; ; Oliver Schmidt, 2009-09-15 ; ; Startup code for cc65 (Apple2 version) ; .export _exit, done, return .export __STARTUP__ : absolute = 1 ; Mark as startup .import zerobss .import initlib, donelib .import callmain .import __LC_START__, __LC_LAST__ ; Linker generated .import __INIT_RUN__, __INIT_SIZE__ ; Linker generated .import __ZPSAVE_RUN__ ; Linker generated .include "zeropage.inc" .include "apple2.inc" .segment "STARTUP" ; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter 5.2.1: ; "For maximum interrupt efficiency, a system program should not ; use more than the upper 3/4 of the stack." ldx #$FF txs ; Init stack pointer ; Switch in LC bank 2 for W/O bit $C081 bit $C081 ; Set source start address lda #<(__ZPSAVE_RUN__ + __INIT_SIZE__) ldy #>(__ZPSAVE_RUN__ + __INIT_SIZE__) sta $9B sty $9C ; Set source last address lda #<(__ZPSAVE_RUN__ + __INIT_SIZE__ + __LC_LAST__ - __LC_START__) ldy #>(__ZPSAVE_RUN__ + __INIT_SIZE__ + __LC_LAST__ - __LC_START__) sta $96 sty $97 ; Set destination last address lda #<__LC_LAST__ ldy #>__LC_LAST__ sta $94 sty $95 ; Call into Applesoft Block Transfer Utility - which handles zero ; sized blocks well - to move content of the LC memory area jsr $D396 ; BLTU + 3 ; Set source start address lda #<__ZPSAVE_RUN__ ldy #>__ZPSAVE_RUN__ sta $9B sty $9C ; Set source last address lda #<(__ZPSAVE_RUN__ + __INIT_SIZE__) ldy #>(__ZPSAVE_RUN__ + __INIT_SIZE__) sta $96 sty $97 ; Set destination last address lda #<(__INIT_RUN__ + __INIT_SIZE__) ldy #>(__INIT_RUN__ + __INIT_SIZE__) sta $94 sty $95 ; Call into Applesoft Block Transfer Utility - which handles moving ; overlapping blocks upwards well - to move the INIT segment jsr $D396 ; BLTU + 3 ; Delegate all further processing to keep the STARTUP segment small jsr init ; Avoid re-entrance of donelib. This is also the _exit entry _exit: ldx #exit jsr reset ; Setup RESET vector ; Switch in ROM in case it wasn't already switched in by a RESET bit $C082 ; Call module destructors jsr donelib ; Restore the original RESET vector exit: ldx #$02 : lda rvsave,x sta SOFTEV,x dex bpl :- ; Copy back the zero page stuff ldx #zpspace-1 : lda zpsave,x sta sp,x dex bpl :- ; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter 5.2.1: ; "System programs should set the stack pointer to $FF at the ; warm-start entry point." ldx #$FF txs ; Re-init stack pointer ; We're done jmp done .segment "INIT" ; Save the zero page locations we need init: ldx #zpspace-1 : lda sp,x sta zpsave,x dex bpl :- ; Clear the BSS data jsr zerobss ; Save the original RESET vector ldx #$02 : lda SOFTEV,x sta rvsave,x dex bpl :- ; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter 5.3.5: ; "Your system program should place in the RESET vector the ; address of a routine that ... closes the files." ldx #<_exit lda #>_exit jsr reset ; Setup RESET vector ; Check for ProDOS ldy $BF00 ; MLI call entry point cpy #$4C ; Is MLI present? (JMP opcode) bne basic ; Check ProDOS system bit map lda $BF6F ; Protection for pages $B8 - $BF cmp #%00000001 ; Exactly system global page is protected bne basic ; No BASIC.SYSTEM so quit to ProDOS dispatcher instead lda #quit sta done+1 stx done+2 ; No BASIC.SYSTEM so use addr of ProDOS system global page lda #<$BF00 ldx #>$BF00 bne :+ ; Branch always ; Get highest available mem addr from BASIC interpreter basic: lda HIMEM ldx HIMEM+1 ; Setup the C stack : sta sp stx sp+1 ; Enable interrupts as old ProDOS versions (i.e. 1.1.1) ; jump to SYS and BIN programs with interrupts disabled cli ; Call module constructors jsr initlib ; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O bit $C080 ; Push arguments and call main() jmp callmain .code ; Setup RESET vector reset: stx SOFTEV sta SOFTEV+1 eor #$A5 sta PWREDUP return: rts ; Quit to ProDOS dispatcher quit: jsr $BF00 ; MLI call entry point .byte $65 ; Quit .word q_param .rodata ; MLI parameter list for quit q_param:.byte $04 ; param_count .byte $00 ; quit_type .word $0000 ; reserved .byte $00 ; reserved .word $0000 ; reserved .data ; Final jump when we're done done: jmp DOSWARM ; Potentially patched at runtime .segment "ZPSAVE" zpsave: .res zpspace .bss rvsave: .res 3