; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 13.09.2001
; void pokebsys (unsigned Addr, unsigned char Val);
; void pokewsys (unsigned Addr, unsigned Val);

 	.export	     	_pokebsys, _pokewsys
 	.import		popsreg
 	.importzp    	sreg, tmp1

 	.include       	"cbm510.inc"

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------

.proc	_pokebsys

	jsr    	popsreg	    	; Get the address
 	ldx	IndReg
       	ldy	#$0F
 	sty	IndReg 	    	; Switch to the system bank
 	ldy	#$00
 	sta	(sreg),y
 	stx	IndReg


; ------------------------------------------------------------------------

.proc	_pokewsys

	stx	tmp1		; Save high byte
       	jsr    	popsreg		; Get the address
	ldx	IndReg
       	ldy	#$0F
	sty	IndReg 	    	; Switch to the system bank
	ldy	#$00
	sta	(sreg),y
	lda	tmp1
	sta	(sreg),y
	stx	IndReg
