@echo off set CC65VER=2.9.0 REM Cleanup old stuff rm -r cc65 REM Create the directories mkdir cc65 > nul mkdir cc65\bin > nul REM Copy stuff from trixie for %i in (asminc doc emd include lib tgi) do ( if not exist u:\cc65\%i ( echo u:\cc65\%i does not exist quit 1 ) mkdir cc65\%i xcopy /q /s u:\cc65\%i\* cc65\%i ) move /q cc65\doc\announce.txt cc65 ren /q cc65\doc\samples cc65\samples REM Check if the compiler source exists if not exist c:\uz\src\cc65 ( echo c:\uz\src\cc65 does not exist quit 1 ) for %i in (apple2 atari c16 c64 c128 cbm510 cbm610 geos pet plus4 vic20) do ( setlocal cd cc65 if exist u:\cc65\cc65-%i-%CC65VER%.zip del /q u:\cc65\cc65-%i-%CC65VER%.zip zip -q9m u:\cc65\cc65-%i-%CC65VER%.zip lib\%i.lib lib\%i.o include\%i.h doc\%i.cfg if exist emd\%i*.emd zip -q9m u:\cc65\cc65-%i-%CC65VER%.zip emd\%i*.emd if exist tgi\%i*.tgi zip -q9m u:\cc65\cc65-%i-%CC65VER%.zip tgi\%i*.tgi endlocal ) REM Specials for the GEOS package cd cc65 zip -q9mr u:\cc65\cc65-geos-%CC65VER%.zip include\geos samples\geos cd .. REM Generate the win32 package ( setlocal cd src\cc65\src gmake -f make\watcom.mak clean gmake -f make\watcom.mak gmake -f make\watcom.mak strip endlocal ) del /q /y cc65\bin\* copy /q src\cc65\src\ar65\ar65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\ca65\ca65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\cc65\cc65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\cl65\cl65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\da65\da65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\grc\grc.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\ld65\ld65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\od65\od65.exe cc65\bin if exist u:\cc65\cc65-win32-%CC65VER%.zip del /q u:\cc65\cc65-win32-%CC65VER%.zip cd cc65 zip -q9r u:\cc65\cc65-win32-%CC65VER%.zip * cd .. REM Generate the os2 package ( setlocal cd src\cc65\src gmake -f make\watcom.mak clean gmake -f make\watcom.mak os2 gmake -f make\watcom.mak strip endlocal ) del /q /y cc65\bin\* copy /q src\cc65\src\ar65\ar65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\ca65\ca65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\cc65\cc65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\cl65\cl65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\da65\da65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\grc\grc.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\ld65\ld65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\od65\od65.exe cc65\bin if exist u:\cc65\cc65-os2-%CC65VER%.zip del /q u:\cc65\cc65-os2-%CC65VER%.zip cd cc65 zip -q9r u:\cc65\cc65-os2-%CC65VER%.zip * cd .. REM Generate the dos32 package ( setlocal cd src\cc65\src gmake -f make\watcom.mak clean gmake -f make\watcom.mak dos gmake -f make\watcom.mak strip endlocal ) del /q /y cc65\bin\* copy /q src\cc65\src\ar65\ar65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\ca65\ca65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\cc65\cc65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\cl65\cl65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\da65\da65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\grc\grc.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\ld65\ld65.exe cc65\bin copy /q src\cc65\src\od65\od65.exe cc65\bin copy /q \watcom\binw\dos4gw.exe cc65\bin if exist u:\cc65\cc65-dos32-%CC65VER%.zip del /q u:\cc65\cc65-dos32-%CC65VER%.zip cd cc65 zip -q9r u:\cc65\cc65-dos32-%CC65VER%.zip * cd ..