; ; Graphics driver for the 160x102x16 mode on the Lynx. ; ; All the drawing functions simply are done by sprites, as the sprite ; engine is the only way to do fast graphics on a Lynx. ; ; This code was written by Karri Kaksonen, 2004 for the cc65 compiler. ; .include "zeropage.inc" .include "../extzp.inc" .include "tgi-kernel.inc" .include "tgi-error.inc" .include "lynx.inc" .macpack generic .macpack module ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Header. Includes jump table and constants. module_header _lynx_160_102_16_tgi ; First part of the header is a structure that has a magic and defines the ; capabilities of the driver .byte $74, $67, $69 ; "tgi" .byte TGI_API_VERSION ; TGI API version number libref: .addr $0000 ; Library reference .word 160 ; X resolution .word 102 ; Y resolution .byte 16 ; Number of drawing colors .byte 2 ; Number of screens available .byte 8 ; System font X size .byte 8 ; System font Y size .word $0100 ; Aspect ratio (square pixel LCD) .byte TGI_BM_FONT_FINESCALE ; TGI driver flags ; Next comes the jump table. Currently all entries must be valid and may point ; to an RTS for test versions (function not implemented). A future version may ; allow for emulation: In this case the vector will be zero. Emulation means ; that the graphics kernel will emulate the function by using lower level ; primitives - for example ploting a line by using calls to SETPIXEL. .addr INSTALL .addr UNINSTALL .addr INIT .addr DONE .addr GETERROR .addr CONTROL .addr CLEAR .addr SETVIEWPAGE .addr SETDRAWPAGE .addr SETCOLOR .addr SETPALETTE .addr GETPALETTE .addr GETDEFPALETTE .addr SETPIXEL .addr GETPIXEL .addr LINE .addr BAR .addr TEXTSTYLE .addr OUTTEXT ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Data. ; Variables mapped to the zero page segment variables. Some of these are ; used for passing parameters to the driver. X1 := ptr1 Y1 := ptr2 X2 := ptr3 Y2 := ptr4 STRPTR := ptr3 FONTOFF := ptr4 STROFF := tmp3 STRLEN := tmp4 ; Absolute variables used in the code .bss ERROR: .res 1 ; Error code DRAWINDEX: .res 1 ; Pen to use for drawing VIEWPAGEL: .res 1 VIEWPAGEH: .res 1 DRAWPAGEL: .res 1 DRAWPAGEH: .res 1 ; Text output stuff TEXTMAGX: .res 1 TEXTMAGY: .res 1 TEXTDIR: .res 1 BGINDEX: .res 1 ; Pen to use for text background ; Double buffer IRQ stuff DRAWPAGE: .res 1 SWAPREQUEST: .res 1 ; 8 rows with (one offset-byte plus 20 character bytes plus one fill-byte) plus one 0-offset-byte. ; (As an experiment, the fill-byte isn't being generated. ; It might not be needed to work around a Suzy bug.) text_bitmap: .res 8*(1+20+1)+1 ; Constants and tables .rodata DEFPALETTE: .byte >$011 .byte >$34d .byte >$9af .byte >$9b8 .byte >$777 .byte >$335 .byte >$448 .byte >$75e .byte >$d5f .byte >$c53 .byte >$822 .byte >$223 .byte >$484 .byte >$8e5 .byte >$cf5 .byte >$fff .byte <$011 .byte <$34d .byte <$9af .byte <$9b8 .byte <$777 .byte <$335 .byte <$448 .byte <$75e .byte <$d5f .byte <$c53 .byte <$822 .byte <$223 .byte <$484 .byte <$8e5 .byte <$cf5 .byte <$fff PALETTESIZE = * - DEFPALETTE .code ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; INSTALL routine. Is called after the driver is loaded into memory. May ; initialize anything that has to be done just once. Is probably empty ; most of the time. ; ; Must set an error code: NO ; INSTALL: lda #1 sta TEXTMAGX sta TEXTMAGY stz BGINDEX stz DRAWPAGE stz SWAPREQUEST lda libref ldx libref+1 sta ptr1 stx ptr1+1 ldy #1 lda #irq sta (ptr1),y lda #$4C ; Jump opcode sta (ptr1) ; Activate IRQ routine rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory. May ; clean up anything done by INSTALL but is probably empty most of the time. ; ; Must set an error code: NO ; UNINSTALL: lda libref ldx libref+1 sta ptr1 stx ptr1+1 lda #$60 ; RTS opcode sta (ptr1) ; Disable IRQ routine rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; INIT: Changes an already installed device from text mode to graphics ; mode. ; Note that INIT/DONE may be called multiple times while the driver ; is loaded, while INSTALL is only called once, so any code that is needed ; to initializes variables and so on must go here. Setting palette and ; clearing the screen is not needed because this is called by the graphics ; kernel later. ; The graphics kernel will never call INIT when a graphics mode is already ; active, so there is no need to protect against that. ; ; Must set an error code: YES ; INIT: ; Enable interrupts for VBL lda #$80 tsb VTIMCTLA ; Set up collision buffer to $A058 lda #$58 sta COLLBASL lda #$A0 sta COLLBASH ; Put collision index before sprite data lda #$FF sta COLLOFFL lda #$FF sta COLLOFFH ; Done, reset the error code lda #TGI_ERR_OK sta ERROR rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; DONE: Will be called to switch the graphics device back into text mode. ; The graphics kernel will never call DONE when no graphics mode is active, ; so there is no need to protect against that. ; ; Must set an error code: NO ; DONE: rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; GETERROR: Return the error code in A and clear it. GETERROR: ldx #TGI_ERR_OK lda ERROR stx ERROR rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; CONTROL: Platform/driver specific entry point. ; ; Must set an error code: YES ; ; The TGI lacks a way to draw sprites. As that functionality is vital to ; Lynx games we borrow this CONTROL function to implement the still ; missing tgi_draw_sprite funtion. To use this in your C-program ; do a #define tgi_draw_sprite(spr) tgi_ioctl(0, spr) ; ; To do a flip-screen call tgi_ioctl(1, 0) ; ; To set the background index for text outputs call tgi_ioctl(2, bgindex) ; ; To set the frame rate for the display hardware call tgi_ioctl(3, rate) ; ; To check if the drawing engine is busy with the previous swap you can ; call tgi_ioctl(4, 0). It returns 0 if idle and 1 if busy ; ; To update displays you can call tgi_ioctl(4, 1) it will wait for the ; next VBL interrupt and swap draw and view buffers. ; ; Activate or deactivate collision detection by calling tgi_ioctl(5, 0/1). CONTROL: pha ; Almost all control routines succeed lda #TGI_ERR_OK sta ERROR pla cmp #5 bne ControlSwap lda ptr1 ; Activate/deactivate collision detection bne @L0 lda #%00000001 ; tgi_clear does not erase collision buffer sta cls_sprite lda #%00100000 sta cls_sprite+2 lda __sprsys ora #$20 bra @L1 @L0: lda #%00000000 ; tgi_clear erases collision buffer sta cls_sprite sta cls_sprite+2 lda __sprsys and #$df @L1: sta __sprsys sta SPRSYS rts ControlSwap: cmp #4 bne ControlFramerate lda ptr1 ; Swap request bne @L0 lda SWAPREQUEST rts @L0: sta SWAPREQUEST rts ControlFramerate: cmp #3 bne ControlTextBG lda ptr1 cmp #75 ; Set framerate beq rate75 cmp #60 beq rate60 cmp #50 beq rate50 lda #TGI_ERR_INV_ARG sta ERROR rts rate50: lda #$bd ; 50 Hz ldx #$31 bra setRate rate60: lda #$9e ; 60 Hz ldx #$29 bra setRate rate75: lda #$7e ; 75 Hz ldx #$20 setRate: sta HTIMBKUP stx PBKUP rts ControlTextBG: cmp #2 bne ControlFlipScreen lda ptr1 ; Set text background color sta BGINDEX rts ControlFlipScreen: cmp #1 bne ControlDrawSprite lda __sprsys ; Flip screen eor #8 sta __sprsys sta SPRSYS lda __viddma eor #2 sta __viddma sta DISPCTL ldy VIEWPAGEL ldx VIEWPAGEH and #2 beq NotFlipped clc tya adc #<8159 tay txa adc #>8159 tax NotFlipped: sty DISPADRL stx DISPADRH rts ControlDrawSprite: lda ptr1 ; Get the sprite address ldx ptr1+1 draw_sprite: ; Draw it in render buffer sta SCBNEXTL stx SCBNEXTH lda DRAWPAGEL ldx DRAWPAGEH sta VIDBASL stx VIDBASH lda #1 sta SPRGO stz SDONEACK @L0: stz CPUSLEEP lda SPRSYS lsr bcs @L0 stz SDONEACK lda #TGI_ERR_OK sta ERROR rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; CLEAR: Clears the screen. ; ; Must set an error code: NO ; .rodata pixel_bitmap: .byte 3,%10000100,%00000000, $0 ; A pixel bitmap .data cls_coll: .byte 0 cls_sprite: .byte %00000001 ; A pixel sprite .byte %00010000 .byte %00100000 .addr 0,pixel_bitmap .word 0 .word 0 .word $a000 ; 160 .word $6600 ; 102 .byte $00 .code CLEAR: lda #cls_sprite bra draw_sprite ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; SETVIEWPAGE: Set the visible page. Called with the new page in A (0..n). ; The page number is already checked to be valid by the graphics kernel. ; ; Must set an error code: NO (will only be called if page ok) ; ; It is a good idea to call this function during the vertical blanking ; period. If you call it in the middle of the screen update then half of ; the drawn frame will be from the old buffer and the other half is ; from the new buffer. This is usually noticed by the user. SETVIEWPAGE: cmp #1 beq @L1 ; page == maxpages-1 ldy #<$e018 ; page 0 ldx #>$e018 bra @L2 @L1: ldy #<$c038 ; page 1 ldx #>$c038 @L2: sty VIEWPAGEL ; Save viewpage for getpixel stx VIEWPAGEH lda __viddma ; Process flipped displays and #2 beq @L3 clc tya adc #<8159 tay txa adc #>8159 tax @L3: sty DISPADRL ; $FD94 stx DISPADRH ; $FD95 rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; SETDRAWPAGE: Set the drawable page. Called with the new page in A (0..n). ; The page number is already checked to be valid by the graphics kernel. ; ; Must set an error code: NO (will only be called if page ok) ; SETDRAWPAGE: cmp #1 beq @L1 ; page == maxpages-1 lda #<$e018 ; page 0 ldx #>$e018 bra @L2 @L1: lda #<$c038 ; page 1 ldx #>$c038 @L2: sta DRAWPAGEL stx DRAWPAGEH rts irq: lda INTSET ; Poll all pending interrupts and #VBL_INTERRUPT beq @L0 ; Exit if not a VBL interrupt lda SWAPREQUEST beq @L0 lda DRAWPAGE jsr SETVIEWPAGE lda DRAWPAGE eor #1 sta DRAWPAGE jsr SETDRAWPAGE stz SWAPREQUEST @L0: clc rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; SETCOLOR: Set the drawing color (in A). The new color is already checked ; to be in a valid range (0..maxcolor-1). ; ; Must set an error code: NO (will only be called if color ok) ; SETCOLOR: sta DRAWINDEX rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; SETPALETTE: Set the palette (not available with all drivers/hardware). ; A pointer to the palette is passed in ptr1. Must set an error if palettes ; are not supported ; ; Must set an error code: YES ; SETPALETTE: ldy #31 @L1: lda (ptr1),y sta GCOLMAP,y ; $FDA0 dey bpl @L1 ; Done, reset the error code lda #TGI_ERR_OK sta ERROR rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; GETPALETTE: Return the current palette in A/X. Even drivers that cannot ; set the palette should return the default palette here, so there's no ; way for this function to fail. ; ; Must set an error code: NO ; GETPALETTE: lda #GCOLMAP rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; GETDEFPALETTE: Return the default palette for the driver in A/X. All ; drivers should return something reasonable here, even drivers that don't ; support palettes, otherwise the caller has no way to determine the colors ; of the (not changeable) palette. ; ; Must set an error code: NO (all drivers must have a default palette) ; GETDEFPALETTE: lda #DEFPALETTE rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; SETPIXEL: Draw one pixel at X1/Y1 = ptr1/ptr2 with the current drawing ; color. The coordinates passed to this function are never outside the ; visible screen area, so there is no need for clipping inside this function. ; ; Must set an error code: NO ; .data pixel_coll: .byte 0 pixel_sprite: .byte %00000001 ; A pixel sprite .byte %00010000 .byte %00100000 .addr 0,pixel_bitmap pix_x: .word 0 pix_y: .word 0 .word $100 .word $100 pix_c: .byte $00 .code SETPIXEL: lda X1 sta pix_x lda Y1 sta pix_y lda DRAWINDEX sta pix_c lda #pixel_sprite jmp draw_sprite ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; GETPIXEL: Read the color value of a pixel and return it in A/X. The ; coordinates passed to this function are never outside the visible screen ; area, so there is no need for clipping inside this function. GETPIXEL: lda Y1 sta MATHD ; Hardware multiply stz MATHC lda #80 sta MATHB stz MATHA lda X1 lsr A php tay clc lda VIEWPAGEL adc MATHH sta ptr1 lda VIEWPAGEH adc MATHG sta ptr1+1 ldx #0 lda #15 sta MAPCTL lda (ptr1),y tay lda #$0c sta MAPCTL tya plp bcc @L1 and #$f rts @L1: lsr A lsr A lsr A lsr A rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; LINE: Draw a line from X1/Y1 to X2/Y2, where X1/Y1 = ptr1/ptr2 and ; X2/Y2 = ptr3/ptr4 using the current drawing color. ; ; Must set an error code: NO ; .data line_coll: .byte 0 line_sprite: .byte 0 ; Will be replaced by the code .byte %00110000 .byte %00100000 .word 0,pixel_bitmap line_x: .word 0 line_y: .word 0 line_sx: .word $100 line_sy: .word $100 .word 0 line_tilt: .word 0 line_c: .byte $e .code LINE: lda DRAWINDEX sta line_c stz line_sx stz line_sy sec lda X2 sbc X1 lda X2+1 sbc X1+1 bpl @L1 lda X1 ldx X2 sta X2 stx X1 lda X1+1 ldx X2+1 sta X2+1 stx X1+1 lda Y1 ldx Y2 sta Y2 stx Y1 lda Y1+1 ldx Y2+1 sta Y2+1 stx Y1+1 @L1: lda #%00000000 ; Not flipped sta line_sprite sec lda Y2 sbc Y1 sta Y2 lda Y2+1 sbc Y1+1 sta Y2+1 bpl @L2 sec lda #0 sbc Y2 sta Y2 lda #0 sbc Y2+1 sta Y2+1 lda #%00010000 ; Vertical flip sta line_sprite @L2: lda X1 sta line_x lda X1+1 sta line_x+1 lda Y1 sta line_y lda Y1+1 sta line_y+1 lda Y2 ina sta line_sy+1 sta MATHP ; hardware divide stz MATHN stz MATHH stz MATHG sec lda X2 sbc X1 ina sta MATHF stz MATHE @L3: lda SPRSYS bmi @L3 ; wait for math done (bit 7 of sprsys) lda MATHC sta line_tilt lda MATHB sta line_tilt+1 bne @L4 lda #1 sta line_sx+1 bra @L6 @L4: bit line_tilt bpl @L5 ina @L5: sta line_sx+1 @L6: lda #line_sprite jmp draw_sprite ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; BAR: Draw a filled rectangle with the corners X1/Y1, X2/Y2, where ; X1/Y1 = ptr1/ptr2 and X2/Y2 = ptr3/ptr4 using the current drawing color. ; Contrary to most other functions, the graphics kernel will sort and clip ; the coordinates before calling the driver, so on entry the following ; conditions are valid: ; X1 <= X2 ; Y1 <= Y2 ; (X1 >= 0) && (X1 < XRES) ; (X2 >= 0) && (X2 < XRES) ; (Y1 >= 0) && (Y1 < YRES) ; (Y2 >= 0) && (Y2 < YRES) ; ; Must set an error code: NO ; .data bar_coll: .byte 0 bar_sprite: .byte %00000001 ; A pixel sprite .byte %00010000 .byte %00100000 .addr 0,pixel_bitmap bar_x: .word 0 bar_y: .word 0 bar_sx: .word $0100 bar_sy: .word $0100 bar_c: .byte $00 .code BAR: lda X1 sta bar_x lda Y1 sta bar_y lda X2 sec sbc X1 ina sta bar_sx+1 lda Y2 sec sbc Y1 ina sta bar_sy+1 lda DRAWINDEX sta bar_c lda #bar_sprite jmp draw_sprite ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; TEXTSTYLE: Set the style used when calling OUTTEXT. Text scaling in X and Y ; direction is passend in X/Y, the text direction is passed in A. ; ; Must set an error code: NO ; TEXTSTYLE: stx TEXTMAGX sty TEXTMAGY sta TEXTDIR rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; OUTTEXT: Output text at X/Y = ptr1/ptr2 using the current color and the ; current text style. The text to output is given as a zero-terminated ; string with address in ptr3. ; ; Must set an error code: NO ; OUTTEXT: lda TEXTMAGX ; Scale sprite sta text_sx+1 lda TEXTMAGY sta text_sy+1 lda BGINDEX beq @L1 ; Choose opaque black sprite? lda #$04 ; No, choose normal sprite @L1: sta text_sprite lda DRAWINDEX ; Set color asl asl asl asl ora BGINDEX sta text_c lda X1 ; Set start position sta text_x lda X1+1 sta text_x+1 lda Y1 sta text_y lda Y1+1 sta text_y+1 ldy #<-1 ; Calculate string length @L2: iny lda (STRPTR),y bne @L2 cpy #20 bmi @L3 ldy #20 @L3: sty STRLEN tya bne @L4 rts ; Zero-length string @L4: iny ; Prepare text_bitmap ; The next instruction is commented because the code won't include a fill-byte. ; iny sty STROFF ldy #8-1 ; 8 pixel lines per character ldx #$00 clc @L5: lda STROFF sta text_bitmap,x txa adc STROFF tax ; This was the fill-byte. ; lda #$FF ; sta text_bitmap-1,x dey bpl @L5 stz text_bitmap,x stz tmp2 iny ;(ldy #$00) @L6: lda (STRPTR),y sty tmp1 sub #' ' ; (ch - ' ') * 8 stz FONTOFF+1 asl asl rol FONTOFF+1 asl rol FONTOFF+1 ;clc ; (cleared by rol) adc #font sta FONTOFF+1 ; And now, copy the 8 bytes of that glyph. ldx tmp2 inx stx tmp2 ; Draw char. from top to bottom, reading char-data from offset 8-1 to offset 0. ldy #8-1 @L7: lda (FONTOFF),y ; *chptr sta text_bitmap,x ; textbuf[y*(1+len+1)+1+x] txa adc STROFF tax dey bpl @L7 ; Goto next char. ldy tmp1 iny dec STRLEN bne @L6 lda #text_sprite jmp draw_sprite .data text_coll: .byte 0 text_sprite: .byte $00,$90,$20 .addr 0, text_bitmap text_x: .word 0 text_y: .word 0 text_sx: .word $100 text_sy: .word $100 text_c: .byte 0 .rodata ; The Font ; 96 characters from ASCII 32 to 127 ; 8 pixels wide, 8 pixels high ; bit value 0 = foreground, bit value 1 = background / transparent font: ; VERSAIL .byte $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF ;32 .byte $FF, $E7, $FF, $FF, $E7, $E7, $E7, $E7 ;33 .byte $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $99, $99, $99 ;34 .byte $FF, $D7, $D7, $01, $D7, $01, $D7, $D7 ;35 .byte $FF, $E7, $83, $F9, $C3, $9F, $C1, $E7 ;36 .byte $FF, $B9, $99, $CF, $E7, $F3, $99, $9D ;37 .byte $81, $B3, $31, $8F, $87, $33, $87, $FF ;38 .byte $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $E7, $F3, $F9 ;39 .byte $FF, $F3, $E7, $CF, $CF, $CF, $E7, $F3 ;40 .byte $FF, $CF, $E7, $F3, $F3, $F3, $E7, $CF ;41 .byte $FF, $99, $C3, $81, $C3, $99, $FF, $FF ;42 .byte $FF, $FF, $E7, $E7, $81, $E7, $E7, $FF ;43 .byte $CF, $E7, $E7, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF ;44 .byte $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $81, $FF, $FF, $FF ;45 .byte $FF, $E7, $E7, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF ;46 .byte $FF, $BF, $9F, $CF, $E7, $F3, $F9, $FD ;47 .byte $FF, $C3, $99, $99, $89, $91, $99, $C3 ;48 .byte $FF, $81, $E7, $E7, $E7, $C7, $E7, $E7 ;49 .byte $FF, $81, $9F, $CF, $F3, $F9, $99, $C3 ;50 .byte $FF, $C3, $99, $F9, $E3, $F9, $99, $C3 ;51 .byte $FF, $F3, $F3, $01, $33, $C3, $E3, $FB ;52 .byte $FF, $C3, $99, $F9, $F9, $83, $9F, $81 ;53 .byte $FF, $C3, $99, $99, $83, $9F, $99, $C3 ;54 .byte $FF, $E7, $E7, $E7, $E7, $F3, $99, $81 ;55 .byte $FF, $C3, $99, $99, $C3, $99, $99, $C3 ;56 .byte $FF, $C3, $99, $F9, $C1, $99, $99, $C3 ;57 .byte $FF, $FF, $E7, $FF, $FF, $E7, $FF, $FF ;58 .byte $CF, $E7, $E7, $FF, $FF, $E7, $FF, $FF ;59 .byte $FF, $F1, $E7, $CF, $9F, $CF, $E7, $F1 ;60 .byte $FF, $FF, $FF, $81, $FF, $81, $FF, $FF ;61 .byte $FF, $8F, $E7, $F3, $F9, $F3, $E7, $8F ;62 .byte $FF, $E7, $FF, $E7, $F3, $F9, $99, $C3 ;63 .byte $FF, $C3, $9D, $9F, $91, $91, $99, $C3 ;0 .byte $FF, $99, $99, $99, $81, $99, $C3, $E7 ;1 .byte $FF, $83, $99, $99, $83, $99, $99, $83 ;2 .byte $FF, $C3, $99, $9F, $9F, $9F, $99, $C3 ;3 .byte $FF, $87, $93, $99, $99, $99, $93, $87 ;4 .byte $FF, $81, $9F, $9F, $87, $9F, $9F, $81 ;5 .byte $FF, $9F, $9F, $9F, $87, $9F, $9F, $81 ;6 .byte $FF, $C3, $99, $99, $91, $9F, $99, $C3 ;7 .byte $FF, $99, $99, $99, $81, $99, $99, $99 ;8 .byte $FF, $C3, $E7, $E7, $E7, $E7, $E7, $C3 ;9 .byte $FF, $C7, $93, $F3, $F3, $F3, $F3, $E1 ;10 .byte $FF, $99, $93, $87, $8F, $87, $93, $99 ;11 .byte $FF, $81, $9F, $9F, $9F, $9F, $9F, $9F ;12 .byte $FF, $39, $39, $39, $29, $01, $11, $39 ;13 .byte $FF, $99, $99, $91, $81, $81, $89, $99 ;14 .byte $FF, $C3, $99, $99, $99, $99, $99, $C3 ;15 .byte $FF, $9F, $9F, $9F, $83, $99, $99, $83 ;16 .byte $FF, $F1, $C3, $99, $99, $99, $99, $C3 ;17 .byte $FF, $99, $93, $87, $83, $99, $99, $83 ;18 .byte $FF, $C3, $99, $F9, $C3, $9F, $99, $C3 ;19 .byte $FF, $E7, $E7, $E7, $E7, $E7, $E7, $81 ;20 .byte $FF, $C3, $99, $99, $99, $99, $99, $99 ;21 .byte $FF, $E7, $C3, $99, $99, $99, $99, $99 ;22 .byte $FF, $39, $11, $01, $29, $39, $39, $39 ;23 .byte $FF, $99, $99, $C3, $E7, $C3, $99, $99 ;24 .byte $FF, $E7, $E7, $E7, $C3, $99, $99, $99 ;25 .byte $FF, $81, $9F, $CF, $E7, $F3, $F9, $81 ;26 .byte $FF, $C3, $CF, $CF, $CF, $CF, $CF, $C3 ;27 .byte $FF, $03, $9D, $CF, $83, $CF, $ED, $F3 ;28 .byte $FF, $C3, $F3, $F3, $F3, $F3, $F3, $C3 ;29 .byte $E7, $E7, $E7, $E7, $81, $C3, $E7, $FF ;30 .byte $FF, $DF, $9F, $01, $01, $9F, $DF, $FF ;31 ; gemena .byte $FF, $C3, $9D, $9F, $91, $91, $99, $C3 ;224 .byte $FF, $C1, $99, $C1, $F9, $C3, $FF, $FF ;225 .byte $FF, $83, $99, $99, $83, $9F, $9F, $FF ;226 .byte $FF, $C3, $9F, $9F, $9F, $C3, $FF, $FF ;227 .byte $FF, $C1, $99, $99, $C1, $F9, $F9, $FF ;228 .byte $FF, $C3, $9F, $81, $99, $C3, $FF, $FF ;229 .byte $FF, $E7, $E7, $E7, $C1, $E7, $F1, $FF ;230 .byte $83, $F9, $C1, $99, $99, $C1, $FF, $FF ;231 .byte $FF, $99, $99, $99, $83, $9F, $9F, $FF ;232 .byte $FF, $C3, $E7, $E7, $C7, $FF, $E7, $FF ;233 .byte $C3, $F9, $F9, $F9, $F9, $FF, $F9, $FF ;234 .byte $FF, $99, $93, $87, $93, $9F, $9F, $FF ;235 .byte $FF, $C3, $E7, $E7, $E7, $E7, $C7, $FF ;236 .byte $FF, $9C, $94, $80, $80, $99, $FF, $FF ;237 .byte $FF, $99, $99, $99, $99, $83, $FF, $FF ;238 .byte $FF, $C3, $99, $99, $99, $C3, $FF, $FF ;239 .byte $9F, $9F, $83, $99, $99, $83, $FF, $FF ;240 .byte $F9, $F9, $C1, $99, $99, $C1, $FF, $FF ;241 .byte $FF, $9F, $9F, $9F, $99, $83, $FF, $FF ;242 .byte $FF, $83, $F9, $C3, $9F, $C1, $FF, $FF ;243 .byte $FF, $F1, $E7, $E7, $E7, $81, $E7, $FF ;244 .byte $FF, $C1, $99, $99, $99, $99, $FF, $FF ;245 .byte $FF, $E7, $C3, $99, $99, $99, $FF, $FF ;246 .byte $FF, $C9, $C1, $80, $94, $9C, $FF, $FF ;247 .byte $FF, $99, $C3, $E7, $C3, $99, $FF, $FF ;248 .byte $87, $F3, $C1, $99, $99, $99, $FF, $FF ;249 .byte $FF, $81, $CF, $E7, $F3, $81, $FF, $FF ;250 .byte $FF, $C3, $CF, $CF, $CF, $CF, $CF, $C3 ;251 .byte $FF, $03, $9D, $CF, $83, $CF, $ED, $F3 ;252 .byte $FF, $C3, $F3, $F3, $F3, $F3, $F3, $C3 ;253 .byte $E7, $E7, $E7, $E7, $81, $C3, $E7, $FF ;254 .byte $FF, $EF, $CF, $80, $80, $CF, $EF, $FF ;255