; C64 sprite addresses for the TGI mouse pointer ; ; 2017-01-13, Greg King ; In order to provide a visible mouse pointer during TGI's graphics mode, ; the object file "c64-tgimousedata.o" must be linked explicitly into ; a program file. Example: ; ; cl65 -t c64 -o program-file main-code.c subroutines.s c64-tgimousedata.o ; ; Note: Currently, a program cannot have default ; pointers for both text and graphic modes. ; The TGI graphics mode uses VIC-II's 16K bank number three. ; ; Address of the TGI bitmap's color RAM COLORMAP := $D000 .export mcb_spritepointer := COLORMAP + $03F8 .export mcb_spritememory := COLORMAP + $0400