package com.smallhacker.util inline class UInt24(private val data: UInt) { fun toUInt() = data and 0x00FF_FFFFu fun toUShort() = toUInt().toUShort() fun toUByte() = toUInt().toUByte() fun toInt() = toUInt().toInt() fun toShort() = toUShort().toShort() fun toByte() = toUByte().toByte() infix fun and(v: UInt24) = (data and infix fun and(v: UInt) = (data and v).toUInt24() infix fun or(v: UInt24) = (data or infix fun or(v: UInt) = (data or v).toUInt24() infix fun shl(v: Int) = (data shl v).toUInt24() infix fun shr(v: Int) = (toUInt() shr v).toUInt24() operator fun plus(v: UInt24) = (toUInt() + v.toUInt()).toUInt24() operator fun plus(v: UInt) = (toUInt() + v).toUInt24() operator fun plus(v: Int) = (toInt() + v).toUInt24() operator fun minus(v: UInt24) = (toUInt() - v.toUInt()).toUInt24() operator fun minus(v: UInt) = (toUInt() - v).toUInt24() operator fun minus(v: Int) = (toInt() - v).toUInt24() override fun toString() = data.toString() } fun UInt.toUInt24() = UInt24(this and 0x00FF_FFFFu) fun UShort.toUInt24() = this.toUInt().toUInt24() fun UByte.toUInt24() = this.toUInt().toUInt24() fun Int.toUInt24() = this.toUInt().toUInt24() fun Short.toUInt24() = this.toUInt().toUInt24() fun Byte.toUInt24() = this.toUInt().toUInt24()