; ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 28.09.1998 ; ; PLOT routine for the 610. ; .export k_plot .importzp crtc .include "zeropage.inc" .proc k_plot bcc set ldx CURS_Y ldy CURS_X rts set: stx CURS_Y sty CURS_X lda LineLSBTab,x sta CharPtr lda LineMSBTab,x sta CharPtr+1 lda IndReg pha lda #$0F sta IndReg ldy #$00 clc sei sta (crtc),y lda CharPtr adc CURS_X iny sta (crtc),y dey lda #$0E sta (crtc),y iny lda (crtc),y and #$F8 sta sedt1 lda CharPtr+1 adc #$00 and #$07 ora sedt1 sta (crtc),y cli pla sta IndReg rts .endproc ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Low bytes of the start address of the screen lines .rodata LineLSBTab: .byte $00,$50,$A0,$F0,$40,$90,$E0,$30 .byte $80,$D0,$20,$70,$C0,$10,$60,$B0 .byte $00,$50,$A0,$F0,$40,$90,$E0,$30 .byte $80 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; High bytes of the start address of the screen lines LineMSBTab: .byte $D0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$D1,$D1,$D1,$D2 .byte $D2,$D2,$D3,$D3,$D3,$D4,$D4,$D4 .byte $D5,$D5,$D5,$D5,$D6,$D6,$D6,$D7 .byte $D7