ifneq ($(shell echo),) CMD_EXE = 1 endif CBMS = c128 \ c16 \ c64 \ cbm510 \ cbm610 \ pet \ plus4 \ vic20 GEOS = geos-apple \ geos-cbm TARGETS = apple2 \ apple2enh \ atari \ atarixl \ atari5200 \ atmos \ $(CBMS) \ $(GEOS) \ gamate \ lynx \ nes \ osic1p \ pce \ sim6502 \ sim65c02 \ supervision DRVTYPES = emd \ joy \ mou \ ser \ tgi DRVOUTPUTDIRS := $(foreach drvtype,$(DRVTYPES),goodies/drivers/$(drvtype)) OUTPUTDIRS := lib \ $(DRVOUTPUTDIRS) \ goodies/targetutil \ asminc \ cfg \ include \ samples \ $(subst ../,,$(filter-out $(wildcard ../include/*.*),$(wildcard ../include/*))) .PHONY: all mostlyclean clean install zip lib $(TARGETS) .SUFFIXES: ifdef CMD_EXE DIRLIST = $(strip $(foreach dir,$1,$(wildcard $(dir)))) MKDIR = mkdir $(subst /,\,$1) RMDIR = $(if $(DIRLIST),rmdir /s /q $(subst /,\,$(DIRLIST))) else MKDIR = mkdir -p $1 RMDIR = $(RM) -r $1 endif # Every target requires its individual vpath setting but the vpath directive # acts globally. Therefore each target is built in a separate make instance. ifeq ($(words $(MAKECMDGOALS)),1) ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),$(filter $(MAKECMDGOALS),$(TARGETS))) TARGET = $(MAKECMDGOALS) endif endif ifndef TARGET datadir = $(prefix)/share/cc65 all lib: $(TARGETS) mostlyclean: $(call RMDIR,../libwrk) # Transitional line active. Final line commented out below in order to # allow some time for transition between the directory structures clean: $(call RMDIR,../libwrk ../lib ../targetutil ../goodies $(addprefix ../,$(DRVTYPES))) # $(call RMDIR,../libwrk ../lib ../goodies) ifdef CMD_EXE install: else # CMD_EXE INSTALL = install define INSTALL_recipe $(if $(prefix),,$(error variable `prefix' must be set)) $(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/$(dir) $(INSTALL) -m644 ../$(dir)/*.* $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/$(dir) endef # INSTALL_recipe install: $(foreach dir,$(OUTPUTDIRS),$(INSTALL_recipe)) endif # CMD_EXE define ZIP_recipe @cd .. && zip cc65 $(dir)/*.* endef # ZIP_recipe zip: $(foreach dir,$(OUTPUTDIRS),$(ZIP_recipe)) $(TARGETS): @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory $@ else # TARGET CA65FLAGS = CC65FLAGS = -Or -W error EXTZP = cbm510 \ cbm610 \ lynx MKINC = $(GEOS) \ atari \ atarixl \ nes TARGETUTIL = apple2 \ apple2enh \ atari \ geos-apple GEOSDIRS = common \ conio \ disk \ dlgbox \ file \ graph \ memory \ menuicon \ mousesprite \ process \ runtime \ system ifeq ($(TARGET),apple2enh) SRCDIR = apple2 OBJPFX = a2 DRVPFX = a2e else ifeq ($(TARGET),atarixl) SRCDIR = atari OBJPFX = atr DRVPFX = atrx else ifeq ($(TARGET),sim65c02) SRCDIR = sim6502 else SRCDIR = $(TARGET) endif SRCDIRS = $(SRCDIR) ifeq ($(TARGET),$(filter $(TARGET),$(CBMS))) SRCDIRS += cbm endif ifeq ($(TARGET),$(filter $(TARGET),$(GEOS))) SRCDIRS += $(addprefix $(TARGET)/, $(GEOSDIRS)) SRCDIRS += $(addprefix geos-common/,$(GEOSDIRS)) endif SRCDIRS += common \ conio \ dbg \ em \ joystick \ mouse \ runtime \ serial \ tgi \ zlib vpath %.s $(SRCDIRS) vpath %.c $(SRCDIRS) OBJS := $(patsubst %.s,%.o,$(foreach dir,$(SRCDIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.s))) OBJS += $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(foreach dir,$(SRCDIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.c))) OBJS := $(addprefix ../libwrk/$(TARGET)/,$(sort $(notdir $(OBJS)))) DEPS = $(OBJS:.o=.d) EXTRA_SRCPAT = $(SRCDIR)/extra/%.s EXTRA_OBJPAT = ../lib/$(TARGET)-%.o EXTRA_OBJS := $(patsubst $(EXTRA_SRCPAT),$(EXTRA_OBJPAT),$(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/extra/*.s)) ZPOBJ = ../libwrk/$(TARGET)/zeropage.o ifeq ($(TARGET),$(filter $(TARGET),$(EXTZP))) ZPOBJ += ../libwrk/$(TARGET)/extzp.o endif ifeq ($(TARGET),$(filter $(TARGET),$(MKINC))) include $(SRCDIR)/Makefile.inc endif ifeq ($(TARGET),$(filter $(TARGET),$(TARGETUTIL))) include $(SRCDIR)/targetutil/Makefile.inc endif define DRVTYPE_template $1_SRCDIR = $$(SRCDIR)/$1 $1_STCDIR = ../libwrk/$$(TARGET) $1_DYNDIR = ../libwrk/$$(TARGET)/$1 $1_DRVDIR = ../goodies/drivers/$1 $1_SRCPAT = $$($1_SRCDIR)/$$(OBJPFX)%.s $1_STCPAT = $$($1_STCDIR)/$$(OBJPFX)%-$1.o $1_DYNPAT = $$($1_DYNDIR)/$$(OBJPFX)%.o $1_DRVPAT = $$($1_DRVDIR)/$$(DRVPFX)%.$1 $1_SRCS := $$(wildcard $$($1_SRCDIR)/*.s) $1_STCS = $$(patsubst $$($1_SRCPAT),$$($1_STCPAT),$$($1_SRCS)) $1_DYNS = $$(patsubst $$($1_SRCPAT),$$($1_DYNPAT),$$($1_SRCS)) $1_DRVS = $$(patsubst $$($1_DYNPAT),$$($1_DRVPAT),$$($1_DYNS)) $$($1_STCPAT): $$($1_SRCPAT) @echo $$(TARGET) - $$< - static @$$(CA65) -t $$(TARGET) -D DYN_DRV=0 $$(CA65FLAGS) --create-dep $$(@:.o=.d) -o $$@ $$< OBJS += $$($1_STCS) DEPS += $$($1_STCS:.o=.d) $$($1_DYNS): | $$($1_DYNDIR) $$($1_DRVPAT): $$($1_DYNPAT) $$(ZPOBJ) | $$($1_DRVDIR) @echo $$(TARGET) - $$(