package com.smallhacker.util inline class VagueNumber(private val valueAndCertainty: ULong) { private constructor(value: UInt, certainty: UInt) : this(value.toULong() or (certainty.toULong() shl 32)) constructor(value: UInt) : this(value, 0xFFFF_FFFFu) constructor() : this(0u, 0u) val value get() = valueAndCertainty.toUInt() val certainty get() = (valueAndCertainty shr 32).toUInt() fun withBits(value: UInt) = VagueNumber(this.value or value, this.certainty or value) fun withoutBits(value: UInt) = VagueNumber(this.value and value.inv(), this.certainty or value) val certain: Boolean get() = certainty == 0xFFFF_FFFFu fun get(mask: UInt): UInt? { if ((certainty and mask) != mask) { return null } return value and mask } fun getBoolean(mask: UInt): Boolean? { val value = get(mask) ?: return null return value == mask } override fun toString(): String { var i = 1u shl 31 val out = StringBuilder() while (i != 0u) { val b = getBoolean(i) when (b) { true -> out.append('1') false -> out.append('0') null -> out.append('?') } i = i shr 1 } return out.toString() } }