; ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2009-11-05 ; ; Helper function for graphics functions: Multiply two values, one being ; an 8.8 fixed point one, and return the rounded and scaled result. ; ; The module has two entry points: One is C callable and expects the ; parameters in ax and the stack, the second is assembler callable and ; expects the parameters in ax and ptr1 ; .export _tgi_imulround, tgi_imulround .import popax, imul16x16r32 .include "zeropage.inc" ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .code ; C callable entry point _tgi_imulround: ; Get arguments sta ptr1 stx ptr1+1 ; Save lhs jsr popax ; Get rhs ; ASM callable entry point tgi_imulround: ; Multiplicate jsr imul16x16r32 ; Round the result cmp #$80 ; Frac(x) >= 0.5? txa ldy sreg+1 ; Check sign bmi @L1 adc #$00 tay lda sreg adc #$00 tax tya rts @L1: sbc #$00 tay lda sreg sbc #$00 tax tya rts