; ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 31.05.1998 ; ; char* itoa (int value, char* s, int radix); ; char* utoa (unsigned value, char* s, int radix); ; .export _itoa, _utoa .import addysp1 .import __hextab .importzp sp, sreg, ptr2, ptr3, tmp1 .rodata specval: .byte '-', '3', '2', '7', '6', '8', 0 .code ; ; Common subroutine to pop the parameters and put them into core ; dopop: sta tmp1 ; will lose high byte ldy #0 lda (sp),y sta ptr2 sta ptr3 iny lda (sp),y sta ptr2+1 sta ptr3+1 iny lda (sp),y sta sreg iny lda (sp),y sta sreg+1 jmp addysp1 ; Bump stack pointer ; ; itoa ; _itoa: jsr dopop ; pop the arguments ; We must handle $8000 in a special way, since it is the only negative ; number that has no positive 16-bit counterpart ldy tmp1 ; get radix cpy #10 bne utoa cmp #$00 bne L2 cpx #$80 bne L2 ldy #6 L1: lda specval,y ; copy -32768 sta (ptr2),y dey bpl L1 jmp L10 ; Check if the value is negative. If so, write a - sign and negate the ; number. L2: lda sreg+1 ; get high byte bpl utoa lda #'-' ldy #0 sta (ptr2),y ; store sign inc ptr2 bne L3 inc ptr2+1 L3: lda sreg eor #$FF clc adc #$01 sta sreg lda sreg+1 eor #$FF adc #$00 sta sreg+1 jmp utoa ; ; utoa ; _utoa: jsr dopop ; pop the arguments ; Convert to string by dividing and push the result onto the stack utoa: lda #$00 pha ; sentinel ; Divide sreg/tmp1 -> sreg, remainder in a L5: ldy #16 ; 16 bit lda #0 ; remainder L6: asl sreg rol sreg+1 rol a cmp tmp1 bcc L7 sbc tmp1 inc sreg L7: dey bne L6 tay ; get remainder into y lda __hextab,y ; get hex character pha ; save char value on stack lda sreg ora sreg+1 bne L5 ; Get the characters from the stack into the string ldy #0 L9: pla sta (ptr2),y beq L10 ; jump if sentinel iny bne L9 ; jump always ; Done! Return the target string L10: lda ptr3 ldx ptr3+1 rts