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package com.smallhacker.disbrowser.asm
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonValue
import com.smallhacker.disbrowser.util.UInt24
import com.smallhacker.disbrowser.util.toUInt24
import com.smallhacker.disbrowser.util.tryParseInt
data class SnesAddress(val value: UInt24) : Comparable<SnesAddress> {
val pc = snesToPc(value)
operator fun plus(offset: Int) = SnesAddress(value + offset)
operator fun minus(offset: Int) = SnesAddress(value - offset)
operator fun inc() = plus(1)
operator fun dec() = minus(1)
override fun toString(): String = toFormattedString()
fun toFormattedString(): String = String.format("$%02x:%04x", (value shr 16).toInt(), (value and 0xFFFFu).toInt())
fun toSimpleString(): String = String.format("%06x", value.toInt())
fun withinBank(value: UShort): SnesAddress = SnesAddress((this.value and 0xFF_0000u) or value.toUInt24())
override fun compareTo(other: SnesAddress) = value.toUInt().compareTo(other.value.toUInt())
infix fun distanceTo(other: SnesAddress) = Math.abs(value.toInt() - other.value.toInt()).toUInt()
companion object {
fun parse(address: String): SnesAddress? = tryParseInt(address, 16)
?.let { SnesAddress(it.toUInt24()) }
fun address(snesAddress: Int) = SnesAddress(snesAddress.toUInt24())
private fun snesToPc(value: UInt24): UInt {
// TODO: This is incredibly oversimplified. Anything that isn't a small LoROM will crash and burn
val intVal = value.toUInt()
return (intVal and 0x7FFFu) or ((intVal and 0x7F_0000u) shr 1)