; ; Mark Keates, Christian Groessler, Piotr Fusik, Karri Kaksonen ; ; void cputcxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, char c); ; void cputc (char c); ; .export _mono_cputc .import mono_gotox, mono_gotoy, pusha0 .import pushax .import _mono_screen .include "atari7800.inc" .include "extzp.inc" .code ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 8x16 routine umula0: ldy #8 ; Number of bits lda #0 lsr ptr7800 ; Get first bit into carry @L0: bcc @L1 clc adc ptrtmp tax lda ptrtmp+1 ; hi byte of left op clc adc ptr7800+1 sta ptr7800+1 txa @L1: ror ptr7800+1 ror a ror ptr7800 dey bne @L0 tax lda ptr7800 ; Load the result rts ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Put a character on screen ; ; The code will handle newlines that wrap to start of screen ; .proc _mono_cputc cmp #$0A ; LF bne @L4 @L1: lda #0 ; newline jsr mono_gotox lda CURS_Y cmp #(screenrows-1) bne @L2 lda #0 beq @L3 @L2: clc adc #1 @L3: jmp mono_gotoy @L4: pha lda #0 sta ptr7800+1 sta ptrtmp+1 lda CURS_Y ; Find position on screen buffer sta ptr7800 lda #mono_charsperline sta ptrtmp jsr umula0 clc adc CURS_X bcc @L11 inx @L11: clc adc #<(_mono_screen) sta ptr7800 bcc @L12 inx @L12: txa clc adc #>(_mono_screen) sta ptr7800+1 pla ; Print character on screen ldy #0 sta (ptr7800),y lda CURS_X ; Increment cursor cmp #(mono_charsperline-1) beq @L1 clc adc #1 jmp mono_gotox .endproc