; ; int __fastcall__ loadt (unsigned char id); ; int __fastcall__ dumpt (unsigned char id, void* start_addr, void* end_addr); ; .include "kim1.inc" .import popa, popax, return0, return1 .export _loadt, _dumpt .segment "CODE" .proc _loadt: near sta ID ; Tape record ID to P1L jsr LOADT ; Read data from tape bcs error jmp return0 ; Return 0 if sucessful error: jmp return1 ; or 1 if not .endproc .proc _dumpt: near sta EAL ; End address stx EAH jsr popax sta SAL ; Start address stx SAH jsr popa sta ID ; Tape Record ID ldx #$00 jsr DUMPT ; Write data to tape bcs error jmp return0 ; Return 0 if sucessful error: jmp return1 ; or 1 if not .endproc