
99 lines
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package com.smallhacker.disbrowser.util
inline fun <reified T> T.equalsBy(other: Any?, vararg values: T.() -> Any?) = when (other) {
!is T -> false
else -> values.asSequence()
.map { it(this) to it(other) }
.all { it.first == it.second }
fun tryParseInt(s: String, radix: Int = 10): Int? {
return try {
Integer.parseInt(s, radix)
} catch (e: NumberFormatException) {
fun toHex(value: UInt, bytes: UInt): String {
if (bytes == 0u) {
return ""
val digits = 2u * bytes
val pattern = "%0${digits}x"
return String.format(pattern, value.toInt())
fun toHex(value: UInt24) = toHex(value.toUInt(), 3u)
fun toHex(value: UShort) = toHex(value.toUInt(), 2u)
fun toHex(value: UByte) = toHex(value.toUInt(), 1u)
fun joinBytes(vararg bytes: UByte) = bytes
.mapIndexed { index, v -> v.toUInt() shl (index * 8) }
.reduce { a, b -> a or b }
fun joinNullableBytes(vararg bytes: UByte?): UInt? {
if (bytes.any { it == null }) {
return null
return bytes
.mapIndexed { index, v -> v!!.toUInt() shl (index * 8) }
.reduce { a, b -> a or b }
inline class UInt24(private val data: UInt) {
fun toUInt() = data and 0x00FF_FFFFu
fun toUShort() = toUInt().toUShort()
fun toUByte() = toUInt().toUByte()
fun toInt() = toUInt().toInt()
fun toShort() = toUShort().toShort()
fun toByte() = toUByte().toByte()
infix fun and(v: UInt24) = (data and v.data).toUInt24()
infix fun and(v: UInt) = (data and v).toUInt24()
infix fun or(v: UInt24) = (data or v.data).toUInt24()
infix fun or(v: UInt) = (data or v).toUInt24()
infix fun shl(v: Int) = (data shl v).toUInt24()
infix fun shr(v: Int) = (toUInt() shr v).toUInt24()
operator fun plus(v: UInt24) = (toUInt() + v.toUInt()).toUInt24()
operator fun plus(v: UInt) = (toUInt() + v).toUInt24()
operator fun plus(v: Int) = (toInt() + v).toUInt24()
operator fun minus(v: UInt24) = (toUInt() - v.toUInt()).toUInt24()
operator fun minus(v: UInt) = (toUInt() - v).toUInt24()
operator fun minus(v: Int) = (toInt() - v).toUInt24()
override fun toString() = data.toString()
fun UInt.toUInt24() = UInt24(this and 0x00FF_FFFFu)
fun UShort.toUInt24() = this.toUInt().toUInt24()
fun UByte.toUInt24() = this.toUInt().toUInt24()
fun Int.toUInt24() = this.toUInt().toUInt24()
fun Short.toUInt24() = this.toUInt().toUInt24()
fun Byte.toUInt24() = this.toUInt().toUInt24()
fun <T> List<T>.asReverseSequence(): Sequence<T> =
((size - 1) downTo 0).asSequence().map { this[it] }
fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.removeIf(condition: (K, V) -> Boolean) {
.filter { condition(it.key, it.value) }
.map { it.key }
.forEach { remove(it) }
fun hashOf(vararg values: Any?): Int {
return if (values.isEmpty()) {
} else {
.map { it.hashCode() }
.reduce { acc, v -> (acc * 31) + v }