; *** ; CC65 Lynx Library ; ; Originally by Bastian Schick ; http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Byte/4242/lynx/ ; ; Ported to cc65 (http://www.cc65.org) by ; Shawn Jefferson, June 2004 ; ; *** ; ; Startup code for cc65 (Lynx version). Based on the Atari 8-bit startup ; code structure. The C stack is located at the end of the RAM memory ; segment, and grows downward. Bastian Schick's executable header is put ; on the front of the fully linked binary (see EXEHDR segment.) ; .export _exit .export __STARTUP__ : absolute = 1 ; Mark as startup .import initlib, donelib .import zerobss .import callmain .import _main .import __MAIN_START__, __MAIN_SIZE__, __STACKSIZE__ .include "zeropage.inc" .include "extzp.inc" .include "lynx.inc" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Mikey and Suzy init data, reg offsets and data .rodata SuzyInitReg: .byte $28,$2a,$04,$06,$92,$83,$90 SuzyInitData: .byte $7f,$7f,$00,$00,$24,$f3,$01 MikeyInitReg: .byte $00,$01,$08,$09,$20,$28,$30,$38,$44,$50,$8a,$8b,$8c,$92,$93 MikeyInitData: .byte $9e,$18,$68,$1f,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$1a,$1b,$04,$0d,$29 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Actual code .segment "STARTUP" ; Set up the system. sei ldx #$FF txs ; Init the bank switching. lda #$C sta MAPCTL ; $FFF9 ; Disable all timer interrupts. lda #$80 trb TIM0CTLA trb TIM1CTLA trb TIM2CTLA trb TIM3CTLA trb TIM5CTLA trb TIM6CTLA trb TIM7CTLA ; Disable the TX/RX IRQ; set to 8E1. lda #%00011101 sta SERCTL ; Clear all pending interrupts. lda INTSET sta INTRST ; Set up the stack. lda #<(__MAIN_START__ + __MAIN_SIZE__ + __STACKSIZE__) ldx #>(__MAIN_START__ + __MAIN_SIZE__ + __STACKSIZE__) sta sp stx sp+1 ; Init Mickey. ldx #.sizeof(MikeyInitReg)-1 mloop: ldy MikeyInitReg,x lda MikeyInitData,x sta $fd00,y dex bpl mloop ; These are RAM-shadows of read-only regs. ldx #$1b stx __iodat dex ; $1A stx __iodir ldx #$d stx __viddma ; Init Suzy. ldx #.sizeof(SuzyInitReg)-1 sloop: ldy SuzyInitReg,x lda SuzyInitData,x sta $fc00,y dex bpl sloop lda #$24 sta __sprsys cli ; Clear the BSS data. jsr zerobss ; Call the module constructors. jsr initlib ; Push the command-line arguments; and, call main(). jsr callmain ; Call the module destructors. This is also the exit() entry. _exit: jsr donelib ; Run module destructors ; Endless loop noret: bra noret