; ; Startup code for cc65 (CBM 500 version) ; ; This must be the *first* file on the linker command line ; .export _exit .import _clrscr, initlib, donelib, condes .import push0, callmain .import __CHARRAM_START__, __CHARRAM_SIZE__, __VIDRAM_START__ .import __BSS_RUN__, __BSS_SIZE__, __EXTZP_RUN__ .import __IRQFUNC_TABLE__, __IRQFUNC_COUNT__ .import scnkey, UDTIM .include "zeropage.inc" .include "extzp.inc" .include "cbm510.inc" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; BASIC header and a small BASIC program. Since it is not possible to start ; programs in other banks using SYS, the BASIC program will write a small ; machine code program into memory at $100 and start that machine code ; program. The machine code program will then start the machine language ; code in bank 0, which will initialize the system by copying stuff from ; the system bank, and start the application. ; ; Here's the basic program that's in the following lines: ; ; 10 for i=0 to 4 ; 20 read j ; 30 poke 256+i,j ; 40 next i ; 50 sys 256 ; 60 data 120,169,0,133,0 ; ; The machine program in the data lines is: ; ; sei ; lda #$00 ; sta $00 <-- Switch to bank 0 after this command ; ; Initialization is not only complex because of the jumping from one bank ; into another. but also because we want to save memory, and because of ; this, we will use the system memory ($00-$3FF) for initialization stuff ; that is overwritten later. ; .segment "BASICHDR" .byte $03,$00,$11,$00,$0a,$00,$81,$20,$49,$b2,$30,$20,$a4,$20,$34,$00 .byte $19,$00,$14,$00,$87,$20,$4a,$00,$27,$00,$1e,$00,$97,$20,$32,$35 .byte $36,$aa,$49,$2c,$4a,$00,$2f,$00,$28,$00,$82,$20,$49,$00,$39,$00 .byte $32,$00,$9e,$20,$32,$35,$36,$00,$4f,$00,$3c,$00,$83,$20,$31,$32 .byte $30,$2c,$31,$36,$39,$2c,$30,$2c,$31,$33,$33,$2c,$30,$00,$00,$00 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; A table that contains values that must be transfered from the system zero ; page into out zero page. Contains pairs of bytes, first one is the address ; in the system ZP, second one is our ZP address. The table goes into page 2, ; but is declared here, because it is needed earlier. .SEGMENT "PAGE2" .proc transfer_table .byte $CA, CURS_Y .byte $CB, CURS_X .byte $EC, CHARCOLOR .endproc ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Page 3 data. This page contains the break vector and the bankswitch ; subroutine that is copied into high memory on startup. The space occupied by ; this routine will later be used for a copy of the bank 15 stack. It must be ; saved, since we're going to destroy it when calling bank 15. .segment "PAGE3" BRKVec: .addr _exit ; BRK indirect vector .proc callbank15 excrts = $FEFE .org $FEC3 entry: php pha lda #$0F ; Bank 15 sta IndReg txa pha tya pha sei ldy #$FF lda (sysp1),y tay lda ExecReg sta (sysp1),y dey lda #.hibyte(excrts-1) sta (sysp1),y dey lda #.lobyte(excrts-1) sta (sysp1),y tya sec sbc #7 sta $1FF ; Save new sp tay tsx pla iny sta (sysp1),y pla iny sta (sysp1),y pla iny sta (sysp1),y pla iny sta (sysp1),y lda $105,x sec sbc #3 iny sta (sysp1),y lda $106,x sbc #0 iny sta (sysp1),y ldy $1FF ; Restore sp in bank 15 lda #.hibyte(expull-1) sta (sysp1),y dey lda #.lobyte(expull-1) sta (sysp1),y dey pla pla tsx stx $1FF tya tax txs lda IndReg jmp $FFF6 expull: pla tay pla tax pla plp rts .if (expull <> $FF26) .error "Symbol expull must be aligned with kernal in bank 15" .endif .reloc .endproc ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; The code in the target bank when switching back will be put at the bottom ; of the stack. We will jump here to switch segments. The range $F2..$FF is ; not used by any kernal routine. .segment "STARTUP" Back: sta ExecReg ; We are at $100 now. The following snippet is a copy of the code that is poked ; in the system bank memory by the basic header program, it's only for ; documentation and not actually used here: sei lda #$00 sta ExecReg ; This is the actual starting point of our code after switching banks for ; startup. Beware: The following code will get overwritten as soon as we ; use the stack (since it's in page 1)! We jump to another location, since ; we need some space for subroutines that aren't used later. jmp Origin ; Hardware vectors, copied to $FFFA .proc vectors sta ExecReg rts nop .word nmi ; NMI vector .word 0 ; Reset - not used .word irq ; IRQ vector .endproc ; Initializers for the extended zeropage. See extzp.s .proc extzp .word $0100 ; sysp1 .word $0300 ; sysp3 .word $d800 ; vic .word $da00 ; sid .word $db00 ; cia1 .word $dc00 ; cia2 .word $dd00 ; acia .word $de00 ; tpi1 .word $df00 ; tpi2 .word $eab1 ; ktab1 .word $eb11 ; ktab2 .word $eb71 ; ktab3 .word $ebd1 ; ktab4 .endproc ; Switch the indirect segment to the system bank Origin: lda #$0F sta IndReg ; Initialize the extended zeropage ldx #.sizeof(extzp)-1 L1: lda extzp,x sta <__EXTZP_RUN__,x dex bpl L1 ; Save the old stack pointer from the system bank and setup our hw sp tsx txa ldy #$FF sta (sysp1),y ; Save system stack point into $F:$1FF ldx #$FE ; Leave $1FF untouched for cross bank calls txs ; Set up our own stack ; Copy stuff from the system zeropage to ours lda #.sizeof(transfer_table) sta ktmp L2: ldx ktmp ldy transfer_table-2,x lda transfer_table-1,x tax lda (sysp0),y sta $00,x dec ktmp dec ktmp bne L2 ; Set the interrupt, NMI and other vectors ldx #.sizeof(vectors)-1 L3: lda vectors,x sta $10000 - .sizeof(vectors),x dex bpl L3 ; Setup the C stack lda #.lobyte(callbank15::entry) sta sp lda #.hibyte(callbank15::entry) sta sp+1 ; Setup the subroutine and jump vector table that redirects kernal calls to ; the system bank. ldy #.sizeof(callbank15) @L1: lda callbank15-1,y sta callbank15::entry-1,y dey bne @L1 ; Setup the jump vector table. Y is zero on entry. ldx #45-1 ; Number of vectors @L2: lda #$20 ; JSR opcode sta $FF6F,y iny lda #.lobyte(callbank15::entry) sta $FF6F,y iny lda #.hibyte(callbank15::entry) sta $FF6F,y iny dex bpl @L2 ; Set the indirect segment to bank we're executing in lda ExecReg sta IndReg ; Zero the BSS segment. We will do that here instead calling the routine ; in the common library, since we have the memory anyway, and this way, ; it's reused later. lda #<__BSS_RUN__ sta ptr1 lda #>__BSS_RUN__ sta ptr1+1 lda #0 tay ; Clear full pages ldx #>__BSS_SIZE__ beq Z2 Z1: sta (ptr1),y iny bne Z1 inc ptr1+1 ; Next page dex bne Z1 ; Clear the remaining page Z2: ldx #<__BSS_SIZE__ beq Z4 Z3: sta (ptr1),y iny dex bne Z3 Z4: jmp Init ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; We are at $200 now. We may now start calling subroutines safely, since ; the code we execute is no longer in the stack page. .segment "PAGE2" ; Copy the character rom from the system bank into the execution bank Init: lda #<$C000 sta ptr1 lda #>$C000 sta ptr1+1 lda #<__CHARRAM_START__ sta ptr2 lda #>__CHARRAM_START__ sta ptr2+1 lda #>__CHARRAM_SIZE__ ; 16 * 256 bytes to copy sta tmp1 ldy #$00 ccopy: lda #$0F sta IndReg ; Access the system bank ccopy1: lda (ptr1),y sta __VIDRAM_START__,y iny bne ccopy1 lda ExecReg sta IndReg ccopy2: lda __VIDRAM_START__,y sta (ptr2),y iny bne ccopy2 inc ptr1+1 inc ptr2+1 ; Bump high pointer bytes dec tmp1 bne ccopy ; Clear the video memory. We will do this before switching the video to bank 0 ; to avoid garbage when doing so. jsr _clrscr ; Reprogram the VIC so that the text screen and the character ROM is in the ; execution bank. This is done in three steps: lda #$0F ; We need access to the system bank sta IndReg ; Place the VIC video RAM into bank 0 ; CA (STATVID) = 0 ; CB (VICDOTSEL) = 0 ldy #TPI::CR lda (tpi1),y sta vidsave+0 and #%00001111 ora #%10100000 sta (tpi1),y ; Set bit 14/15 of the VIC address range to the high bits of __VIDRAM_START__ ; PC6/PC7 (VICBANKSEL 0/1) = 11 ldy #TPI::PRC lda (tpi2),y sta vidsave+1 and #$3F ora #<((>__VIDRAM_START__) & $C0) sta (tpi2),y ; Set the VIC base address register to the addresses of the video and ; character RAM. ldy #VIC_VIDEO_ADR lda (vic),y sta vidsave+2 and #$01 ora #<(((__VIDRAM_START__ >> 6) & $F0) | ((__CHARRAM_START__ >> 10) & $0E) | $02) ; and #$0F ; ora #<(((>__VIDRAM_START__) << 2) & $F0) sta (vic),y ; Switch back to the execution bank lda ExecReg sta IndReg ; Call module constructors, enable chained IRQs afterwards. jsr initlib lda #.lobyte(__IRQFUNC_COUNT__*2) sta irqcount ; Enable interrupts cli ; Push arguments and call main() jsr callmain ; Call module destructors. This is also the _exit entry and the default entry ; point for the break vector. _exit: pha ; Save the return code on stack lda #$00 sta irqcount ; Disable custom irq handlers jsr donelib ; Run module destructors ; Address the system bank lda #$0F sta IndReg ; Switch back the video to the system bank ldy #TPI::CR lda vidsave+0 sta (tpi1),y ldy #TPI::PRC lda vidsave+1 sta (tpi2),y ldy #VIC_VIDEO_ADR lda vidsave+2 sta (vic),y ; Copy stuff back from our zeropage to the systems .if 0 lda #.sizeof(transfer_table) sta ktmp @L0: ldx ktmp ldy transfer_table-2,x lda transfer_table-1,x tax lda $00,x sta (sysp0),y dec ktmp dec ktmp bne @L0 .endif ; Place the program return code into ST pla ldy #$9C ; ST sta (sysp0),y ; Setup the welcome code at the stack bottom in the system bank. ldy #$FF lda (sysp1),y ; Load system bank sp tax iny ; Y = 0 lda #$58 ; CLI opcode sta (sysp1),y iny lda #$60 ; RTS opcode sta (sysp1),y lda IndReg sei txs jmp Back ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The IRQ handler goes into PAGE2. For performance reasons, and to allow ; easier chaining, we do handle the IRQs in the execution bank (instead of ; passing them to the system bank). ; This is the mapping of the active irq register of the 6525 (tpi1): ; ; Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ; | | | | ^ 50 Hz ; | | | ^ SRQ IEEE 488 ; | | ^ cia ; | ^ IRQB ext. Port ; ^ acia irq: pha txa pha tya pha lda IndReg pha lda ExecReg sta IndReg ; Be sure to address our segment tsx lda $105,x ; Get the flags from the stack and #$10 ; Test break flag bne dobrk ; It's an IRQ cld ; Call chained IRQ handlers ldy irqcount beq irqskip lda #<__IRQFUNC_TABLE__ ldx #>__IRQFUNC_TABLE__ jsr condes ; Call the functions ; Done with chained IRQ handlers, check the TPI for IRQs and handle them irqskip:lda #$0F sta IndReg ldy #TPI::AIR lda (tpi1),y ; Interrupt Register 6525 beq noirq ; 50/60Hz interrupt cmp #%00000001 ; ticker irq? bne irqend jsr scnkey ; Poll the keyboard jsr UDTIM ; Bump the time ; Done irqend: ldy #TPI::AIR sta (tpi1),y ; Clear interrupt noirq: pla sta IndReg pla tay pla tax pla nmi: rti dobrk: jmp (BRKVec) ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Data area .data vidsave:.res 3 .bss irqcount: .byte 0