; ; Karri Kaksonen, 2010 ; ; This function is used to place the Lynx hardware to point to any byte in ; the Lynx cart. ; ; This function supports all available block sizes (512, 1024 and 2048 bytes). ; No other block sizes have been used afaik. ; ; Only SEEK_SET operation mode is implemented. ; ; off_t __fastcall__ lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence); .importzp sp, sreg, regsave, regbank, tmp1, ptr1, ptr2 .macpack longbranch .export _lseek .import addysp, stax0sp, tosand0ax, pusheax, asreax2 .import ldeaxysp, decsp2, pushax, incsp8 .import tosandeax,decax1,tosdiveax,axlong,ldaxysp .import lynxskip0, lynxblock,tosasreax .import __BLOCKSIZE__ .importzp _FileCurrBlock .segment "CODE" .proc _lseek: near .segment "CODE" jsr pushax ldy #$05 jsr ldeaxysp jsr pusheax ldx #$00 lda #<(__BLOCKSIZE__/1024 + 9) jsr tosasreax sta _FileCurrBlock jsr lynxblock ldy #$05 jsr ldeaxysp jsr pusheax lda #<(__BLOCKSIZE__-1) ldx #>(__BLOCKSIZE__-1) jsr decax1 jsr axlong jsr tosandeax eor #$FF pha txa eor #$FF tay plx jsr lynxskip0 ldy #$05 jsr ldeaxysp jmp incsp8 .endproc