; ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 17.7.2000 ; ; Allocate a block from the heap. ; ; void* __fastcall__ malloc (size_t size); ; ; ; C implementation was: ; ; void* malloc (size_t size) ; /* Allocate memory from the given heap. The function returns a pointer to the ; * allocated memory block or a NULL pointer if not enough memory is available. ; * Allocating a zero size block is not allowed. ; */ ; { ; struct freeblock* f; ; unsigned* p; ; ; ; /* Check for a size of zero, then add the administration space and round ; * up the size if needed. ; */ ; if (size == 0) { ; return 0; ; } ; size += HEAP_ADMIN_SPACE; ; if (size < sizeof (struct freeblock)) { ; size = sizeof (struct freeblock); ; } ; ; /* Search the freelist for a block that is big enough */ ; f = _hfirst; ; while (f && f->size < size) { ; f = f->next; ; } ; ; /* Did we find one? */ ; if (f) { ; ; /* We found a block big enough. If the block can hold just the ; * requested size, use the block in full. Beware: When slicing blocks, ; * there must be space enough to create a new one! If this is not the ; * case, then use the complete block. ; */ ; if (f->size - size < sizeof (struct freeblock)) { ; ; /* Use the actual size */ ; size = f->size; ; ; /* Remove the block from the free list */ ; if (f->prev) { ; /* We have a previous block */ ; f->prev->next = f->next; ; } else { ; /* This is the first block, correct the freelist pointer */ ; _hfirst = f->next; ; } ; if (f->next) { ; /* We have a next block */ ; f->next->prev = f->prev; ; } else { ; /* This is the last block, correct the freelist pointer */ ; _hlast = f->prev; ; } ; ; } else { ; ; /* We must slice the block found. Cut off space from the upper ; * end, so we can leave the actual free block chain intact. ; */ ; ; /* Decrement the size of the block */ ; f->size -= size; ; ; /* Set f to the now unused space above the current block */ ; f = (struct freeblock*) (((unsigned) f) + f->size); ; ; } ; ; /* Setup the pointer for the block */ ; p = (unsigned*) f; ; ; } else { ; ; /* We did not find a block big enough. Try to use new space from the ; * heap top. ; */ ; if (((unsigned) _hend) - ((unsigned) _hptr) < size) { ; /* Out of heap space */ ; return 0; ; } ; ; ; /* There is enough space left, take it from the heap top */ ; p = _hptr; ; _hptr = (unsigned*) (((unsigned) _hptr) + size); ; ; } ; ; /* New block is now in p. Fill in the size and return the user pointer */ ; *p++ = size; ; return p; ; } ; .importzp ptr1, ptr2, ptr3 .export _malloc .include "_heap.inc" .macpack generic ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Code _malloc: sta ptr1 ; Store size in ptr1 stx ptr1+1 ; Check for a size of zero, if so, return NULL ora ptr1+1 beq Done ; a/x already contains zero ; Add the administration space and round up the size if needed lda ptr1 add #HEAP_ADMIN_SPACE sta ptr1 bcc @L1 inc ptr1+1 @L1: ldx ptr1+1 bne @L2 cmp #HEAP_MIN_BLOCKSIZE+1 bcs @L2 lda #HEAP_MIN_BLOCKSIZE sta ptr1 ; High byte is already zero ; Load a pointer to the freelist into ptr2 @L2: lda __heapfirst sta ptr2 lda __heapfirst+1 sta ptr2+1 ; Search the freelist for a block that is big enough. We will calculate ; (f->size - size) here and keep it, since we need the value later. jmp @L4 @L3: ldy #freeblock_size lda (ptr2),y sub ptr1 tax ; Remember low byte for later iny ; Y points to freeblock_size+1 lda (ptr2),y sbc ptr1+1 bcs BlockFound ; Beware: Contents of a/x/y are known! ; Next block in list iny ; Points to freeblock_next lda (ptr2),y tax iny ; Points to freeblock_next+1 lda (ptr2),y stx ptr2 sta ptr2+1 @L4: ora ptr2 bne @L3 ; We did not find a block big enough. Try to use new space from the heap top. lda __heapptr add ptr1 ; _heapptr + size tay lda __heapptr+1 adc ptr1+1 bcs OutOfHeapSpace ; On overflow, we're surely out of space cmp __heapend+1 bne @L5 cpy __heapend @L5: bcc TakeFromTop beq TakeFromTop ; Out of heap space OutOfHeapSpace: lda #0 tax Done: rts ; There is enough space left, take it from the heap top TakeFromTop: ldx __heapptr ; p = _heapptr; stx ptr2 ldx __heapptr+1 stx ptr2+1 sty __heapptr ; _heapptr += size; sta __heapptr+1 jmp FillSizeAndRet ; Done ; We found a block big enough. If the block can hold just the ; requested size, use the block in full. Beware: When slicing blocks, ; there must be space enough to create a new one! If this is not the ; case, then use the complete block. ; On input, x/a do contain the remaining size of the block. The zero ; flag is set if the high byte of this remaining size is zero. BlockFound: bne SliceBlock ; Block is large enough to slice cpx #HEAP_MIN_BLOCKSIZE+1 ; Check low byte bcs SliceBlock ; Jump if block is large enough to slice ; The block is too small to slice it. Use the block in full. The block ; does already contain the correct size word, all we have to do is to ; remove it from the free list. ldy #freeblock_prev+1 ; Load f->prev lda (ptr2),y sta ptr3+1 dey lda (ptr2),y sta ptr3 dey ; Points to freeblock_next+1 ora ptr3+1 beq @L1 ; Jump if f->prev zero ; We have a previous block, ptr3 contains its address. ; Do f->prev->next = f->next lda (ptr2),y ; Load high byte of f->next sta (ptr3),y ; Store high byte of f->prev->next dey ; Points to next lda (ptr2),y ; Load low byte of f->next sta (ptr3),y ; Store low byte of f->prev->next jmp @L2 ; This is the first block, correct the freelist pointer ; Do _hfirst = f->next @L1: lda (ptr2),y ; Load high byte of f->next sta __heapfirst+1 dey ; Points to next lda (ptr2),y ; Load low byte of f->next sta __heapfirst ; Check f->next. Y points always to next if we come here @L2: lda (ptr2),y ; Load low byte of f->next sta ptr3 iny ; Points to next+1 lda (ptr2),y ; Load high byte of f->next sta ptr3+1 iny ; Points to prev ora ptr3 beq @L3 ; Jump if f->next zero ; We have a next block, ptr3 contains its address. ; Do f->next->prev = f->prev lda (ptr2),y ; Load low byte of f->prev sta (ptr3),y ; Store low byte of f->next->prev iny ; Points to prev+1 lda (ptr2),y ; Load high byte of f->prev sta (ptr3),y ; Store high byte of f->prev->next jmp RetUserPtr ; Done ; This is the last block, correct the freelist pointer. ; Do _hlast = f->prev @L3: lda (ptr2),y ; Load low byte of f->prev sta __heaplast iny ; Points to prev+1 lda (ptr2),y ; Load high byte of f->prev sta __heaplast+1 jmp RetUserPtr ; Done ; We must slice the block found. Cut off space from the upper end, so we ; can leave the actual free block chain intact. SliceBlock: ; Decrement the size of the block. Y points to size+1. dey ; Points to size lda (ptr2),y ; Low byte of f->size sub ptr1 sta (ptr2),y tax ; Save low byte of f->size in X iny ; Points to size+1 lda (ptr2),y ; High byte of f->size sbc ptr1+1 sta (ptr2),y ; Set f to the space above the current block, which is the new block returned ; to the caller. txa ; Get low byte of f->size add ptr2 tax lda (ptr2),y ; Get high byte of f->size adc ptr2+1 stx ptr2 sta ptr2+1 ; Fill the size into the admin space of the block and return the user pointer FillSizeAndRet: ldy #freeblock_size ; *p = size; lda ptr1 ; Low byte of block size sta (ptr2),y iny ; Points to freeblock_size+1 lda ptr1+1 sta (ptr2),y RetUserPtr: lda ptr2 ; return ++p; ldx ptr2+1 add #HEAP_ADMIN_SPACE bcc @L9 inx @L9: rts