; void __fastcall__ psg_outb (unsigned char b); ; void __fastcall__ psg_delay (unsigned char c); ; void __fastcall__ bios_playsound (const void *b, unsigned char c); ; void psg_silence (void); .export _psg_outb, _psg_silence, _psg_delay .export _bios_playsound .import popa .include "creativision.inc" _psg_outb: ;* Let BIOS output the value jmp $FE77 _psg_silence: jmp $FE54 _psg_delay: tay l1: lda #200 l2: sbc #1 bne l2 lda #200 l3: sbc #1 bne l3 dey bne l1 rts ;* Creativision Sound Player ;* ;* Based on BIOS sound player. ;* Pass a pointer to a set of note triples, terminated with a tempo byte ;* and the len (max 255) _bios_playsound: pha ; Save Length Byte sei lda #$D5 ; BIOS volume table low sta $4 lda #$FC ; BIOS volume table high sta $5 jsr popa ; Get Sound table pointer low sta $0 jsr popa ; Get Sound table pointer high sta $1 pla tay ; Put length in Y dey php jmp $FBED ; Let BIOS do it's thing