; ; Extended memory driver for the CBM510 additional RAM banks ; ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2002-12-09 !!! UNTESTED !!! ; .include "zeropage.inc" .include "em-kernel.inc" .include "em-error.inc" .include "cbm510.inc" .macpack generic ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Header. Includes jump table .segment "JUMPTABLE" ; Driver signature .byte $65, $6d, $64 ; "emd" .byte $00 ; EM API version number ; Jump table. .word INSTALL .word DEINSTALL .word PAGECOUNT .word MAP .word USE .word COMMIT .word COPYFROM .word COPYTO ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Constants RAMBANK = 2 OFFS = 2 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Data. .data curpage: .byte $FF ; Current page number (invalid) .bss window: .res 256 ; Memory "window" pagecount: .res 1 ; Number of available pages .code ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; INSTALL routine. Is called after the driver is loaded into memory. If ; possible, check if the hardware is present and determine the amount of ; memory available. ; Must return an EM_ERR_xx code in a/x. ; INSTALL: lda #$FF ldx UsrMemTop+2 cpx #RAMBANK ; Top of memory in bank 2? bne @L1 ; No: We can use all the memory clc adc UsrMemTop+1 @L1: sta pagecount lda #EM_ERR_OK rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; DEINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory. ; Can do cleanup or whatever. Must not return anything. ; DEINSTALL: rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; PAGECOUNT: Return the total number of available pages in a/x. ; PAGECOUNT: lda pagecount ldx #0 rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; MAP: Map the page in a/x into memory and return a pointer to the page in ; a/x. The contents of the currently mapped page (if any) may be discarded ; by the driver. ; MAP: sta curpage ; Remember the new page sta ptr1+1 lda #OFFS sta ptr1 ; Transfer one page ldx IndReg lda #RAMBANK sta IndReg ldy #$00 @L1: lda (ptr1),y sta window,y iny lda (ptr1),y sta window,y iny bne @L1 stx IndReg ; Return the memory window lda #window ; Return the window address rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; USE: Tell the driver that the window is now associated with a given page. USE: sta curpage ; Remember the page lda #window ; Return the window rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; COMMIT: Commit changes in the memory window to extended storage. COMMIT: lda curpage ; Get the current page cmp #$FF beq done ; Jump if no page mapped sta ptr1+1 lda #OFFS sta ptr1 ; Transfer one page ldx IndReg lda #RAMBANK sta IndReg ldy #$00 @L1: lda window,y sta (ptr1),y iny lda window,y sta (ptr1),y iny bne @L1 stx IndReg ; Done done: rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; COPYFROM: Copy from extended into linear memory. A pointer to a structure ; describing the request is passed in a/x. ; The function must not return anything. ; COPYFROM: jsr setup ; Setup the buffer address in this bank. sta copyfrom_buf stx copyfrom_buf+1 ; Check if we must copy full pages ldx ptr2+1 beq @L2 ; Copy full pages ldx #$00 @L1: jsr copyfrom inc ptr1+1 inc copyfrom_buf+1 @L2: dec ptr2+1 bne @L1 ; Copy the remaining page ldx ptr2 beq @L3 jsr copyfrom ; Restore the indirect segment @L3: lda ExecReg sta IndReg ; Done rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; COPYTO: Copy from linear into extended memory. A pointer to a structure ; describing the request is passed in a/x. ; The function must not return anything. ; COPYTO: jsr setup ; Setup the buffer address in this bank. sta copyto_buf stx copyto_buf+1 ; Check if we must copy full pages ldx ptr2+1 beq @L2 ; Copy full pages ldx #$00 @L1: jsr copyto inc ptr1+1 inc copyto_buf+1 @L2: dec ptr2+1 bne @L1 ; Copy the remaining page ldx ptr2 beq @L3 jsr copyto ; Restore the indirect segment @L3: lda ExecReg sta IndReg ; Done rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; setup: Helper function for COPYFROM and COPYTO, will setup parameters. ; setup: sta ptr3 stx ptr3+1 ; Save the passed em_copy pointer ldy #EM_COPY_OFFS lda (ptr3),y add #OFFS sta ptr1 ldy #EM_COPY_PAGE lda (ptr3),y adc #$00 sta ptr1+1 ldy #EM_COPY_COUNT lda (ptr3),y sta ptr2 iny lda (ptr3),y sta ptr2+1 ; Get count into ptr2 ldy #EM_COPY_BUF+1 lda (ptr1),y tax dey lda (ptr1),y ; Get the buffer pointer into a/x ldy #RAMBANK sty IndReg ldy #$00 rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; copyfrom .data copyfrom: lda (ptr1),y copyfrom_buf = * + 1 sta $0000,y iny dex bne copyfrom rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; copyto .data copyto: copyto_buf = * + 1 lda $0000,y sta (ptr1),y iny dex bne copyto rts