# makefile for the regression tests that return an error code on failure ifneq ($(shell echo),) CMD_EXE := 1 endif ifdef CMD_EXE M := - DEL = del /f $(subst /,\,$1) else M := DEL = $(RM) $1 endif CC65FLAGS := -t sim6502 SIM65FLAGS := -x 200000000 CL65 := $(if $(wildcard ../../bin/cl65*),../../bin/cl65,cl65) SIM65 := $(if $(wildcard ../../bin/sim65*),../../bin/sim65,sim65) WORKDIR := ../../testwrk .PHONY: all clean SOURCES := $(wildcard *.c) TESTS := $(foreach option,. .o. .os. .osi. .osir. .oi. .oir. .or.,$(SOURCES:%.c=$(WORKDIR)/%$(option)prg)) all: $(TESTS) # Some files have "K & R"-style syntax. Therefore, some forward # function-declarations don't match the later function definitions. # Those programs fail when fastcall is used; but, the cdecl calling convention # tolerates those conflicts. Therefore, make their functions default to cdecl. # $(WORKDIR)/cq4%prg $(WORKDIR)/cq71.%rg $(WORKDIR)/cq81%prg $(WORKDIR)/cq84%prg: CC65FLAGS += -Wc --all-cdecl $(WORKDIR)/%.prg: %.c $(CL65) $(CC65FLAGS) $< -o $@ $(SIM65) $(SIM65FLAGS) $@ $(WORKDIR)/%.o.prg: %.c $(CL65) -O $(CC65FLAGS) $< -o $@ $(SIM65) $(SIM65FLAGS) $@ $(WORKDIR)/%.os.prg: %.c $(CL65) -Os $(CC65FLAGS) $< -o $@ $(SIM65) $(SIM65FLAGS) $@ $(WORKDIR)/%.osi.prg: %.c $(CL65) -Osi $(CC65FLAGS) $< -o $@ $(SIM65) $(SIM65FLAGS) $@ $(WORKDIR)/%.osir.prg: %.c $(CL65) -Osir $(CC65FLAGS) $< -o $@ $(SIM65) $(SIM65FLAGS) $@ $(WORKDIR)/%.oi.prg: %.c $(CL65) -Oi $(CC65FLAGS) $< -o $@ $(SIM65) $(SIM65FLAGS) $@ $(WORKDIR)/%.oir.prg: %.c $(CL65) -Oir $(CC65FLAGS) $< -o $@ $(SIM65) $(SIM65FLAGS) $@ $(WORKDIR)/%.or.prg: %.c $(CL65) -Or $(CC65FLAGS) $< -o $@ $(SIM65) $(SIM65FLAGS) $@ clean: $M@$(call DEL,$(TESTS)) $M@$(call DEL,$(SOURCES:.c=.o))