defines the ; capabilities of the driver .byte $74, $67, $69 ; "tgi" .byte TGI_API_VERSION ; TGI API version number .word 40 ; X resolution .word 48 ; Y resolution .byte 16 ; Number of drawing colors .byte 1 ; Number of screens available .byte 8 ; System font X size .byte 8 ; System font Y size .word $100 ; Aspect ratio ; Next comes the jump table. With the exception of IRQ, all entries must be ; valid and may point to an RTS for test versions (function not implemented). .addr INSTALL .addr UNINSTALL .addr INIT .addr DONE .addr GETERROR .addr CONTROL .addr CLEAR .addr SETVIEWPAGE .addr SETDRAWPAGE .addr SETCOLOR .addr SETPALETTE .addr GETPALETTE .addr GETDEFPALETTE .addr SETPIXEL .addr GETPIXEL .addr LINE .addr BAR .addr TEXTSTYLE .addr OUTTEXT .addr 0 ; IRQ entry is unused ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .bss ERROR: .res 1 ; Error code MIX: .res 1 ; 4 lines of text ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .rodata DEFPALETTE: .byte $00, $01, $02, $03, $04, $05, $06, $07 .byte $08, $09, $0A, $0B, $0C, $0D, $0E, $0F TGI2COL: .byte $00, $0C, $03, $0F, $01, $09, $06, $02 .byte $04, $05, $07, $08, $0A, $0B, $0D, $0E COL2TGI: .byte $00, $04, $07, $02, $08, $09, $06, $0A .byte $0B, $05, $0C, $0D, $01, $0E, $0F, $03 MAXY: .byte 47, 39 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .code ; INIT: Changes an already installed device from text mode to graphics mode. ; Note that INIT/DONE may be called multiple times while the driver ; is loaded, while INSTALL is only called once, so any code that is needed ; to initializes variables and so on must go here. Setting palette and ; clearing the screen is not needed because this is called by the graphics ; kernel later. ; The graphics kernel will never call INIT when a graphics mode is already ; active, so there is no need to protect against that. ; Must set an error code: YES INIT: ; Switch into graphics mode bit $C082 ; Switch in ROM jsr SETGR bit MIXCLR bit $C080 ; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O ; Done, reset the error code lda #TGI_ERR_OK sta ERROR sta MIX ; Fall through ; INSTALL routine. Is called after the driver is loaded into memory. May ; initialize anything that has to be done just once. Is probably empty ; most of the time. ; Must set an error code: NO INSTALL: ; Fall through ; UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory. May ; clean up anything done by INSTALL but is probably empty most of the time. ; Must set an error code: NO UNINSTALL: ; Fall through ; SETVIEWPAGE: Set the visible page. Called with the new page in A (0..n). ; The page number is already checked to be valid by the graphics kernel. ; Must set an error code: NO (will only be called if page ok) SETVIEWPAGE: ; Fall through ; SETDRAWPAGE: Set the drawable page. Called with the new page in A (0..n). ; The page number is already checked to be valid by the graphics kernel. ; Must set an error code: NO (will only be called if page ok) SETDRAWPAGE: ; Fall through ; TEXTSTYLE: Set the style used when calling OUTTEXT. Text scaling in X and Y ; direction is passend in X/Y, the text direction is passed in A. ; Must set an error code: NO TEXTSTYLE: ; Fall through ; OUTTEXT: Output text at X/Y = ptr1/ptr2 using the current color and the ; current text style. The text to output is given as a zero terminated ; string with address in ptr3. ; Must set an error code: NO OUTTEXT: rts ; DONE: Will be called to switch the graphics device back into text mode. ; The graphics kernel will never call DONE when no graphics mode is active, ; so there is no need to protect against that. ; Must set an error code: NO DONE: bit $C082 ; Switch in ROM jsr TEXT jsr HOME bit $C080 ; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O rts ; GETERROR: Return the error code in A and clear it. GETERROR: lda ERROR ldx #TGI_ERR_OK stx ERROR rts ; CLEAR: Clears the screen. ; Must set an error code: NO CLEAR: bit $C082 ; Switch in ROM lda COLOR ; Save current drawing color pha ldx MIX ldy MAXY,x ; Max Y depends on 4 lines of text jsr CLRSC2 pla sta COLOR ; Restore current drawing color bit $C080 ; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O rts ; SETCOLOR: Set the drawing color (in A). The new color is already checked ; to be in a valid range (0..maxcolor-1). ; Must set an error code: NO (will only be called if color ok) SETCOLOR: bit $C082 ; Switch in ROM tax lda TGI2COL,x jsr SETCOL bit $C080 ; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O rts ; CONTROL: Platform/driver specific entry point. ; Must set an error code: YES CONTROL: ; Check data msb and code to be 0 ora ptr1+1 bne err ; Check data lsb to be [0..1] lda ptr1 cmp #1+1 bcs err bit $C082 ; Switch in ROM ; Switch 4 lines of text tax .assert MIXCLR + 1 = MIXSET, error lda MIXCLR,x ; No BIT absolute,X available ; Save current switch setting txa sta MIX bne text ; Clear 8 lines of graphics lda COLOR ; Save current drawing color pha lda #39 ; Rightmost column sta H2 ldx #40 ; First line : txa ldy #$00 ; Leftmost column sty COLOR ; Black jsr HLINE ; Preserves X inx cpx #47+1 ; Last line bcc :- pla sta COLOR ; Restore current drawing color bcs :+ ; Branch always ; Clear 4 lines of text text: jsr HOME : bit $C080 ; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O ; Done, reset the error code lda #TGI_ERR_OK beq :+ ; Branch always ; Done, set the error code err: lda #TGI_ERR_INV_ARG : sta ERROR rts ; SETPALETTE: Set the palette (not available with all drivers/hardware). ; A pointer to the palette is passed in ptr1. Must set an error if palettes ; are not supported ; Must set an error code: YES SETPALETTE: lda #TGI_ERR_INV_FUNC sta ERROR rts ; GETPALETTE: Return the current palette in A/X. Even drivers that cannot ; set the palette should return the default palette here, so there's no ; way for this function to fail. ; Must set an error code: NO GETPALETTE: ; Fall through ; GETDEFPALETTE: Return the default palette for the driver in A/X. All ; drivers should return something reasonable here, even drivers that don't ; support palettes, otherwise the caller has no way to determine the colors ; of the (not changeable) palette. ; Must set an error code: NO (all drivers must have a default palette) GETDEFPALETTE: lda #DEFPALETTE rts ; SETPIXEL: Draw one pixel at X1/Y1 = ptr1/ptr2 with the current drawing ; color. The coordinates passed to this function are never outside the ; visible screen area, so there is no need for clipping inside this function. ; Must set an error code: NO SETPIXEL: bit $C082 ; Switch in ROM ldy X1 lda Y1 jsr PLOT bit $C080 ; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O rts ; GETPIXEL: Read the color value of a pixel and return it in A/X. The ; coordinates passed to this function are never outside the visible screen ; area, so there is no need for clipping inside this function. GETPIXEL: bit $C082 ; Switch in ROM ldy X1 lda Y1 jsr SCRN tax lda COL2TGI,x ldx #$00 bit $C080 ; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O rts ; BAR: Draw a filled rectangle with the corners X1/Y1, X2/Y2, where ; X1/Y1 = ptr1/ptr2 and X2/Y2 = ptr3/ptr4 using the current drawing color. ; Contrary to most other functions, the graphics kernel will sort and clip ; the coordinates before calling the driver, so on entry the following ; conditions are valid: ; X1 <= X2 ; Y1 <= Y2 ; (X1 >= 0) && (X1 < XRES) ; (X2 >= 0) && (X2 < XRES) ; (Y1 >= 0) && (Y1 < YRES) ; (Y2 >= 0) && (Y2 < YRES) ; Must set an error code: NO BAR: bit $C082 ; Switch in ROM lda X2 sta H2 inc Y2 ldx Y1 : txa ldy X1 jsr HLINE ; Preserves X inx cpx Y2 bcc :- bit $C080 ; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .include "../tgi/tgidrv_line.inc"