.include "lynx.inc" .include "extzp.inc" .interruptor _UpLoaderIRQ .export __UPLOADER__: absolute = 1 load_len=_FileDestAddr load_ptr=_FileFileLen load_ptr2=_FileCurrBlock .segment "UPCODE" ComLynxReadAndExec: ldy #4 loop0: jsr read_byte sta load_len-1,y dey bne loop0 ; get destination and length tax ; lowbyte of length lda load_ptr sta load_ptr2 lda load_ptr+1 sta load_ptr2+1 loop1: inx bne cont1 inc load_len+1 bne cont1 jmp (load_ptr) cont1: jsr read_byte sta (load_ptr2),y sta PALETTE + 1 ; feedback ;-) iny bne loop1 inc load_ptr2+1 bra loop1 read_byte: bit SERCTL bvc read_byte lda SERDAT rts _UpLoaderIRQ: lda INTSET and #$10 bne @L0 clc rts @L0: lda SERDAT ; wait for the start sequence bit flag ; already seen $81 ? bpl again ; >= 0 => no cmp #$50 ; "P" ? bne again ; not correct, so clear flag sei jmp ComLynxReadAndExec again: stz flag cmp #$81 bne exit sta flag ; ; last action : clear interrupt ; exit: lda #$10 sta INTRST clc rts .segment "UPDATA" flag: .byte 0