; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2009-08-17
; CC65 runtime: multiplication for ints

       	.export		tosumulax, tosmulax
        .import         mul8x16, mul8x16a       ; in mul8.s
    	.import		popsreg
    	.importzp	sreg, tmp1, ptr4

; 16x16 multiplication routine

        sta	ptr4
        txa                     ; High byte zero
        beq     @L3             ; Do 8x16 multiplication if high byte zero
       	stx	ptr4+1 	       	; Save right operand
       	jsr	popsreg	       	; Get left operand

; Do ptr4:ptr4+1 * sreg:sreg+1 --> AX

       	lda	#0
       	ldx	sreg+1	       	; Get high byte into register for speed
        beq     @L4             ; -> we can do 8x16 after swap
       	sta	tmp1
       	ldy    	#16 	       	; Number of bits

        lsr     ptr4+1
        ror     ptr4            ; Get first bit into carry
@L0:    bcc     @L1

      	adc	sreg
       	txa	    	       	; hi byte of left op
      	adc	tmp1
      	sta	tmp1

@L1:    ror     tmp1
     	ror	a
     	ror	ptr4+1
     	ror	ptr4
        bne     @L0

      	lda	ptr4	       	; Load the result
      	ldx	ptr4+1
      	rts	    		; Done

; High byte of rhs is zero, jump to the 8x16 routine instead

@L3:    jmp     mul8x16

; If the high byte of rhs is zero, swap the operands and use the 8x16
; routine. On entry, A and X are zero

@L4:    ldy     sreg            ; Save right operand (8 bit)
        ldx     ptr4            ; Copy left 16 bit operand to right
        stx     sreg
        ldx     ptr4+1          ; Don't store, this is done later
        sty     ptr4            ; Copy low 8 bit of right op to left
        ldy     #8
        jmp     mul8x16a