package com.smallhacker.disbrowser.util import java.util.* abstract class UType(val bytes: Int, val name: String) { val mask = (1 shl (bytes * 8)) - 1 } class UVal(value: Int, val type: U) : Comparable> { val value = value and type.mask override fun equals(other: Any?) = equalsBy(other, { value }, { type }) override fun toString() = "${}(${toHex(true)})" fun toHex(prefix: Boolean = false): String { val digits = 2 * type.bytes val start = if (prefix) "0x" else "" val pattern = "%0${digits}x" return start + String.format(pattern, value) } override fun compareTo(other: UVal): Int =, other.value) override fun hashCode() = Objects.hash(value, type) //fun value(value: Int) = UVal(value, type) //fun mutate(mutator: (Int) -> Int) = UVal(mutator(value), type) object U1 : UType(1, "UByte") object U2 : UType(2, "UWord") object U3 : UType(3, "ULong") } inline fun > U.value(value: Int): U = UVal(value, type) as U inline infix fun > U.mutate(mutator: (Int) -> Int): U = value(mutator(value)) typealias UByte = UVal typealias UWord = UVal typealias ULong = UVal fun UVal<*>.toByte() = uByte(value) fun UVal<*>.toWord() = uWord(value) fun UVal<*>.toLong() = uLong(value) private val UBYTE_CACHE = Array(256) { UByte(it, UVal.U1) } fun uByte(value: Int): UByte = UBYTE_CACHE[value and 0xFF] fun uWord(value: Int): UWord = UVal(value, UVal.U2) fun uLong(value: Int): ULong = UVal(value, UVal.U3) inline infix fun , V: UType> U.left(count: Int): U = mutate { it shl count } inline infix fun , V: UType> U.right(count: Int): U = mutate { it ushr count } inline infix fun , V: UType> U.and(other: U): U = mutate { it and other.value } inline infix fun , V: UType> U.or(other: U): U = mutate { it or other.value } inline operator fun > U.not(): U = mutate { it.inv() } inline infix operator fun , V: UType> U): U = mutate { it + other.value } inline infix operator fun , V: UType> U.minus(other: U): U = mutate { it - other.value }