; ; Oliver Schmidt, 2011-01-26 ; ; int __fastcall__ exec (const char* progname, const char* cmdline); ; .export _exec .import pushname, popname .import popax, done, _exit .include "zeropage.inc" .include "errno.inc" .include "apple2.inc" .include "mli.inc" ; Wrong file type typerr: lda #$4A ; "Incompatible file format" ; Cleanup name oserr: jsr popname ; Preserves A ; Set __oserror jmp __mappederrno _exec: ; Get and push name jsr popax jsr pushname bne oserr ; Set pushed name lda sp ldx sp+1 sta mliparam + MLI::INFO::PATHNAME stx mliparam + MLI::INFO::PATHNAME+1 ; Get file_type and aux_type lda #GET_INFO_CALL ldx #GET_INFO_COUNT jsr callmli oserr2: bcs oserr ; If we get here the program file at least exists so we copy ; the loader stub right now and patch it later to set params ldx #size - 1 : lda source,x sta target,x dex bpl :- ; Check program file type lda mliparam + MLI::INFO::FILE_TYPE cmp #$FF ; SYS file? bne binary ; No, check for BIN file ; SYS programs replace BASIC.SYSTEM so set in the ProDOS system bit map ; protection for pages $80 - $BF just in case BASIC.SYSTEM is there now ldx #$0F ; Start with protection for pages $B8 - $BF lda #%00000001 ; Protect only system global page : sta $BF60,x ; Set protection for 8 pages lda #$00 ; Protect no page dex bpl :- bmi prodos ; Branch always binary: cmp #$06 ; BIN file? bne typerr ; No, wrong file type ; Set BIN program load addr lda mliparam + MLI::INFO::AUX_TYPE ldx mliparam + MLI::INFO::AUX_TYPE+1 sta data_buffer stx data_buffer+1 ; Check ProDOS system bit map for presence of BASIC.SYSTEM lda $BF6F ; Protection for pages $B8 - $BF cmp #%00000001 ; Exactly system global page is protected beq setvec ; Get highest available mem addr from BASIC.SYSTEM ldx HIMEM+1 ; High byte bne setbuf ; Branch always ; BIN programs are supposed to quit through one of the two DOS ; vectors so we set up those to point to the ProDOS dispatcher setvec: ldx #$03 - 1 ; Size of JMP opcode : lda dosvec,x sta DOSWARM,x ; DOS warm start sta DOSWARM + 3,x ; DOS cold start dex bpl :- ; No BASIC.SYSTEM so use addr of ProDOS system global page prodos: ldx #>$BF00 ; High byte ; The I/O buffer needs to be page aligned setbuf: lda #$00 ; Low byte ; The I/O buffer needs four pages dex dex dex dex ; Set I/O buffer sta mliparam + MLI::OPEN::IO_BUFFER stx mliparam + MLI::OPEN::IO_BUFFER+1 ; PATHNAME already set .assert MLI::OPEN::PATHNAME = MLI::INFO::PATHNAME, error ; Lower file level to avoid program file ; being closed by C libary shutdown code ldx LEVEL stx level beq :+ dec LEVEL ; Open file : lda #OPEN_CALL ldx #OPEN_COUNT jsr callmli ; Restore file level ldx level stx LEVEL bcs oserr2 ; Get and save fd lda mliparam + MLI::OPEN::REF_NUM sta read_ref sta close_ref ; Call loader stub after C libary shutdown lda #target sta done stx done+1 ; Initiate C libary shutdown jmp _exit .bss level : .res 1 .rodata ; Read whole program file source: jsr $BF00 .byte READ_CALL .word read_param bcs :+ ; Close program file jsr $BF00 .byte CLOSE_CALL .word close_param bcs :+ ; Go for it ... jmp (data_buffer) ; Quit to ProDOS dispatcher quit = * - source + target : jsr $BF00 .byte $65 ; QUIT .word quit_param read_param = * - source + target .byte $04 ; PARAM_COUNT read_ref = * - source + target .byte $00 ; REF_NUM data_buffer = * - source + target .addr $2000 ; DATA_BUFFER .word $FFFF ; REQUEST_COUNT .word $0000 ; TRANS_COUNT close_param = * - source + target .byte $01 ; PARAM_COUNT close_ref = * - source + target .byte $00 ; REF_NUM quit_param = * - source + target .byte $04 ; PARAM_COUNT .byte $00 ; QUIT_TYPE .word $0000 ; RESERVED .byte $00 ; RESERVED .word $0000 ; RESERVED size = * - source target = DOSWARM - size dosvec: jmp quit