/* Atari Lynx version of samples/hello.c, using TGI instead of conio */ #include /*****************************************************************************/ /* Data */ /*****************************************************************************/ static const char Text[] = "Hello world!"; /*****************************************************************************/ /* Code */ /*****************************************************************************/ void main (void) { unsigned int XMax, YMax; tgi_install (tgi_static_stddrv); tgi_init (); /* Set screen color. */ tgi_setcolor (TGI_COLOR_WHITE); /* Clear the screen. */ tgi_clear(); /* Ask for the screen size. */ XMax = tgi_getmaxx (); YMax = tgi_getmaxy (); /* Draw a frame around the screen. */ tgi_line (0, 0, XMax, 0); tgi_lineto (XMax, YMax); tgi_lineto (0, YMax); tgi_lineto (0, 0); /* Write the greeting in the middle of the screen. */ tgi_outtextxy ((tgi_getxres () - tgi_gettextwidth (Text)) / 2, (tgi_getyres () - tgi_gettextheight (Text)) / 2, Text); }