; ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 06.08.1998 ; ; void cputcxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, char c); ; void cputc (char c); ; .constructor initconio .export _cputcxy, _cputc .export _gotoxy, cputdirect .export newline, putchar .import popa .include "apple2.inc" initconio: lda #$FF ; Normal character display mode sta INVFLG rts ; Plot a character - also used as internal function _cputcxy: pha ; Save C jsr popa ; Get Y jsr _gotoxy pla ; Restore C _cputc: cmp #$0D ; Test for \r = carrage return bne L1 lda #$00 ; Goto left edge of screen sta CH rts ; That's all we do L1: cmp #$0A ; Test for \n = line feed beq newline ora #$80 ; Turn on high bit cmp #$E0 ; Test for lowercase bmi cputdirect and #$DF ; Convert to uppercase cputdirect: jsr putchar inc CH ; Bump to next column lda CH cmp WNDWDTH bne return lda #$00 sta CH return: rts putchar: and INVFLG ; Apply normal, inverse, flash ldy CH sta (BASL),Y rts newline: lda CH pha inc CV lda CV cmp WNDBTM bne L2 lda #$00 sta CV L2: jsr VTABZ pla sta CH rts _gotoxy: sta CV ; Store Y jsr VTABZ jsr popa ; Get X sta CH ; Store X rts