da65 Users Guide <author>Ullrich von Bassewitz, <htmlurl url="mailto:uz@cc65.org" name="uz@cc65.org"> <date>2003-08-08 <abstract> da65 is a 6502/65C02 disassembler that is able to read user supplied information about its input data for better results. The output is ready for feeding into ca65, the macro assembler supplied with the cc65 C compiler. </abstract> <!-- Table of contents --> <toc> <!-- Begin the document --> <sect>Overview<p> da65 is a disassembler for 6502/65C02 code. It is supplied as a utility with the cc65 C compiler and generates output that is suitable for the ca65 macro assembler. Besides generating output for ca65, one of the design goals was that the user is able to feed additional information about the code into the disassembler for improved results. This information may include the location and size of tables, and their format. One nice advantage of this concept is that disassembly of copyrighted binaries may be handled without problems: One can just pass the information file for disassembling the binary, so everyone with a legal copy of the binary can generate a nicely formatted disassembly with readable labels and other information. <sect>Usage<p> <sect1>Command line option overview<p> The assembler accepts the following options: <tscreen><verb> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: da65 [options] [inputfile] Short options: -g Add debug info to object file -h Help (this text) -i name Specify an info file -o name Name the output file -v Increase verbosity -F Add formfeeds to the output -S addr Set the start/load address -V Print the disassembler version Long options: --comments n Set the comment level for the output --cpu type Set cpu type --debug-info Add debug info to object file --formfeeds Add formfeeds to the output --help Help (this text) --info name Specify an info file --pagelength n Set the page length for the listing --start-addr addr Set the start/load address --verbose Increase verbosity --version Print the disassembler version --------------------------------------------------------------------------- </verb></tscreen> <sect1>Command line options in detail<p> Here is a description of all the command line options: <descrip> <label id="option--comments"> <tag><tt>--comments n</tt></tag> Set the comment level for the output. Valid arguments are 0..4. Greater values will increase the level of additional information written to the output file in form of comments. <label id="option--cpu"> <tag><tt>--cpu type</tt></tag> Set the CPU type. The option takes a parameter, which may be one of 6502, 65SC02, 65C02 Support for the 65816 is currently not available. <label id="option--formfeeds"> <tag><tt>-F, --formfeeds</tt></tag> Add formfeeds to the generated output. This feature is useful together with the <tt><ref id="option--pagelength" name="--pagelength"></tt> option. If <tt/--formfeeds/ is given, a formfeed is added to the output after each page. <tag><tt>-g, --debug-info</tt></tag> This option adds the <tt/.DEBUGINFO/ command to the output file, so the assembler will generate debug information when reassembling the generated output. <tag><tt>-h, --help</tt></tag> Print the short option summary shown above. <label id="option--info"> <tag><tt>-i name, --info name</tt></tag> Specify an info file. The info file contains global options that may override or replace command line options plus informations about the code that has to be disassembled. See the separate section <ref id="infofile" name="Info File Format">. <label id="option-o"> <tag><tt>-o name</tt></tag> The default output name is the name of the input file with the extension replaced by ".dis". If you don't like that, you may give another name with the -o option. The output file will be placed in the same directory as the source file, or, if -o is given, the full path in this name is used. <label id="option--pagelength"> <tag><tt>--pagelength n</tt></tag> Sets the length of a listing page in lines. After this number of lines, a new page header is generated. If the <tt><ref id="option--formfeeds" name="--formfeeds"></tt> is also given, a formfeed is inserted before generating the page header. A value of -1 for the page length will disable paging of the output. <label id="option--start-addr"> <tag><tt>-S addr, --start-addr addr</tt></tag> Specify the start/load address of the binary code that is going to be disassembled. The given address is interpreted as an octal value if preceeded with a '0' digit, as a hexadecimal value if preceeded with '0x', '0X', or '$', and as a decimal value in all other cases. If no start address is specified, $10000 minus the size of the input file is used. <tag><tt>-v, --verbose</tt></tag> Increase the disassembler verbosity. Usually only needed for debugging purposes. You may use this option more than one time for even more verbose output. <tag><tt>-V, --version</tt></tag> Print the version number of the assembler. If you send any suggestions or bugfixes, please include the version number. </descrip> <p> <sect>Detailed workings<p> <sect1>Supported CPUs<p> The default (no CPU given on the command line or in the <tt/GLOBAL/ section of the info file) is the 6502 CPU. The disassembler knows all "official" opcodes for this CPU. Invalid opcodes are translated into <tt/.byte/ commands. With the command line option <tt><ref id="option--cpu" name="--cpu"></tt>, the disassembler may be told to recognize either the 65SC02 or 65C02 CPUs. The latter understands the same opcodes as the former, plus 16 additional bit manipulation and bit test-and-branch commands. While there is some code for the 65816 in the sources, it is currently unsupported. <sect1>Attribute map<p> The disassembler works by creating an attribute map for the whole address space ($0000 - $FFFF). Initially, all attributes are cleared. Then, an external info file (if given) is read. Disassembly is done in several passes. In all passes with the exception of the last one, information about the disassembled code is gathered and added to the symbol and attribute maps. The last pass generates output using the information from the maps. <sect1>Labels<p> Some instructions may generate labels in the first pass, while most other instructions do not generate labels, but use them if they are available. Among others, the branch and jump instructions will generate labels for the target of the branch in the first pass. External labels (taken from the info file) have precedence over internally generated ones, They must be valid identifiers as specified for the ca65 assembler. Internal labels (generated by the disassembler) have the form <tt/Labcd/, where <tt/abcd/ is the hexadecimal address of the label in upper case letters. You should probably avoid using such label names for external labels. <sect1>Info File<p> The info file is used to pass additional information about the input code to the disassembler. This includes label names, data areas or tables, and global options like input and output file names. See the <ref id="infofile" name="next section"> for more information. <sect>Info File Format<p><label id="infofile"> The info file contains lists of specifications grouped together. Each group directive has an identifying token and an attribute list enclosed in curly braces. Attributes have a name followed by a value. The syntax of the value depends on the type of the attribute. String attributes are places in double quotes, numeric attributes may be specified as decimal numbers or hexadecimal with a leading dollar sign. There are also attributes where the attribute value is a keyword, in this case the keyword is given as is (without quotes or anything). Each attribute is terminated by a semicolon. <tscreen><verb> group-name { attribute1 attribute-value; attribute2 attribute-value; } </verb></tscreen> <sect1>Specifying global options<p> Global options may be specified in a group with the name <tt/GLOBAL/. The following attributes are recognized: <descrip> <tag><tt>COMMENTS</tt></tag> This attribute may be used instead of the <tt><ref id="option--comments" name="--comments"></tt> option on the command line. It takes a numerical parameter between 0 and 4. Higher values increase the amount of information written to the output file in form of comments. <tag><tt>CPU</tt></tag> This attribute may be used instead of the <tt><ref id="option--cpu" name="--cpu"></tt> option on the command line. It takes a string parameter. <tag><tt>INPUTNAME</tt></tag> The attribute is followed by a string value, which gives the name of the input file to read. If it is present, the disassembler does not accept an input file name on the command line. <tag><tt>INPUTOFFS</tt></tag> The attribute is followed by a numerical value that gives an offset into the input file which is skipped before reading data. The attribute may be used to skip headers or unwanted code sections in the input file. <tag><tt>INPUTSIZE</tt></tag> INPUTSIZE is followed by a numerical value that gives the amount of data to read from the input file. Data beyond <tt/INPUTOFFS+INPUTSIZE/ is ignored. <tag><tt>OUTPUTNAME</tt></tag> The attribute is followed by string value, which gives the name of the output file to write. If it is present, specification of an output file on the command line using the <tt><ref id="option-o" name="-o"></tt> option is not allowed. If no output name is specified, the name of the input file with the extension replaced by ".dis" is used. <tag><tt>PAGELENGTH</tt></tag> This attribute may be used instead of the <tt><ref id="option--pagelength" name="--pagelength"></tt> option on the command line. It takes a numerical parameter. Using zero as page length (which is the default) means that no pages are generated. <tag><tt>STARTADDR</tt></tag> This attribute may be used instead of the <tt><ref id="option--start-addr" name="--start-addr"></tt> option on the command line. It takes a numerical parameter. The default for the start address is $10000 minus the size of the input file (this assumes that the input file is a ROM that contains the reset and irq vectors). </descrip> <sect1>Specifying Ranges<p> The <tt/RANGE/ directive is used to give information about address ranges. The following attributes are recognized: <descrip> <tag><tt>START</tt></tag> This gives the start address of the range. <tag><tt>END</tt></tag> This gives the end address of the range. The end address is inclusive, that means, it is part of the range. Of course, it may not be smaller than the start address. <tag><tt>TYPE</tt></tag> This attribute specifies the type of data within the range. The attribute value is one of the following keywords: <descrip> <tag><tt>CODE</tt></tag> The range consists of code. <tag><tt>BYTETABLE</tt></tag> The range consists of data and is disassembled as a byte table. <tag><tt>DBYTETABLE</tt></tag> The range consists of data and is disassembled as a table of dbytes (double byte values, 16 bit values with the low byte containing the most significant byte of the 16 bit value). <tag><tt>WORDTABLE</tt></tag> The range consists of data and is disassembled as a table of words (16 bit values). <tag><tt>DWORDTABLE</tt></tag> The range consists of data and is disassembled as a table of double words (32 bit values). <tag><tt>ADDRTABLE</tt></tag> The range consists of data and is disassembled as a table of words (16 bit values). The difference to the <tt/WORDTABLE/ type is that a label is defined for each entry in the table. <tag><tt>RTSTABLE</tt></tag> The range consists of data and is disassembled as a table of words (16 bit values). The values are interpreted as words that are pushed onto the stack and jump to it via <tt/RTS/. This means that they contain <tt/address-1/ of a function, for which a label will get defined by the disassembler. <tag><tt>TEXTTABLE</tt></tag> The range consists of readable text. </descrip> </descrip> <sect1>Specifying Labels<p> The <tt/LABEL/ directive is used to give names for labels in the disassembled code. The following attributes are recognized: <descrip> <tag><tt>NAME</tt></tag> The attribute is followed by a string value which gives the name of the label. <tag><tt>ADDR</tt></tag> Followed by a numerical value. Specifies the value of the label. <tag><tt>SIZE</tt></tag> This attribute is optional and may be used to specifiy the size of the data that follows. If a size greater than 1 is specified, the disassembler will create labels in the form <tt/label+offs/ for all bytes within the given range, where <tt/label/ is the label name given with the <tt/NAME/ attribute, and <tt/offs/ is the offset within the data. </descrip> <sect1>An Info File Example<p> The following is a short example for an info file that contains most of the directives explained above: <tscreen><verb> GLOBAL { OUTPUTNAME "kernal.s"; INPUTNAME "kernal.bin"; STARTADDR $E000; PAGELENGTH 0; # No paging CPU "6502"; }; RANGE { START $E612; END $E631; TYPE Code; }; RANGE { START $E632; END $E640; TYPE ByteTable; }; RANGE { START $EA51; END $EA84; TYPE RtsTable; }; RANGE { START $EC6C; END $ECAB; TYPE RtsTable; }; RANGE { START $ED08; END $ED11; TYPE AddrTable; }; # Zero page variables LABEL { NAME "fnadr"; ADDR $90; SIZE 3; }; LABEL { NAME "sal"; ADDR $93; }; LABEL { NAME "sah"; ADDR $94; }; LABEL { NAME "sas"; ADDR $95; }; # Stack LABEL { NAME "stack"; ADDR $100; SIZE 255; }; # Indirect vectors LABEL { NAME "cinv"; ADDR $300; SIZE 2; }; # IRQ LABEL { NAME "cbinv"; ADDR $302; SIZE 2; }; # BRK LABEL { NAME "nminv"; ADDR $304; SIZE 2; }; # NMI # Jump table at end of kernal ROM LABEL { NAME "kscrorg"; ADDR $FFED; }; LABEL { NAME "kplot"; ADDR $FFF0; }; LABEL { NAME "kiobase"; ADDR $FFF3; }; LABEL { NAME "kgbye"; ADDR $FFF6; }; # Hardware vectors LABEL { NAME "hanmi"; ADDR $FFFA; }; LABEL { NAME "hares"; ADDR $FFFC; }; LABEL { NAME "hairq"; ADDR $FFFE; }; </verb></tscreen> <sect>Bugs/Feedback<p> If you have problems using the disassembler, if you find any bugs, or if you're doing something interesting with the assembler, I would be glad to hear from you. Feel free to contact me by email (<htmlurl url="mailto:uz@cc65.org" name="uz@cc65.org">). <sect>Copyright<p> da65 (and all cc65 binutils) are (C) Copyright 1998-2003 Ullrich von Bassewitz. For usage of the binaries and/or sources the following conditions do apply: This software is provided 'as-is', without any expressed or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: <enum> <item> The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. <item> Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. <item> This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. </enum> </article>