; ; Startup code for cc65 (Apple2 version) ; ; This must be the *first* file on the linker command line ; .export _exit .import initlib, donelib .import zerobss, push0 .import __STARTUP_LOAD__, __BSS_LOAD__ ; Linker generated .import _main .include "zeropage.inc" .include "apple2.inc" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; The executable header .segment "EXEHDR" .word __STARTUP_LOAD__ ; Start address .word __BSS_LOAD__ - __STARTUP_LOAD__ ; Size ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Create an empty LOWCODE segment to avoid linker warnings .segment "LOWCODE" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Place the startup code in a special segment. .segment "STARTUP" ldx #zpspace-1 L1: lda sp,x sta zpsave,x ; Save the zero page locations we need dex bpl L1 ; Clear the BSS data jsr zerobss ; Save system stuff and setup the stack tsx stx spsave ; Save the system stack ptr lda MEMSIZE sta sp lda MEMSIZE+1 sta sp+1 ; Set argument stack ptr ; Call module constructors jsr initlib ; Initialize conio stuff lda #$ff sta TEXTTYP ; Set up to use Apple ROM $C000-$CFFF ;; sta USEROM ; Pass an empty command line jsr push0 ; argc jsr push0 ; argv ldy #4 ; Argument size jsr _main ; call the users code ; Call module destructors. This is also the _exit entry. _exit: jsr donelib ; Restore system stuff lda #$ff ; Reset text mode sta TEXTTYP ldx spsave txs ; Restore stack pointer ; Copy back the zero page stuff ldx #zpspace-1 L2: lda zpsave,x sta sp,x dex bpl L2 ; Reset changed vectors, back to basic jmp RESTOR ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Data .data zpsave: .res zpspace .bss spsave: .res 1