#include #include #include #include "types.h" #include "test6502.h" #include "opcodes.h" #include "state.h" #include "disassembler.h" #include "cpu.h" void print_state(State6502* state) { printf("\tC=%d,Z=%d,I=%d,D=%d,B=%d,V=%d,N=%d\n", state->flags.c, state->flags.z, state->flags.i, state->flags.d, state->flags.b, state->flags.v, state->flags.n); printf("\tA $%02X X $%02X Y $%02X SP $%02X PC $%04X\n", state->a, state->x, state->y, state->sp, state->pc); } void print_memory(State6502* state, word offset) { printf("$%04X: ", offset); for (byte i = 0; i < 32; i++) { printf("%02X", state->memory[offset + i]); if (i % 8 == 7) printf("|"); else printf(" "); } printf("\n"); } void print_all(State6502 * state) { print_state(state); print_memory(state, 0); //print_memory(state, 0x20); //print_memory(state, 0x40); //print_memory(state, 0x80); printf("\n"); } void test_step(State6502 * state) { print_all(state); disassemble_6502(state->memory, state->pc); emulate_6502_op(state); print_all(state); } void test_cleanup(State6502 * state) { free(state->memory); } State6502 create_blank_state() { State6502 state; clear_state(&state); state.memory = malloc(4096); memset(state.memory, 0, sizeof(byte) * 4096); return state; } void assertA(State6502 * state, byte expected) { if (state->a != expected) { printf("Unexpected value in A, expected %02X, was %02X", expected, state->a); exit(1); } } void assertX(State6502 * state, byte expected) { if (state->x != expected) { printf("Unexpected value in X, expected %02X, was %02X", expected, state->x); exit(1); } } void assertY(State6502 * state, byte expected) { if (state->y != expected) { printf("Unexpected value in X, expected %02X, was %02X", expected, state->y); exit(1); } } //assert_memory(&state, 0xFF, 0x99) void assert_memory(State6502 * state, word address, byte expected) { if (state->memory[address] != expected) { printf("Unexpected value in $%04X, expected %02X, was %02X", address, expected, state->memory[address]); exit(1); } } void assert_flag_n(State6502 * state, byte expected) { if (state->flags.n != expected) { printf("Unexpected value in flag N, expected %d, was %d", expected, state->flags.n); exit(1); } } void assert_flag_z(State6502 * state, byte expected) { if (state->flags.z != expected) { printf("Unexpected value in flag Z, expected %d, was %d", expected, state->flags.z); exit(1); } } //////////////////////////////////////// //// LDA void test_LDA_IMM() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); //arrange char program[] = { LDA_IMM, 0xAA }; //LDA #$AA memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDA_ZP() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); //arrange char program[] = { LDA_ZP, 0x03, 0x00, 0xAA }; //LDA $3 memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDA_ZPX() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0x01; //arrange char program[] = { LDA_ZPX, 0x02, 0x00, 0xAA }; //LDA $02,X memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDA_ZPX_wraparound() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0xFF; //arrange char program[] = { LDA_ZPX, 0x04, 0x00, 0xAA }; //LDA $04,X memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert //should wrap $FF+$04 around to $03 assertA(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDA_ABS() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); //arrange char program[] = { LDA_ABS, 0x01, 0x04 }; //LDA $0401 memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x401] = 0xAA; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDA_ABSX() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0x02; //arrange char program[] = { LDA_ABSX, 0x01, 0x04 }; //LDA $0401,x memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x403] = 0xAA; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDA_ABSY() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.y = 0x02; //arrange char program[] = { LDA_ABSY, 0x01, 0x04 }; //LDA $0401,y memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x403] = 0xAA; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDA_INDX() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0x05; //arrange char program[] = { LDA_INDX, 0x3E }; //LDA ($3E, x) memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x0043] = 0xA9; state.memory[0x0044] = 0x04; state.memory[0x04A9] = 0xAA; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDA_INDY() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.y = 0x05; //arrange char program[] = { LDA_INDY, 0x3E }; //LDA ($3E),y memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x3E] = 0xA0; //0x04A0 state.memory[0x3F] = 0x04; state.memory[0x04A5] = 0xAA; //address 0x04A0 + 0x05 = 0x04A5 //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } //// ORA void test_ORA_IMM() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.a = 0x0A; //arrange char program[] = { ORA_IMM, 0xA0 }; //ORA #$AA memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_ORA_ZP() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.a = 0x0A; //arrange char program[] = { ORA_ZP, 0x03, 0x00, 0xA0 }; //ORA $3 memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_ORA_ZPX() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0x01; state.a = 0x0A; //arrange char program[] = { ORA_ZPX, 0x02, 0x00, 0xA0 }; //ORA $2,x memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_ORA_ABS() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.a = 0x0A; //arrange char program[] = { ORA_ABS, 0x01, 0x04 }; //ORA $0401 memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x401] = 0xA0; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_ORA_ABSX() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0x02; state.a = 0x0A; //arrange char program[] = { ORA_ABSX, 0x01, 0x04 }; //ORA $0401,x memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x403] = 0xA0; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_ORA_ABSY() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.y = 0x02; state.a = 0x0A; //arrange char program[] = { ORA_ABSY, 0x01, 0x04 }; //ORA $0401,y memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x403] = 0xA0; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_ORA_INDX() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0x05; state.a = 0x0A; //arrange char program[] = { ORA_INDX, 0x3E }; //ORA ($3E, x) memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x0043] = 0xA9; state.memory[0x0044] = 0x04; state.memory[0x04A9] = 0xA0; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_ORA_INDY() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.y = 0x05; state.a = 0x0A; //arrange char program[] = { ORA_INDY, 0x3E, 0x04, 0xAA }; //ORA ($3E),y memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x3E] = 0xA0; //0x04A0 state.memory[0x3F] = 0x04; state.memory[0x04A5] = 0xA0; //address 0x04A0 + 0x05 = 0x04A5 //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } //// AND void test_AND_IMM() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.a = 0xAA; //arrange char program[] = { AND_IMM, 0xA0 }; //AND #$AA memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xA0); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_AND_ZP() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.a = 0xAA; //arrange char program[] = { AND_ZP, 0x03, 0x00, 0xA0 }; //AND $3 memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xA0); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_AND_ZPX() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0x01; state.a = 0xAA; //arrange char program[] = { AND_ZPX, 0x02, 0x00, 0xA0 }; //AND $2,x memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xA0); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_AND_ABS() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.a = 0xAA; //arrange char program[] = { AND_ABS, 0x01, 0x04 }; //AND $0401 memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x401] = 0xA0; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xA0); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_AND_ABSX() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0x02; state.a = 0xAA; //arrange char program[] = { AND_ABSX, 0x01, 0x04 }; //AND $0401,x memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x403] = 0xA0; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xA0); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_AND_ABSY() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.y = 0x02; state.a = 0xAA; //arrange char program[] = { AND_ABSY, 0x01, 0x04 }; //AND $0401,y memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x403] = 0xA0; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xA0); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_AND_INDX() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0x05; state.a = 0xAA; //arrange char program[] = { AND_INDX, 0x3E }; //AND ($3E, x) memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x0043] = 0xA9; state.memory[0x0044] = 0x04; state.memory[0x04A9] = 0xA0; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xA0); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_AND_INDY() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.y = 0x05; state.a = 0xAA; //arrange char program[] = { AND_INDY, 0x3E, 0x04, 0xAA }; //AND ($3E),y memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x3E] = 0xA0; //0x04A0 state.memory[0x3F] = 0x04; state.memory[0x04A5] = 0xA0; //address 0x04A0 + 0x05 = 0x04A5 //act test_step(&state); //assert assertA(&state, 0xA0); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } //// LDX void test_LDX_IMM() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); //arrange char program[] = { LDX_IMM, 0xAA }; //LDX #$AA memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assertX(&state, 0xAA); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDX_ZP() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); //arrange char program[] = { LDX_ZP, 0x03, 0x00, 0xAA }; //LDX $3 memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assertX(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDX_ZPY() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.y = 0x01; //arrange char program[] = { LDX_ZPY, 0x02, 0x00, 0xAA }; //LDX $02,Y memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assertX(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDX_ABS() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); //arrange char program[] = { LDX_ABS, 0x01, 0x04 }; //LDX $0401 memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x401] = 0xAA; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertX(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDX_ABSY() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.y = 0x02; //arrange char program[] = { LDX_ABSY, 0x01, 0x04 }; //LDX $0401,y memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x403] = 0xAA; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertX(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } //// LDY void test_LDY_IMM() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); //arrange char program[] = { LDY_IMM, 0xAA }; //LDY #$AA memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assertY(&state, 0xAA); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDY_ZP() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); //arrange char program[] = { LDY_ZP, 0x03, 0x00, 0xAA }; //LDY $3 memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assertY(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDY_ZPX() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0x01; //arrange char program[] = { LDY_ZPX, 0x02, 0x00, 0xAA }; //LDY $02,X memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assertY(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDY_ABS() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); //arrange char program[] = { LDY_ABS, 0x01, 0x04 }; //LDY $0401 memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x401] = 0xAA; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertY(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_LDY_ABSX() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0x02; //arrange char program[] = { LDY_ABSX, 0x01, 0x04 }; //LDY $0401,x memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0x403] = 0xAA; //act test_step(&state); //assert assertY(&state, 0xAA); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } //// STX void test_STX_ZP() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0x99; //arrange char program[] = { STX_ZP, 0xFF }; //STX $FF memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assert_memory(&state, 0xFF, 0x99); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_STX_ZPY() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.y = 0xA0; state.x = 0x99; //arrange char program[] = { STX_ZPY, 0x02 }; //STX $02,Y memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assert_memory(&state, 0xA2, 0x99); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_STX_ABS() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0x99; //arrange char program[] = { STX_ABS, 0x01, 0x04 }; //STX $0401 memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assert_memory(&state, 0x401, 0x99); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } //// STY void test_STY_ZP() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.y = 0x99; //arrange char program[] = { STY_ZP, 0xFF }; //STY $FF memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assert_memory(&state, 0xFF, 0x99); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_STY_ZPX() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0xA0; state.y = 0x99; //arrange char program[] = { STY_ZPX, 0x02 }; //STY $02,X memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assert_memory(&state, 0xA2, 0x99); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } void test_STY_ABS() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.y = 0x99; //arrange char program[] = { STY_ABS, 0x01, 0x04 }; //STY $0401 memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); //act test_step(&state); //assert assert_memory(&state, 0x401, 0x99); //cleanup test_cleanup(&state); } // INX, INY, DEX, DEY void test_DEX_wraparound() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); //arrange char program[] = { DEX }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assertX(&state, 0xFF); assert_flag_n(&state, 1); assert_flag_z(&state, 0); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_DEX() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0xE1; //arrange char program[] = { DEX }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assertX(&state, 0xE0); assert_flag_n(&state, 1); assert_flag_z(&state, 0); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_DEY_wraparound() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); //arrange char program[] = { DEY }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assertY(&state, 0xFF); assert_flag_n(&state, 1); assert_flag_z(&state, 0); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_DEY() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.y = 0xE1; //arrange char program[] = { DEY }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assertY(&state, 0xE0); assert_flag_n(&state, 1); assert_flag_z(&state, 0); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_INX_wraparound() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0xFF; //arrange char program[] = { INX }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assertX(&state, 0x00); assert_flag_z(&state, 1); assert_flag_n(&state, 0); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_INX() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0xE1; //arrange char program[] = { INX }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assertX(&state, 0xE2); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_INY_wraparound() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.y = 0xFF; //arrange char program[] = { INY }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assertY(&state, 0x00); assert_flag_z(&state, 1); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_INY() { //initialize State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.y = 0xE1; //arrange char program[] = { INY }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assertY(&state, 0xE2); assert_flag_z(&state, 0); assert_flag_n(&state, 1); test_cleanup(&state); } // TXA, TAX, TYA, TAY void test_TXA() { State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0xEE; char program[] = { TXA }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assertA(&state, 0xEE); assert_flag_z(&state, 0); assert_flag_n(&state, 1); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_TAX() { State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.a = 0xEE; char program[] = { TAX }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assertX(&state, 0xEE); assert_flag_z(&state, 0); assert_flag_n(&state, 1); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_TYA() { State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.y = 0xEE; char program[] = { TYA }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assertA(&state, 0xEE); assert_flag_z(&state, 0); assert_flag_n(&state, 1); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_TAY() { State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.a = 0xEE; char program[] = { TAY }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assertY(&state, 0xEE); assert_flag_z(&state, 0); assert_flag_n(&state, 1); test_cleanup(&state); } //// INC, DEC void test_INC_ZP() { State6502 state = create_blank_state(); char program[] = { INC_ZP, 0xFF }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assert_memory(&state, 0xFF, 0x01); assert_flag_z(&state, 0); assert_flag_n(&state, 0); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_INC_ZP_wraparound() { State6502 state = create_blank_state(); char program[] = { INC_ZP, 0xFF }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0xFF] = 0xFF; test_step(&state); assert_memory(&state, 0xFF, 0x00); assert_flag_z(&state, 1); assert_flag_n(&state, 0); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_INC_ZPX() { State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0x02; char program[] = { INC_ZPX, 0xFD }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assert_memory(&state, 0xFF, 0x01); assert_flag_z(&state, 0); assert_flag_n(&state, 0); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_INC_ABS() { State6502 state = create_blank_state(); char program[] = { INC_ABS, 0xFF, 0x01 }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assert_memory(&state, 0x1FF, 0x01); assert_flag_z(&state, 0); assert_flag_n(&state, 0); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_INC_ABSX() { State6502 state = create_blank_state(); state.x = 0x02; char program[] = { INC_ABSX, 0xFD, 0x01 }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assert_memory(&state, 0x1FF, 0x01); assert_flag_z(&state, 0); assert_flag_n(&state, 0); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_DEC_ZP() { State6502 state = create_blank_state(); char program[] = { DEC_ZP, 0xFF }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); state.memory[0xFF] = 0xFF; test_step(&state); assert_memory(&state, 0xFF, 0xFE); assert_flag_z(&state, 0); assert_flag_n(&state, 1); test_cleanup(&state); } void test_DEC_ZP_wraparound() { State6502 state = create_blank_state(); char program[] = { DEC_ZP, 0xFF }; memcpy(state.memory, program, sizeof(program)); test_step(&state); assert_memory(&state, 0xFF, 0xFF); assert_flag_z(&state, 0); assert_flag_n(&state, 1); test_cleanup(&state); } ///////////////////// typedef void fp(); fp* tests_lda[] = { test_LDA_IMM, test_LDA_ZP, test_LDA_ZPX, test_LDA_ZPX_wraparound, test_LDA_ABS, test_LDA_ABSX, test_LDA_ABSY, test_LDA_INDX, test_LDA_INDY }; fp* tests_ora[] = { test_ORA_IMM, test_ORA_ZP, test_ORA_ZPX, test_ORA_ABS, test_ORA_ABSX, test_ORA_ABSY, test_ORA_INDX, test_ORA_INDY }; fp* tests_and[] = { test_AND_IMM, test_AND_ZP, test_AND_ZPX, test_AND_ABS, test_AND_ABSX, test_AND_ABSY, test_AND_INDX, test_AND_INDY }; fp* tests_ldx[] = { test_LDX_IMM, test_LDX_ZP, test_LDX_ZPY, test_LDX_ABS, test_LDX_ABSY }; fp* tests_ldy[] = { test_LDY_IMM, test_LDY_ZP, test_LDY_ZPX, test_LDY_ABS, test_LDY_ABSX }; fp* tests_stx[] = { test_STX_ZP, test_STX_ZPY, test_STX_ABS }; fp* tests_sty[] = { test_STY_ZP, test_STY_ZPX, test_STY_ABS }; fp* tests_inx_iny_dex_dey[] = { test_DEX, test_DEX_wraparound, test_DEY, test_DEY_wraparound, test_INX, test_INX_wraparound, test_INY, test_INY_wraparound }; fp* tests_txa_etc[] = { test_TXA, test_TAX, test_TYA, test_TAY }; fp* tests_inc_dec[] = { test_INC_ZP, test_INC_ZP_wraparound, test_INC_ZPX, test_INC_ABS, test_INC_ABSX, test_DEC_ZP, test_DEC_ZP_wraparound }; #define RUN(suite) run_suite(suite, sizeof(suite)/sizeof(fp*)) void run_suite(fp * *suite, int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) suite[i](); } void run_tests() { RUN(tests_lda); RUN(tests_ora); RUN(tests_and); RUN(tests_ldx); RUN(tests_lda); RUN(tests_ldy); RUN(tests_stx); RUN(tests_sty); RUN(tests_inx_iny_dex_dey); RUN(tests_txa_etc); RUN(tests_inc_dec); }