/* GEOSLib example Hello, world example - using graphic functions Maciej 'YTM/Alliance' Witkowiak 26.12.1999 */ #include /* Let's define the window we're operating */ struct window wholeScreen = {0, 199, 0, 319}; void main (void) { /* Let's show what we've got... */ /* Let's clear the screen - with different pattern, because apps have cleared screen upon start */ SetPattern(0); InitDrawWindow(&wholeScreen); Rectangle(); /* Now some texts */ PutString(COUTLINEON "This is compiled using cc65!" CPLAINTEXT, 20, 10); PutString(CBOLDON "This is bold", 30, 10); PutString(CULINEON "and this is bold and underline!", 40, 10); PutString(CPLAINTEXT "This is plain text", 50, 10); /* Wait for 5 secs... */ /* Note that this is multitasking sleep, and if there are any icons/menus onscreen, they would be usable, in this case you have only pointer usable */ Sleep(5*50); /* Normal apps exit from main into system's mainloop, and app finish when user selects it from icons or menu, but here we want to exit immediately. */ EnterDeskTop(); }