/* * dis6502 by Robert Bond, Udi Finkelstein, and Eric Smith * * $Id: main.c 26 2004-01-17 23:28:23Z eric $ * Copyright 2000-2016 Eric Smith * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Note that permission is * not granted to redistribute this program under the terms of any * other version of the General Public License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "dis.h" int sevenbit = 0; /* if true, mask character data with 0x7f to ignore MSB */ #define NTSTART 500 char *cur_file = NULL; /* the file thats open */ int pre_index = 0; int tstart[NTSTART]; /* .trace directive keep locations */ int tstarti = 0; #define RTSTAB_MAX 50 int rtstab_addr [RTSTAB_MAX]; /* .rtstab directive */ int rtstab_size [RTSTAB_MAX]; int rtstab_count = 0; #define JTAB2_MAX 50 int jtab2_addr_low [JTAB2_MAX]; /* .jtab2 directive */ int jtab2_addr_high [JTAB2_MAX]; /* .jtab2 directive */ int jtab2_size [JTAB2_MAX]; int jtab2_count = 0; VALUE token; unsigned char d[0x10000]; /* The data */ unsigned char f[0x10000]; /* Flags for memory usage */ long offset [0x10000]; /* label offset */ #define RUNLOC 0x2e0 #define INITLOC 0x2e2 void crash (char *p) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, p); if (cur_file != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Line %d of %s\n", lineno+1, cur_file); exit(1); } void add_trace (addr_t addr) { if (f [addr] & TDONE) return; push_trace_queue (addr); } void trace_inst (addr_t addr) { int opcode; register struct info *ip; int operand; int istart; for (;;) { if (f[addr] & TDONE) return; f[addr] |= TDONE; istart = addr; opcode = getbyte(addr); ip = &optbl[opcode]; if (! (ip->flag & ADRMASK)) // illegal if no address mode return; f[addr] |= ISOP; addr++; /* Get the operand */ switch(ip->nb) { case 1: operand = 0; /* only to avoid "may be used unitialized" warning */ break; case 2: operand = getbyte(addr); f[addr++] |= TDONE; break; case 3: operand = getword(addr); f[addr++] |= TDONE; f[addr++] |= TDONE; break; } /* Mark data references */ switch (ip->flag & ADRMASK) { case IMM: case ACC: case IMP: case REL: case IND: case INZ: break; case ABS: if (ip->flag & (JUMP | FORK)) break; /* Fall into */ case ABX: case ABY: case INX: case INY: case ZPG: case ZPX: case ZPY: f[operand] |= DREF; save_ref(istart, operand); break; default: crash("Optable error"); break; } /* Trace the next instruction */ switch (ip->flag & CTLMASK) { case JUMP: if (ip->flag & REL) { if (operand > 127) operand = (~0xff | operand); operand = operand + addr; } f[operand] |= JREF; save_ref(istart, operand); add_trace(operand); return; case FORK: if (ip->flag & REL) { if (operand > 127) operand = (~0xff | operand); operand = operand + addr; f[operand] |= JREF; } else { f[operand] |= SREF; } save_ref(istart, operand); add_trace(operand); break; case STOP: return; default: break; } } } void trace_all (void) { while (! trace_queue_empty ()) trace_inst (pop_trace_queue ()); } void start_trace (addr_t loc, char *name) { fprintf(stderr, "Trace: %4x %s\n", loc, name); f[loc] |= (NAMED | SREF); if (!get_name(loc)) save_name(loc, name); save_ref(0, loc); add_trace(loc); } void do_ptrace (void) { int i; for (i = 0; i 0) { cur_file = predef[0]; pre_index++; yyin = fopen(cur_file, "r"); if (!yyin) crash ("Cant open predefine file"); get_predef(); } switch (bopt) { case RAW_BINARY: binaryloadfile(); break; case ATARI_LOAD: loadfile(); break; case C64_LOAD: c64loadfile(); break; case ATARI_BOOT: loadboot(); break; default: crash ("file format must be specified"); } do_ptrace (); do_rtstab (); do_jtab2 (); trace_all (); dumpitout(); exit(0); } void get_predef (void) { long loc, loc2; int i; int size; char *name; for(;;) switch (yylex()) { case '\n': break; case COMMENT: break; case 0: return; case TRTSTAB: if (yylex() != NUMBER) crash(".rtstab needs an address operand"); loc = token.ival; if (loc > 0x10000 || loc < 0) crash("Number out of range"); if (yylex() != ',') crash(".rtstab needs a comma"); if (yylex() != NUMBER) crash(".rtstab needs a comma"); size = token.ival; rtstab_addr [rtstab_count] = loc; rtstab_size [rtstab_count++] = size; break; case TJTAB2: if (yylex() != NUMBER) crash(".jtab2 needs a number operand"); if (token.ival > 0x10000 || token.ival < 0) crash("Number out of range"); jtab2_addr_low [jtab2_count] = token.ival; if (yylex() != ',') crash(".jtab2 needs a comma"); if (yylex() != NUMBER) crash(".jtab2 needs a number operand"); if (token.ival > 0x10000 || token.ival < 0) crash("Number out of range"); jtab2_addr_high [jtab2_count] = token.ival; if (yylex() != ',') crash(".jtab2 needs a comma"); if (yylex() != NUMBER) crash(".jtab2 needs a number operand"); jtab2_size [jtab2_count++] = token.ival; break; case TSTART: if (yylex() != NUMBER) crash(".trace needs a number operand"); loc = token.ival; if (loc > 0x10000 || loc < 0) crash("Number out of range"); if (tstarti == NTSTART) crash("Too many .trace directives"); tstart[tstarti++] = loc; while (yylex() != '\n') ; break; case TSTOP: if (yylex() != NUMBER) crash(".stop needs a number operand"); loc = token.ival; if (loc > 0x10000 || loc < 0) crash("Number out of range"); f[loc] |= TDONE; while (yylex() != '\n') ; break; case NAME: name = token.sval; switch (yylex ()) { case EQ: if (yylex() != NUMBER) crash("EQ operand must be a number"); loc = token.ival; if (loc > 0x10000 || loc < 0) crash("Number out of range"); f[loc] |= NAMED; save_name(loc, name); break; case EQS: if (yylex() != NUMBER) crash("EQS operand must be a number"); loc = token.ival; if (loc > 0x10000 || loc < 0) crash("Number out of range"); if (yylex() != ',') crash(".eqs needs a comma"); if (yylex() != NUMBER) crash("EQS operand must be a number"); size = token.ival; f[loc] |= NAMED; save_name(loc, name); for (i = 1; i < size; i++) { f [loc + i] |= OFFSET; offset [loc + i] = -i; } break; default: crash("name can only be used with equate in defines file"); break; } while (yylex() != '\n') ; break; case OFS: if (yylex() != NUMBER) crash("EQ operand must be a number"); loc = token.ival; if (loc > 0x10000 || loc < 0) crash("Number out of range"); if (yylex() != ',') crash(".ofs needs a comma"); if (yylex() != NUMBER) crash("EQ operand must be a number"); loc2 = token.ival; if (loc2 > 0x10000 || loc2 < 0) crash("Number out of range"); /*$$$*/ f[loc] |= OFFSET; offset[loc] = loc2 - loc; break; default: crash("Invalid line in predef file"); } } void loadboot (void) { struct boot_hdr { unsigned char flags; unsigned char nsec; unsigned char base_low; unsigned char base_hi; unsigned char init_low; unsigned char init_hi; } bh; FILE *fp; int base_addr; register int i; int len; fp = fopen(file, "r"); cur_file = NULL; if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "Cant open %s\n", file); exit(1); } if(fread((char *)&bh, sizeof(bh), 1, fp) != 1) crash("Input too short"); base_addr = bh.base_low + (bh.base_hi << 8); len = bh.nsec * 128; rewind(fp); if (fread((char *)&d[base_addr], 1, len, fp) != len) crash("input too short"); for(i = base_addr; len > 0; len--) f[i++] |= LOADED; start_trace(base_addr+6, "**BOOT**"); } void loadfile (void) { FILE *fp; int base_addr; int last_addr; register int i; int had_header; int tmp; had_header = 0; fp = fopen(file, "r"); cur_file = NULL; if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "Cant open %s\n", file); exit(1); } for(;;) { i = getc(fp); if (i == EOF) { if (f[RUNLOC] & LOADED & f[RUNLOC+1]) { i = getword(RUNLOC); start_trace(i, "**RUN**"); } return; } i = i | (getc(fp) << 8); if (i == 0xffff) { had_header = 1; base_addr = getc(fp); base_addr = base_addr | (getc(fp) << 8); if (base_addr < 0 || base_addr > 0xffff) crash("Invalid base addr in input file"); } else { if (!had_header) crash("Invalid header in input file"); base_addr = i; } last_addr = getc(fp); last_addr = last_addr | (getc(fp) << 8); if (last_addr < base_addr || last_addr > 0xffff) crash("Invalid length in input file"); printf("Load: %4x -> %4x\n", base_addr, last_addr); for(i = base_addr; i <= last_addr; i++) { tmp = getc(fp); if (tmp == EOF) crash("File too small"); d[i] = tmp; f[i] |= LOADED; } if (f[INITLOC] & LOADED & f[INITLOC+1]) { i = getword(INITLOC); start_trace(i, "**INIT**"); } f[INITLOC] &= ~LOADED; f[INITLOC+1] &= ~LOADED; } } void c64loadfile (void) { FILE *fp; addr_t base_addr,i; int c; fp = fopen(file, "r"); cur_file = NULL; if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "Cant open %s\n", file); exit(1); } base_addr = getc(fp); i = ( base_addr += ( (unsigned int)getc(fp) << 8 ) ); while( (c = getc(fp)) != EOF) { d[i] = c; f[i++] |= LOADED; } start_trace(base_addr, "**C64BIN**"); } void binaryloadfile (void) { FILE *fp; addr_t i; int c; addr_t reset, irq, nmi; fp = fopen (file, "r"); cur_file = NULL; if (!fp) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't open %s\n", file); exit (1); } i = base_address; while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF) { d [i] = c; f [i++] |= LOADED; } reset = vector_address - 4; irq = vector_address - 2; nmi = vector_address - 6; fprintf (stderr, "base: %04x reset: %04x irq: %04x nmi: %04x\n", base_address, reset, irq, nmi); if (entry_count) { int i; char label [8]; for (i = 0; i < entry_count; i++) { snprintf (label, sizeof (label), "e_%04x", entry_address[i]); printf("label: %s\n", label); start_trace (entry_address[i], label); } } else { start_trace ((d [reset+1] << 8) | d [reset], "RESET"); start_trace ((d [irq +1] << 8) | d [irq ], "IRQ"); start_trace ((d [nmi +1] << 8) | d [nmi ], "NMI"); } } int yywrap() { (void)fclose(yyin); if (npredef == pre_index) { return(1); } else { lineno = 0; cur_file = predef[pre_index]; pre_index++; yyin = fopen(cur_file, "r"); if (!yyin) crash("Can't open predefines file"); return (0); } }