<!doctype linuxdoc system> <article> <title>Diskette Sector I/O Routines <author><url url="mailto:chris@groessler.org" name="Christian Groessler"> <abstract> The cc65 library provides functions to read and write raw disk sectors. Include the dio.h header file to get the necessary definitions. </abstract> <!-- Table of contents --> <toc> <!-- Begin the document --> <sect>Opening the disk for low level I/O<p> Prior to using these functions a handle to the device has to be obtained. This is done with the <tt>dio_open</tt> function. After use, the handle should be released with the <tt>dio_close</tt> function. <tscreen><verb> dhandle_t __fastcall__ dio_open (unsigned char device); </verb></tscreen> The <tt>device</tt> specifies the device to access. <tscreen><verb> unsigned char __fastcall__ dio_close (dhandle_t handle); </verb></tscreen> Closes a handle obtained by <tt>dio_open</tt>. Returns status code. <p> <sect>Reading and writing sectors<p> The read and write functions are: <tscreen><verb> unsigned char __fastcall__ dio_read (dhandle_t handle, unsigned sect_num, void *buffer); </verb></tscreen> This function will read the sector specified by <tt>sect_num</tt> into the memory location at buffer. <tscreen><verb> unsigned char __fastcall__ dio_write (dhandle_t handle, unsigned sect_num, const void *buffer); </verb></tscreen> This function will write the memory contents at buffer to the sector specified by <tt>sect_num</tt>. No verify is performed. <tscreen><verb> unsigned char __fastcall__ dio_write_verify (dhandle_t handle, unsigned sect_num, const void *buffer); </verb></tscreen> This function will write the memory contents at buffer to the sector specified by <tt>sect_num</tt>. A verification is performed. <p> Use the <tt><ref name="dio_query_sectsize" id="sectsizecount"></tt> function to query the size of a sector and the <tt><ref name="dio_query_sectcount" id="sectsizecount"></tt> function to query the number of available sectors. <p> All these functions will return 0 for success and an OS specific error code in case of failure. <p> <sect>Querying sector size and count<label id="sectsizecount"><p> Some systems support multiple diskette formats which have different sector sizes and/or different sector counts. <p> The following function returns the sector size of the currently inserted disk: <tscreen><verb> unsigned __fastcall__ dio_query_sectsize (dhandle_t handle); </verb></tscreen> On the Atari platform, the sector size is handled specially. Please refer to the DIO section in the <url url="atari.html" name="Atari-specific platform documentation">. <p> The following function returns the sector count of the currently inserted disk: <tscreen><verb> unsigned __fastcall__ dio_query_sectcount (dhandle_t handle); </verb></tscreen> <sect>Converting sector numbers<p> Since the read and write functions expect a sector number, for systems where the sectors aren't addressed by a logical sector number (e.g. CBM devices), there are 2 conversion functions. One of them converts a logical sector number to a head/track/sector triple. The other conversion function works the other way round. <tscreen><verb> unsigned char __fastcall__ dio_phys_to_log (dhandle_t handle, const dio_phys_pos *physpos, unsigned *sectnum); </verb></tscreen> This function converts track/head/sector to logical sector number. <tscreen><verb> unsigned char __fastcall__ dio_log_to_phys (dhandle_t handle, const unsigned *sectnum, dio_phys_pos *physpos); </verb></tscreen> This function converts a logical sector number to track/head/sector notation. <p> Note, that on systems which natively use logical sector numbers (e.g. Atari), the conversion functions are dummies. They ignore head/track (<tt>dio_phys_to_log</tt>) or return them as zero (<tt>dio_log_to_phys</tt>). The logical sector number is returned as physical sector and vice versa. <p> </article>