#! /usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # # Main gcc Makefile. # This makefile is maintained by Greg King . # Goals that are supported by the cc65 package .PHONY: all bins libs docs samples tests clean zap .PHONY: uninstall install install-bins install-libs install-docs # If SYS is defined on this makefile's command-line, then we want it to go # to "samples" and "tests", but not to the other rules. So, we disable a # feature of GNU make that would have given ${SYS} to every sub-make. MAKEOVERRIDES= # The install prefix and directories prefix = /usr/local exec_prefix = $(prefix) bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin datadir = $(prefix)/share docdir = $(datadir)/doc libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib CC65DATA = $(libdir)/cc65 CC65DOC = $(docdir)/cc65 CC65ASM = $(CC65DATA)/asminc CC65INC = $(CC65DATA)/include CC65LIB = $(CC65DATA)/lib # Programs MKDIR = mkdir -m 755 # BSD-like install-script/-program INSTALL = make/install-sh INSTALL_DATA = $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 INSTALL_PROG = $(INSTALL) -c -m 755 INSTALL_STRIP = $(INSTALL_PROG) -s # This file-name extension is needed on DOS/Windows systems. ifdef COMSPEC EXT = .exe endif # Rules # The sample and library-test programs must be compiled for only one platform # at a time. So, those rules are done automatically only when a user names # a system on the command-line. (A user can do those rules with their # defaults by putting "all samples tests" on the command-line.) # all: bins libs docs $(SYS:%=samples tests) bins: @$(MAKE) -C src -f make/gcc.mak CC65_INC=\\\"${CC65INC}/\\\" CC65_LIB=\\\"${CC65LIB}/\\\" libs: @$(MAKE) -C libsrc # This rule won't try to generate HTML files # if a host system doesn't have LinuxDoc Tools. docs: @if sgmlcheck doc/index >/dev/null 2>&1; \ then $(MAKE) -C doc html; \ else echo '"LinuxDoc Tools" is not installed; skipping HTML documentation.'; \ fi # Some platforms cannot compile all of the sample and library-test programs. # So, these rules ignore errors. samples: -@$(MAKE) -k -C samples $(SYS:%=SYS=%) tests: -@$(MAKE) -k -C testcode/lib $(SYS:%=SYS=%) clean zap: $(MAKE) -C src -f make/gcc.mak $@ $(MAKE) -C libsrc $@ $(MAKE) -C doc $@ $(MAKE) -C samples $@ # $(MAKE) -C testcode/lib $@ $(SYS:%=SYS=%) uninstall: install-test cd $(bindir) && $(RM) ar65${EXT} ca65${EXT} cc65${EXT} cl65${EXT} \ co65${EXT} da65${EXT} ld65${EXT} od65${EXT} grc${EXT} ca65html $(RM) -R $(CC65DATA) $(CC65DOC) install: install-test install-dirs install-bins install-libs install-docs @echo @echo 'You can export some shell environment variables:' @echo @echo 'CC65_INC=$(CC65INC)' @echo 'CC65_LIB=$(CC65LIB)' @echo .PHONY: install-test install-test: @if [ `id -u` != 0 ]; then \ echo; \ echo 'If you are denied permission to install or uninstall this package,'; \ echo 'then you will need to do "make/gcc.mak install" or "make/gcc.mak uninstall"'; \ echo 'as either the root user or an administrator.'; \ echo; \ fi 2>/dev/null .PHONY: install-dirs install-dirs: [ -d $(bindir) ] || $(MKDIR) $(bindir) [ -d $(datadir) ] || $(MKDIR) $(datadir) [ -d $(docdir) ] || $(MKDIR) $(docdir) [ -d $(libdir) ] || $(MKDIR) $(libdir) [ -d $(CC65DOC) ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65DOC) [ -d $(CC65DATA) ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65DATA) [ -d $(CC65ASM) ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65ASM) [ -d $(CC65LIB) ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65LIB) [ -d $(CC65INC) ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65INC) [ -d $(CC65INC)/em ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65INC)/em [ -d $(CC65INC)/geos ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65INC)/geos [ -d $(CC65INC)/joystick ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65INC)/joystick [ -d $(CC65INC)/mouse ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65INC)/mouse [ -d $(CC65INC)/sys ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65INC)/sys [ -d $(CC65INC)/tgi ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65INC)/tgi [ -d $(CC65DATA)/emd ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65DATA)/emd [ -d $(CC65DATA)/joy ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65DATA)/joy [ -d $(CC65DATA)/mou ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65DATA)/mou [ -d $(CC65DATA)/ser ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65DATA)/ser [ -d $(CC65DATA)/tgi ] || $(MKDIR) $(CC65DATA)/tgi install-bins: for f in ar65 ca65 cc65 cl65 co65 da65 ld65 od65 grc; \ do $(INSTALL_STRIP) src/$$f/$$f${EXT} $(bindir) || exit 1; \ done $(INSTALL_PROG) src/ca65html/ca65html $(bindir) install-libs: for f in asminc/*.inc; \ do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(CC65ASM) || exit 1; \ done for f in include/*.h; \ do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(CC65INC) || exit 1; \ done for d in em geos joystick mouse sys tgi; \ do for f in include/$$d/*.h; \ do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(CC65INC)/$$d || exit 1; \ done || exit 1; \ done for f in libsrc/*.lib libsrc/*.o; \ do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(CC65LIB) || exit 1; \ done for d in emd joy mou ser tgi; \ do for f in libsrc/*.$$d; \ do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(CC65DATA)/$$d || exit 1; \ done || exit 1; \ done install-docs: for f in src/ld65/cfg/*.cfg src/ca65/macpack/*.mac; \ do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(CC65DOC) || exit 1; \ done for f in readme.1st compile.txt CREDITS BUGS internal.txt newvers.txt; \ do $(INSTALL_DATA) doc/$$f $(CC65DOC) || exit 1; \ done if [ -e doc/index.htm* ]; \ then for f in doc/*.htm*; \ do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(CC65DOC) || exit 1; \ done; \ fi