;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Zero page stuff MIN_X = $20 MAX_X = $21 MIN_Y = $22 MAX_Y = $23 CH = $24 CV = $25 BASL = $28 TEXTTYP = $32 RNDL = $4E ; Random value, low byte RNDH = $4F ; Random value, high byte MEMSIZE = $73 ; Highest free RAM location ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Vectors BRKVec = $03F0 ; Break vector RESTOR = $03D0 ; Goto Dos ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Screen size XSIZE = 40 YSIZE = 24 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Hardware ; Soft switches ; ; Write to USEROM to enable apple rom C000-CFFF USEROM = $C007 ; 80 column card switches C80ON = $C00C C80OFF = $C00D RD80COL = $C01F PG2OFF = $C054 PG2ON = $C055 RDPAGE2 = $C01C ; Keyboard entries RDKEY = $FD0C CLEAR_KEY_STROBE = $C010 KEY_STROBE = $C000 ; Game controller OPEN_APPLE = $C061 CLOSED_APPLE = $C062 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ROM routines ; Text output and helpers HOME = $FC58 VTABZ = $FC24 COUT = $FDED ; Graphics entry points, by cbmnut (applenut??) cbmnut@hushmail.com WHITE = $01 ; White for $1c, I think... COLOR = $1C ; Current plot color HGR2 = $F3D8 ; Initialize and clear hi-res page 2. HGR = $F3E2 ; Initialize and clear hi-res page 1. HCLR = $F3F2 ; Clear the current hi-res screen to black. BKGND = $F3F6 ; Clear the current hi-res screen to the ; last plotted color (from ($1C). HPOSN = $F411 ; Positions the hi-res cursor without ; plotting a point. ; Enter with (A) = Y-coordinate, and ; (Y,X) = X-coordinate. HPLOT = $F457 ; Calls HPOSN and tries to plot a dot at ; the cursor's position. If you are ; trying to plot a non-white color at ; a complementary color position, no ; dot will be plotted. HLIN = $F53A ; Draws a line from the last plotted ; point or line destination to: ; (X,A) = X-coordinate, and ; (Y) = Y-coordinate. HFIND = $F5CB ; Converts the hi-res coursor's position ; back to X- and Y-coordinates; stores ; X-coordinate at $E0,E1 and Y-coordinate ; at $E2. DRAW = $F601 ; Draws a shape. Enter with (Y,X) = the ; address of the shape table, and (A) = ; the rotation factor. Uses the current ; color. XDRAW = $F65D ; Draws a shape by inverting the existing ; color of the dots the shape draws over. ; Same entry parameters as DRAW. SETHCOL = $F6EC ; Set the hi-res color to (X), where (X) ; must be between 0 and 7.