; ; Clear (erase) the screen. ; ; Support the full 128- x 64-tile background. ; .export _clrscr .import plot .include "pce.inc" .include "extzp.inc" _clrscr: st0 #VDC_MAWR st1 #<$0000 st2 #>$0000 st0 #VDC_VWR ldy #$40 rowloop: ldx #$80 colloop: lda #' ' ; low byte of char. index sta VDC_DATA_LO lda #$02 ; background color, high nybble of char. index sta VDC_DATA_HI dex bne colloop dey bne rowloop ; Go to the home position. stz CURS_X stz CURS_Y jmp plot ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; force the init constructor to be imported .import initconio conio_init = initconio